What's new

Things becoming obsolete due to techno!


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Books (going soon)

Hand Writing

Investigative Reporting

News Shows (now they're just spin/opinions)

Real conversations

Pretty soon ppl will only be able to talk NetSpeak

Picture Tubes

Film Photography (gone already - heavy polluter!)

Gas Guzzlers (we can hope, can't we...)

The US Postal Service...?


Active member
Those are very good ones.
The New York Times and Boston Globe are going down ...
locally a lot of newspaper staff and news anchors are losing their jobs.
Next Barnes & Noble OHHHHHH NOOOOO......I think I heard Borders is closing down. I don't know about them ibooks yet. I like a book in the hand on the beach in the sand still.

I am a crappy handwriter and crappier typist...but you are right.

Investigative reporting????? hmmmmmmm

Postal Service.....no paper to deliver.....Estonia is already paperless.

Phone books will be obsolete.

The whole world will be buying FIAT soon.
one way to find out

im gonna ask my g/f to buy me one. maybe she will take a hint.
hope she gets me the one that looks like a butthole:moon:


Active member
We need to rethink the idea of what work should be. There is no reason anyone should be unemployed if they are able and willing to work especially in the states!

The internet has opened up new doors all around...what will be the next big internet move?


Active member

I totally agree. This past christmas, I gave a holiday card to a coworker. Inside I wrote a little hand written message. It was in script, some of you call it cursive. It could have been chinese to her. She thaught it looked cool, but she couldn't read half of it. She is 22 I think.

I guess it's natural.
Because I grew up with spell check, my spilling muste b wurst than jenerations past.

For my generation calculators were the norm, so my math skills must be worst than other generations.

now with this young generation they have google.
Who knows where that will lead.


Cookie monster

Letters are pretty much dead..whens the last time any one us got a hand written letter from a loved one/friend.