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The Legend Of Daniel Murphy..


Dan Murphy - head down nose on the ball, level swing, going to be a GREAT 2/3/8 hitter. My God is it an adventure in left.

At least left field in Citi is not RIGHT(!) field. 415 to the alley, and they got rid of Endy. I AM lovin JJ in the 8th, though.


Dads, tell your kids to watch Dan's AB's. Cover their eyes when Sheff swings. Mute the TV when Joe Buck is on.


The Hopeful Protagonist




Igro, sounds like you are chokin on Jroll's dick over there... :wink:

Remember '08. Treasure it. Get the commemorative DVD box set. (actually that's prolly worth it if Harry is all over it) Crazy legs Reyes, Gold Glove Dave, and Yo-Han will end up with 3+ before they get split up. Watchem.

Actually, coming up the Phillies were my second team. I loved going to the Vet, cause you could just keep walking around and around :D

But I came up with Darryl, Doc, Keith, Carter... The Met's are the only sports team that I actually root for. and I would still rather see them lose a competitive game than win a blowout. Unless somebody throws like a 5 hit 1 run gem...


The Hopeful Protagonist

I hear ya man....already have the box-set DVD narrated by Lidge and Harry.

1980 was a looooong time to wait brother....you know I'll cherish it.

I actually felt kind of bad for Willie....he was the fall-guy for those under-acheiving teams, but we know how it goes in baseball.

At least we didn't have to wait 100 years like those stinkin' sox fans....bring back the Bambino curse.:moon:

I'm with ya' on the competitive games, I have access to some awesome season tickets (Hall of Fame Club) and use them as often as I can.

Ahh...The Vet....Rat-infested, drunkard gathering of a good time man.....:joint:

It was a sweet year


Yo, it's funny the Mets and Phillies fans are usually cool with each other. They both start just about every season for the last 30 years picked to do damage, and most of the time the teams bumble their ways to spectacular failure. :D

Last 2yrs, it just happened at the hands of YOUR team, lol. And fukkin FLORIDA?!?!?! WTF? LOL.

Yo FUKK the Braves!!! :D Glad THAT's over with...
"Ok, strike's over let's put Atlanta there in the east..." ugh.

I was happy to see Willie at the oldtimer's game, and I was happy to see the Phillies win (AFTER it was clear the Mets were going nowhere, lol)

Starting a franchise, TODAY. Who ya got, the Phillies right side, or the Mets left side? I hope that's the same paradox in 10 years :D


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hey B....looking forward to a couple of good games man.....

Best of luck this go round bro :wink:

I gotta get up there to the new stadium....I here the train drops you right there.


Sorry, iGro, did you say something? The tv is on, and so are the playoffs... :D I'm way more stan than fan until the allstar game. I will be GLUED to the Mets during the dog days. Provided they are within 10 games...

I know Johan is CRUSHING, but I think the Metsies are ~500, and the Phillies a few games up? Phills leading the division? Lol. I know that LeBron looks like he's playin with the 8th graders. And Ortiz doesn't have a dinger. :D

The curse...

That shit is for real. Baseball is magical.