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Best strain for me while I go through Chemotherapy.


New member
Hello everybody,

My name is Jo and I am a 26 year old femaile currently going through Chemotheraphy. The active synthetic durg I am given is decetaxel chemotherapy and it has disaterious side effects. Side effects include hair loss and hand/foot nail deteariation. These are expected and tolerable.

What I cannot go through is all the pain and vomiting. I am always exhausted and in pain (stomach and legs). I have barely eat as I can no longer have an appetite.

Unknowingly to my doctor, I have began smoking marijuana and I cannot believe the effects and relief it provides for me. I am ashamed to say this as I know I am posting in a marijuana forum, but I have always had a negative attitude towards marijuana. I never used it until now and always would talk down to people who did use it. My shame in being a hypocrite now outweighs my pain from chemo.

Now, for my question. My brother is my current marijuana 'dealer' (he buys it, he doesnt sell it). What I have noticed over the last month (newbie) is the different levels of pain relief different marijuana provides. I am blown away by the scientific knowledge you guys/gals have on this amazing plant.

My husband and I have decided we will designate one bedroom in our house to growing this plant and providing myself and others around us in need what they require.

I have been reading the growers area here for the last couple of weeks (while at the hospital behind my Dr's back. Hehe) and aquired a great deal of knowledge. I understand the vegetative cycle and the post vegatative cycle.

In stating this, what dna of marijuana would provide me the best relief? I have no idea as to what types there are or what different types require in so far as growing them.

I am almost certain that I am posting in the wrong section, but I seen the 'seed' area, and this had the most responses. Sorry to whoever area I am in.

Any responses or help would be greatly appreciatted.



I can't offer you much advice, but I will wish you all the best for the future. Be sure to check out the security forum, if you're not growing in a tolerant country, that is. Some essential reading there.

Funky Donkey

Hello everybody,

My name is Jo and I am a 26 year old femaile currently going through Chemotheraphy. The active synthetic durg I am given is decetaxel chemotherapy and it has disaterious side effects. Side effects include hair loss and hand/foot nail deteariation. These are expected and tolerable.

What I cannot go through is all the pain and vomiting. I am always exhausted and in pain (stomach and legs). I have barely eat as I can no longer have an appetite.

Unknowingly to my doctor, I have began smoking marijuana and I cannot believe the effects and relief it provides for me. I am ashamed to say this as I know I am posting in a marijuana forum, but I have always had a negative attitude towards marijuana. I never used it until now and always would talk down to people who did use it. My shame in being a hypocrite now outweighs my pain from chemo.

Now, for my question. My brother is my current marijuana 'dealer' (he buys it, he doesnt sell it). What I have noticed over the last month (newbie) is the different levels of pain relief different marijuana provides. I am blown away by the scientific knowledge you guys/gals have on this amazing plant.

My husband and I have decided we will designate one bedroom in our house to growing this plant and providing myself and others around us in need what they require.

I have been reading the growers area here for the last couple of weeks (while at the hospital behind my Dr's back. Hehe) and aquired a great deal of knowledge. I understand the vegetative cycle and the post vegatative cycle.

In stating this, what dna of marijuana would provide me the best relief? I have no idea as to what types there are or what different types require in so far as growing them.

I am almost certain that I am posting in the wrong section, but I seen the 'seed' area, and this had the most responses. Sorry to whoever area I am in.

Any responses or help would be greatly appreciatted.


You definitely came to the right place. But, before anyone can make a good recommendation, maybe you could provide some information on the type of setup you have. You know, like what kind of lights will you use, and, what kind of grow medium and method will you be using?
What kind of ferts and how long do you expect to veg and flower?

My first inclination would be to recommend Chemo Bud #14 from Super Meds Seed Company (SMSC). I don't know who sells them, but you could probably Google it and find out. Good luck, JoJo!


Get back to where you once belonged.
Unknowingly to my doctor, I have began smoking marijuana and I cannot believe the effects and relief it provides for me. I am ashamed to say this as I know I am posting in a marijuana forum, but I have always had a negative attitude towards marijuana. I never used it until now and always would talk down to people who did use it. My shame in being a hypocrite now outweighs my pain from chemo.
Relax. Since you had no reason to research the plant previously all your information came from government-sponsored sources, and those have a vested interest in keeping marijuana illegal. Thus the demonizing and the propaganda. No need to beat yourself up over buying into it.

Also I would discuss marijuana with your doctor. Rather than just come out with 'I smoke this' approach cautiously, like 'I heard this and this about medical marijuana on the internet what do you think?' It is better for your doctors team to know everything that is in your system but careful that you don't find out the bad way your doctor is militantly against it.
My husband and I have decided we will designate one bedroom in our house to growing this plant and providing myself and others around us in need what they require.
Unless you are in a location that allows growing and distribution of medical marijuana do not do this. Should you be caught you stand a chance of losing more than your medication; for instance assets forefiture laws allow law enforcement to confiscate and auction the house in which you live and grow. It is a noble sentiment but a terrible risk.

