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what to cover basement floor


what do you guys reccommend to cover a basement floor with so one could put down thier 7gal containers? I have heard many diffrent things, this is for cement floors.


stone fool
The nice thing about cement floors is that you do not have to cover the floor, or it was for me. Pond liners works well most places.


I dont see the need on a cement floor.

If it wont see much action, like just sitting under pots, then maybe a tarp. If you will be moving the pots or walking on it, pond liner.

You could also just go around the edges of any walls and glue it down, so if you do get leaks, the water wont leave the area.


In search of Genetics
You can use Milk crates and some ply wood to make a floor.
Or cylinder blocks and a skid.


Lammen Gorthaur
If you take the time to build in a false floor to feed a central open site drain, you'll thank yourself the first time you have a major leak. I slightly canted the plywood deck, then sealed the edges with silicone caulk, then did 3 coats of KILZ. Man it has saved my bacon three times over the past 7 years.

The cost was some 1x2 and 2x4 framing pieces of lumber plus the plywood. Took me all of an afternoon to get things perfect. Well worth it.
They sell insulating styrofoam sheets about 2'x3' and about 1.5" thick at home improvment stores. Lay those down first then cover with black & white poly, black side down. If you wanted you could spray some disenfectant first, let it dry, then lay everything. This helps avoid mold/bacteria growth.


stone fool
Take a shovel, go outside dig a few inches down, insert your hand, and cover it up. Now....... is it hot or cold?


Cover your floor with blood. I am not lying, its nice and warm and your plants will love it. Especially if it is from someone you hate. For evidence of this all you need to do is watch Little Shop of Horrors, this documentary will confirm my conclusion.


Sorry for the Trolling but it seemed too good to pass up. I would say use any material that does not promote insect infestation to put on the floor before you put the pond liner down on top of it.