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This Coffee SUCKS.


no wuckin furries!
years ago where i was working i was introduced to good coffee...then a plunger...took me years to get my own plunger and do it again...man!!!....bought this coffee and does it taste like ass?...yes!!!...i love strong coffee but this is hmmm strong but yucky...dehydrates ya real bad and the taste wont leave my mouth.....no one liked it!...stopped me from buying something else to try..

may have to throw it out (may do that in a minute...keep seeing it in it container....this thread will make me throw it away) and try again....i drink instant these days but wouldnt mind a nice cup now and then to get me going.HH. =]-~


Active member
years ago where i was working i was introduced to good coffee...then a plunger...took me years to get my own plunger and do it again...man!!!....bought this coffee and does it taste like ass?...yes!!!...i love strong coffee but this is hmmm strong but yucky...dehydrates ya real bad and the taste wont leave my mouth.....no one liked it!...stopped me from buying something else to try..may have to throw it out (may do that in a minute...keep seeing it in it container....this thread will make me throw it away) and try again....i drink instant these days but wouldnt mind a nice cup now and then to get me going.HH. =]-~

You know, I much prefer some Nescafe instant to Folgers.


Cannabrex Formulator
I know of a guy that buys raw beans and roasts them himself in a popcorn popper. Can you believe that shit? Hahahaha.... He says he wants the roast 'just right'. He's pretty particular, I guess.

~Abbie :joint:

Does he live in Berlin by chance?


no wuckin furries!
You know, I much prefer some Nescafe instant to Folgers.

yea im so used to instant these days....i do enjoy it i must say..been drinking nescafe a bit again these days but normaly drink internatioal roast (think may just be aussie brand) its nearly the cheapest stuff ya can buy but does the job..i drink about 20 cups a day....cant do that with the real stuff...am so wired after 8 and my hearts pumping like mad lol....

after writing my 1st post the coffee i didnt like ended up as mulch under a tree...best place for it i think ....ppl next door are gona think from the smell im growing the stuff lol.HH. =]-~


i get 100% kona. the price is steep but its silky smooth and medium body, theres nothing that compares to it for me.


Once you get an electric coffee grinder and try organic coffee you dont wanna go back to any kind of lyophilized coffee wether its Nescafe or any other brand...:yeahthats


im looking into getting some good kona coffee. anyone know how much to pay for a 1lb bag or so?


i bring water to a boil on the stove throw in some 100% columbian beans then strain into my cup strait black coffee usually get my local store brand whole bean columbian works for me

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Maybe i will try and grow some coffee. I wonder if i could get it done. Bet the plant is picky as hell. It would be my secret cash crop. lol Could you imagine setting up the lights and vents and all the good stuff. Have a nice coffee garden going inside because you couldn't grow um outside. And then have the Cops bust in looking to send you to jail and smoke your stuff only to find out its black market coffee. You would be all wired from the caffeine. "Don't shoot me bro its all natural. Its like a gift from god man." They would put it on the news.

Tonight at 6
Local man gets busted for growing coffee only blocks away from a school. That sick bastard. I hope they fry his ass. I bet he was peddling his black crack to them school children. Whats the world coming to?


Ya know! Hahaha...turning coffee into crack!


yea im so used to instant these days....i do enjoy it i must say..been drinking nescafe a bit again these days but normaly drink internatioal roast (think may just be aussie brand) its nearly the cheapest stuff ya can buy but does the job..i drink about 20 cups a day....cant do that with the real stuff...am so wired after 8 and my hearts pumping like mad lol....

Nescafe user here as well man:yes:, jesus you like your coffee better than me with 20 cups lol:joint:, i used to be on around 7 a day, cut back to 5 a day, 3 sugars and milk:joint:,
if your like me maybe once in every 30 days or so you'll make that perfect cup - ya know - the perfect amount of coffee in the cup, perfect amount of sugar, but then comes the milk - the critical part, it's make or break with the milk, as soon as you taste you can tell if you've struck gold or not lol:yes:
just talked myself into making a cup, i'm off to the kettle:joint:

Maybe i will try and grow some coffee. I wonder if i could get it done. Bet the plant is picky as hell. It would be my secret cash crop. lol Could you imagine setting up the lights and vents and all the good stuff. Have a nice coffee garden going inside because you couldn't grow um outside. And then have the Cops bust in looking to send you to jail and smoke your stuff only to find out its black market coffee. You would be all wired from the caffeine. "Don't shoot me bro its all natural. Its like a gift from god man." They would put it on the news.

Tonight at 6
Local man gets busted for growing coffee only blocks away from a school. That sick bastard. I hope they fry his ass. I bet he was peddling his black crack to them school children. Whats the world coming to?


you will NOT get any coffee at all man. I've picked coffee and actually want to buy a large coffee plantation when i'm older, and let me tell you, that plant is a cruel bitch. Takes YEARS to give fruit, and even then, it starts off with VERY few berries. Then there's the fact that you gotta decide whether you want ease of cultivation/harvest or quality, as the better coffee grows in the shade of other trees, but this makes it incredibly difficult to maintain perfect rows of bushes.

That said... Anybody try jamaican Blue Mountain coffee? Or Puerto Rican coffee... I remember when i vacationed in Puerto Rico I would actually drink the coffee black, something i'd never do with my usual roasts. Haven't been able to get it in the states though...
Ive tried some puerto rican cofee only problem was that it was in Puerto Rico so too hard to get where I am from. But hey freshly grinded organic coffee is bound to be good (and fresh tasting :) )


New member
Coffee is what keeps us all working down here in PR. If we didn't have our coffee we wouldn't get out the bed at all haha.

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