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like many people today i suffer from fatigue, lowered ambition, decreased libido, and i generally find it hard to get motivated. i am a chronic pothead of over 20 yrs standing and i'm starting to get worried about reports i have heard about cannabis and low testosterone. i always thought i was just a gentle hippy with priorities that aren't material, but i am starting to think there might be something 'wrong' with me - something caused by cannabis use!

anyone got any ideas about whether dope causes lowered testosterone, and how to combat it? there are contradictory reports around on this but i'd like to hear your opinions.

i want to live a life of achievement and vigorous good health and worry that my cannabis use is counteracting these. what do you think?
Try some Co Enzyme Q10. - make sure you get the ones that have soya oil with it , i.e the capsules. Research says these get absorbed much more efficiently compared to the dry pills.

It's needed by the body for cell energy generation but concentrations get lower as you get older.

It is the only thing that has worked for me and I've tried loads of herbs, ginseng, vitamins, fish oils etc

e2a Ginseng extract did help but made me feel a bit amped.

Storm Crow

Active member
I've been posting this study.......

I've been posting this study.......

For a few years, now.

Effects of chronic marijuana use on testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, prolactin and cortisol in men and women.

I think that covers the hormone question.

Much more likely is that you eat an average American diet and are mildly malnourished. (And no, taking a vitamin pill doesn't make it "all better"- you need real food.) Our diet supplies way more than enough calories, but is deficient in many vitamins and minerals. Dump the junk food, learn about nutrition and start eating better- you'll feel better. :2cents:

And speaking of nutrition-


Granny :joint:

danny karey

I know testosterone levels will dive if using opiates.......The methadon clinic here in my town gives testosterone shots once a month or 2 with the methadone. They test your testosterone levels once a month. I, unfortunately have intimit experience with the loss of testosterone do to opiates and methadone, it's been a couple of years since Ive been on any, but it was quit odd having no sex drive, you could fuck for hours and not orgasm, the girlfriend liked it at first, but after an hour and a half of sex, she started geting sore. It also effect my drive to do other things, such as sports, and my work suffered a bit as well, didn't feel like I had alot of energy..............

Im not sure how the effect of marijuana has on testosterone, but Ive never noticed any difference, not like the Opiates any way.

Just my experience.



Active member
danny - i think the fucking for hours is from the numbing of the senses do to the opiates and not the actual lower test. if it was lower test you wouldnt be able to get it up. We used to joke about the "3 Vs" - Vicodin, Viagra and a bottle of Vino.... turned you into a god with the ladies.

doodah, how old are you man? Age has a lot to do with it. so does sleep. Sounds crazy but its true

Try this...and although it sounds a little crazy it works...masturbate once a day for a week. Force yourself - watch porn whatever gets you off. Your natural test production will go up. its the use it or lose it type of thing. i think most people get tired lazy and sleepy from smoking and then dont really want to fuck. Then they pass on sex for a couple of days and the body starts to say "well, we dont need to make more or as much so dont" and the natural production slows.

Sleep, eat well, and beat it and you should be ok.

If you want to the doctor they would probably put you on Clomid first. Even though that doenst increase test it forces the balls to work in overtime and keeps things moving. it's what allows the roid guys to stay big after a cycle - it turns the balls back on. Women use it to be more fert.


Active member
workout HARD AND HEAVY, eat a healthy diet, be active, take natural testosterone boosters and libido increasers like Gaspari's NovedexXT or any male enhancement type pill. Your test levels are lower than 20 years ago yes, but you can get them back up again.

Do some research, google how to raise test levels, you'll figure it out ma man!!!

best of luck, i took zoloft and it KILLED my libido and im pretty young, so i do know what youre going through. Getting your test up will make you feel like a man again, hit the gym yeah buddy!!!!:dance:


Yea word on the opiates.... Fuck, with all the problems those fuckers caused me pot is like... fuckin aye, perfect. Zero problems over here :rasta:
Probably more due to depression stemming from how you view the cannabis affecting your life PLUS what was said about nutrition and sufficient sleep.

Also, I've been told that all the classic "perma stoner" effects from smoking big buddha don't really set in until you stop smoking. As long as you continue to smoke it up you can function as usual. When you quit, that's when you get the serious case of clumsiness, forgetfulness, mind numbing effects from all those years of functioning with different chems in your brain. You got to relearn basic function w/o the chems you have grown so used to.

Kinda like how you can die if you have been a serious alcoholic for a stretch of time and quit drinking alcohol cold turkey.


Active member
go see your DR and ask him about Transdermal Testosterone....bro..that shit...is amazing..go get ur test levels tested...if they're low..then u qualify for HRT....no needles...no pills.....just some cream...and lemme say....there's no better feeling then supplying ur body with some test...makes u feel AMAZING

Shan Diego

like many people today i suffer from fatigue, lowered ambition, decreased libido, and i generally find it hard to get motivated. i am a chronic pothead of over 20 yrs standing and i'm starting to get worried about reports i have heard about cannabis and low testosterone. i always thought i was just a gentle hippy with priorities that aren't material, but i am starting to think there might be something 'wrong' with me - something caused by cannabis use!

anyone got any ideas about whether dope causes lowered testosterone, and how to combat it? there are contradictory reports around on this but i'd like to hear your opinions.

i want to live a life of achievement and vigorous good health and worry that my cannabis use is counteracting these. what do you think?

Go to your doctor and inquire about testosterone replacement therapy. It is safe and effective, and I believe you could benefit in the areas you desire to improve your life. I think that male hormone replacement therapy is destined to be commonplace in a decade. They have been doing it for the ladies for decades...combine that and proper physical activity, and you'll have a fresh lease on life.


thank you so much people for your answers. there is some great food for thought here. i'm gonna hit the weights and the punchbag and change my diet, have a week or two off the dope to see how i feel, and take ginseng, co-enzyme q10 and garlic pills (i've already got these). if i'm still run down (it's been a couple of yrs now) in a month i'm gonna go to the docs. btw i'm 38 and although i know 'virility' etc declines with age i think i'm too young to be feeling so beat. and it's not really about the libido so much as about general vitality. anyway, many thanks again, i wasn't expecting so many helpful answers. k+ to you all.


. btw i'm 38 and although i know 'virility' etc declines with age

Probally the the #1 reason for it all. Coming up on 40 myself and damnit, getting older sucks.

Also, I've been told that all the classic "perma stoner" effects from smoking big buddha don't really set in until you stop smoking.

Note to self- dont stop smoking.

Kinda like how you can die if you have been a serious alcoholic for a stretch of time and quit drinking alcohol cold turkey.

Holy crap, another note to self- drink a beer, stat. My life may be in danger.

Try this...and although it sounds a little crazy it works...masturbate once a day for a week. Force yourself

People need to force themself?

With all non-seriousness, your getting older. The body slows down, you get more aches and pains, you have to force yourself to get out and be active where before you couldnt sit still.


I'm pushing 57 and hurt like hell every morning...broke 45 bones growing up and each one barks in the morning...I work out 3x weekly and walk 2 miles every other night...getting old aint easy but the options suck...you gotta push yourself to do what needs to be done or you stop...stopping brings old age and death...I'm compelled to be overactive by my very nature...God help me when I try to slow down...