That said I would probably take the risk if I knew cancer patients that would benefit, and I live in state that does not recognize medical marijuana at all. I have had cancer deaths in the family and it is terrible. Good luck to you, Jo.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I like "Reclining Buddha" by Soma, sweetheart....it's an indica dominant and it's my favorite of our 11 strains. I need to have a hysterectamy and can't afford it, so I deal with a lot of pain (not on your level dear, of course). I noticed that it helps so much with the nausia I experience (not as much the intense pain) and it really is a calmer. If you don't mind being very, very stoned in the midst of relieving your nausia...it may be a good one for you.

Welcome to the world of cannabis JoJo (my nickname too ;) ...don't be ashamed about your past views of MJ and people who use it, it's what you know now. Our ancesters have used MJ for thousands of years....mankinds "advances" in medicine are all burried in somebody elses pocket and like you know now...they can make you sicker. That's the last thing you need right now.

I live in a newly medical state and I just heard of someone actually having a card in their possession....the battle's not over, so don't think that we in the med states are free of risks. A lot of people think that we're in the clear...that is so wrong, we're not. It's going to be a long, long battle with an unclear outcome.....treat your illness the way you need to, it's your body..your life. Live it.

Peace Jo...
Miss B. :canabis:


New member
Hi everybody,

Thank you so much for all the wll wishes and replies.

A few things.

First, I live in Vancouver BC and as many of you may know the growing laws are quite 'easy going' here. I hear stories of people getting busted for a small grow and not even getting arrested. The police just take the equipment and leave.

Secondly, I have mentioned medical marijuana to my oncologist and got a 'its nice in theory, but we're living in reality' reply from him. He doesnt seem to keen on the idea of using marijuana to relieve pain and stress. His demeanor on the topic leads me to believe he will not provide me with much help.

Lastly, I will be getting one of those digital ballasts. I read a few reports on it and it states that it is quiet and does not generate heat which is good cause we do not have any A/C. lol. I was thinking of getting a 10000 watt light. I dont know what kind of quantity i can get with that, but i am smoking one - two joints a day.

Miss Blunted - Hello. Nice to see a lady on these boards. I was beginning to feel a little over my head here with the all the guys around. lol. I just googled the Reclining Buddha you mentioned and wow, $125 - $250 dollars for the seeds? I thought they would be 10 or 15 dollars. Because of my condition I was forced to stop working and I most definitley cannot afford those seeds and the equipment. My mother had a hysterectamy when i was younger and I remember how much she was affected emotionally and mentally. I hope eveything comes through for you. You should marry a Canadian and get the surgery done for free. lol. It wouldnt be the first ive heard of that happeneing.

I didnt realize seeds would be so costly. I will have to talk to my husband about this. Perhaps we could take a few hundred dollars out on our credit line to get started. I imagine it would be cheaper to grow vs buying in the end.

Thanks everybody!

You are all my prayers tonight.



Active member
Hey Jo,

Have you ever heard about the Vancouver Island Compassion society? Check them out at http://www.thevics.com. They may be able to help you out... You still might have to get something signed by your doctor, but there are definitely more compassionate doctors out there willing to talk openly about your health and pain and other possible treatment options besides heavy chemo and pharmaceuticals.

P.S. I realize that this doesn't address your question, so I would say something that is a heavy indica. Hindu Kush is a good one, and there might be some cuttings available in your area if you go to the right places and explain your conditions.


Lavender, bubba kush, bubble gum, blueberry.. These are all very strong hybrids, I think you would want a strong hybrid (cross between indica / sativa) because you would be getting a variety of cannabinoids.

The amount of pot too aim for off a 1000w lamp would be 1000 grams. It is possible to harvest over 1000 grams off of one 1000w.

keep in mind that a 1000w lamp is very very hot, and will bring the temperature of a room up, and pot likes things kinda cool, like 75 degrees

Likewise a 400w lamp could generate 400 grams of pot in 2-3+ months and won't heat up a room that much

I recommend using a sea of green method in soil...


New member
Wow, you guys are too fast for me! lol.

Quadracer. I have thought of going to the BC COmpassion Club, but as I stated in my last post, my Dr is not keen on the idea of me using marijuana. Also, I am on EI (employment insurance) and I need my oncologist to update my company weeekly of my progress and sign my EI papers. I have a sneaking suspiscion that if I asked my oncologist to sign the compassion club papers I would lose my EI. :(

Sir Nugget, thank you for the info! Mayb e I will get a 400watt ligt. My temp in the house today was 82c. Adding a larger buld would make the temps skyrocket!

Like I said, I will talk things over with my husband. This may be fiscally impossible for us.

Thank you

Love JoJo

Jeff Lebowski

My first suggestion was to move to a country with socialized medicine, but scrolling down solved that issue.

My second suggestion is to perhaps look for a pot doc in BC, I am not sure if they have them, but if so they can help you out. I am not familiar with Canada's mmj program, but I believe there is one in place.

