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R U Interested in working in Alaska Fishing or Crabbing?


Oh God. Even though I am an extremely good swimmer (swam around 10 years competitively) I know I would drown if I tried it. I will stick to trying to be a chem e thanks ;).


Active member
i did a lil search on google. onshore, you can be guting fish to taking ice off a boat. i guess they can assign you to anything. the pay sounds like it starts at like 8 bucks and overtime

yeah mostly that....when i did it i ran a machine called a header...it was a hydraulic machine that chopped the heads off fish......easy easy shit.

...my GF worked on the "freezer crew"...she was a scaler....(fish come down the line already frozen and they gotta make the boxes weigh a certain weight +/- like a pound).

we only worked at that plant for 2 months and camped and banked about 20g's between us.

roor smoker

tickets from dc to anchorage are 5 bills which don't sound bad considering what my objective is. i should surely copp a hotel for my landing?


Active member
tickets from dc to anchorage are 5 bills which don't sound bad considering what my objective is. i should surely copp a hotel for my landing?

sounds about right...u can save a hundred bucks or so if u can find a flight that changes in minnesota instead of seattle....i think i had to go thru sun country airlines to find it tho.


Active member
If you go to Homer the halibut capital of the world there is a mini city on the beach for all the deck hands who go out on the charters and then there are people who filit your catch and pack it for you if you wish. That is my most favorite place in AK. The ocean and mountains everywhere. Just beautiful. One of those happy places Bob Ross would call it. Live on the beach all summer hang out at the pubs all summer night! Or you can go to Mt.Denali and work there they hire a bunch of people for the summer. Stay off the processors that go out in the ocean!! If you go out be a crab deck hand and really see what kinda balls you got!! Good luck........

yeah homer is the shit


I was 18 when I went up to work on the oil line

I was 18 when I went up to work on the oil line

20 years old!! Hell boy get your butt up there and have some fun work a lot and meet some great people. There are some nice food joints to work at too. Just go now before someone gets your job. Get some expensive Helly-Hanson raingear and knee high water boots. It rains almost everyday on the coast. Don't buy that cheap crap. Mosquito's!!!! Get Ben's or something with a deet level of 50%. They will get you!


Let me know if I can help

Let me know if I can help

I know a lot about the place and have lots of contacts.

roor smoker

how does that thing you paid for work? flying down there and just looking for a job i dunno, sounds like i won't get one. i dunno just want more details


Active member
how does that thing you paid for work? flying down there and just looking for a job i dunno, sounds like i won't get one. i dunno just want more details

all it does is give me contact details that i could find on my own, but i dont have time to do it on my own.

ill send some contacts to your profile tomorrow since u cant get pm's yet.

it's easy to get a pre-arranged job if it makes u feel better...but it's not necessary.


Active member
what should i take, need, have?......

not much...most of the processors provide everything xcept boots, but dont lug them from the lower 48...just pick up rubber boots there.

dont get steel toes unless u like cold toes.

other than that i'd have a nice sleeping bag, and some warm clothes ..tho the summer isnt very cold....maybe an ipod, or your laptop, seriously not much..... a few days of clothes and a cool attitude.

h^2 O

i would find a boat wit ha skipper who has no family or wife, and then on our way back to port with the haul of fish just kill everyone and grind them um like chum and dump it overboard. Then when I get there say there was a horrible storm and we got wrecked and all kinds of shit. Then sell the haul, keep that $, and then get to keep the boat. and start all over again, but as captain. Only hire drifters with no family and get them to work their asses off, and on the way back in with the haul just put a bullet in the back of their heads and then grind them up and pour them overboard. No payroll or insurance, etc. Work for free.

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