My last suggestion is an indica grown Scrog. You can pull ounces with a few hundred watts of CFL, or do 10,000 like you are saying. In which case, you will need someone to smoke your weed for you because that is a lot of fucking plant matter and I don't just mean the bud.
Quadracer recommended a heavy indica and that was my first thought also. But I don't really know much about different strains' effectiveness against pain and nausea so I kept quiet.

But it reminded me of my pick for first grow, strain supposedly being easy for beginning growers in addition to being quick to mature and inexpensive. Mandala Seeds' 'Speed Queen' pack of 10 seeds for $35 Canadian.


Perhaps order multiple strains, this along with a sativa/indica blend and grow concurrently to gauge the effects yourself?

As for financial issues it may be possible to grow quite cheaply. Please check Micro Grows subforum for suggestions.
Perhaps convert a wardrobe or dresser to a grow cabinet? Air circulation could be provided by a cheap desk fan taped into place or a computer fan running on short-circuited computer power supply. Lighting does not have to be expensive HID lamp; although I understand those are good for best yields people here have gotten good results with compact fluorescent bulbs of low wattage available at any department or hardware store for five dollars per bulb. I plan on using eight such in my grow cabinet.


Don't let being fiscally challenged stop you from growing your own! There are many good threads / people here who can help you with starting and maintaining a low to zero budget grow operation.

Soil pots can be fashioned out of old plastic bottles and containers, picked out of trashcans or recycling bins. http://www.htgsupply.com you can have a very nice 400w HPS shipped for about 140$ (which is the best deal I have seen) A cheap alternative lighting source are compact florescents (CFL's) The "warm white" ones should be used for flower, the "daylight" ones are for veg, but you'll need a few to supply yourself with an adequate stash. The 42w CFL's r pretty efficient

The next thing would be a timer for the light (around 10$), and finally your seed or clone. If you know anyone who smokes, maybe they might have a seed from a sack... if not, you can get a good pack of seeds from seedboutique.. There are many 10-packs of seeds that are under or around 20$... Of the 20$ Nirvana strains I would recomend master kush, blue mystic, aurora indica, hindu kush, any northern lights cross, white widow/rhino, afghan and skunk. Most of those are sweet, strong and fruity. Also greenhouse seed co.'s The Doctor is at 15$ if they're are any left.

There is a site that will sell you one seed at a time for 5$.. the site is http://http://www.worldwide-marijuana-seeds.com/

srry for spillin it all out


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Hi jojo
I wish you the best of luck!!!!!! You have come to one of the best places for info.
Don't know a good strain for you ,,,Sorry,,,But the kind folk here will help you i KNOW.
With your openness to the possibility that MMJ will help you is a great mindset to have.
And will be a good factor in you beating this!!!!!

Sending good karma and love to you and your's


Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I was lucky enough to have our Buddha given to us through another grower. I know it's frustrating once you start looking at bean prices. We stayed with the strains we have (some are completely useless to me, not to sound like a complete pot snob), but finally invested a few hundred dollars to try and find better. We were in the same boat...I lost my job last year and we struggled hard, we still do.

Whatever you choose...just look for an indica dominant strain.
Seedbay and Seedbotique are good places to look for beanies....but there are other trust worthy places out there...when you stumble upon questions, you know where to ask.

I know it's overwhelming with all the information here....just ask, read and you'll find the best way to do your thing...at least you know a woman on here now who can very much relate to you.

...and the going into early menopause because my ovaries don't work and my guts are all twisted, it's really painful....and you're so right on with the depression and everything else. I'm starting to encounter chronic fatigue and a decline in general health over it...really bad in the last 2 years. MJ is a medication for me in a lot of ways.


ladies my heart goes out to you all u see my wife has been fighting for her life for close to five years now she the highest level which i believe is a 5 she has had 3 surgureries please ohh please all of you do monthly breast exams because early detection is the best and for you guy please step to the plate for the one you loveand get involved with all aspect in there fight against this horrible desease...... and my wife likes any thing that likes is foggin her brain before and after chemo she hits the deep chunk so she can sleep my hat is off to all the fine gals that are currently fighting the fight and you men out there batter up what are you going to do to help your wife this is the most important trip to the plate she is makin so choke up for because she need you........... sorry for the rant but i feel like the guys need to step up


Active member
I suggest Super Silver Haze and La Nina. Though I have never gone through chemo, I have bad health and these strains put me in such a positive place. Being in good spirits is good medicine in its self.

Best wishes!


New member
Hi everybody,

So I talked to my husband and we've decided that spending 500 dollars is all we can afford.

I made a impulse buy and got a 400 watt Hps digital ballast made by lumateck and a 430 bulb (store owner told me it was much better than a 400???) for 180 including tax.

So we gave around 320 dollars left to spend.

What should I get next


Active member
seeds, dirt or hydro, pots etc.....think as if you are starting a garden.

Go to seedboutique and get some seeds. I would suggest Mandala's Sadhu. Cheap but great genetics - great plants!!


Then go to the grow section on this site and read read and read.


but order the seeds soon. it takes a couple of weeks to get them.

h^2 O

yeah indicas are great. "chemo" is obviously a good choice. Though I had some chemo x grizzly a few years back that smelled like meat.