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2012 - end of the world

2012 - end of the world

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Nostradamus says otherwise and thats good enough for me. I think the word of a 15th century French mystic is far more believable than a bunch of savages...



From what i've researched, it's more supposed to be the heralding of an age of enlightenment, not the end of the world. Although I suppose those could be the same thing depending on your context.....

The world has been ending for how long now ? lol. I'm not too concerned. Seems to me they probably just got sick of running the calculations or ran out of paper... they had to stop sometime, right ?


don't know but heard plenty bout plenty of the crazy shit by now... i'm loving the insights and opinions especially the anthropology talk, as well the virus and gene swapping which sure is something special IMO, whether or not space odyssey 2001 is true we may have to see in the future(heaven)

whats been touched on with our global instability, some might call imbalance in the force ... as well as what might be a physical occurence, my own opinion being the passing of the galactic plane which I believe is part of the Mayan lore ... but what more harm then anything, when but a simple landslide or volcano could cripple human(see: material consumerism) activities in these "turbulent" times..(turbulent as in corrupt "government" cartels has the power to create war between all nations .... when will the people take back the power?...)

I'm saying , a shotgun to the face isn't just as neccessary if a trip on a banana peel will do the trick. It seems inevitable soon catastrophe will strike... will it be that specific day ... maybe the paranoia that is global will cause religious strife...maybe just a fight over some future day will be enough to cause strife.. maybe if it passes just like another y2k scare, just with a lot more homegrown and plenty of shroomies, and all is well, everyone is fine... then maybe we have grown up, and the world will be rebirthed..

If aliens do exist, its at least that much more percentage this fuckhole has a chance to get itself out of this imaginary foxhole.

Maybe Man can just grow up, mm...

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Let's not forget...let's NOT forget... That uhhhh keeping a uhhhh amphibious rodent uhhhh within the city limits uhhhhh, that ain't legal either.


Domesticator of Cannabis
From the Fertile Crescent the domestication of agriculture & farming moved East & West. It moved very slowly & we're talking thousands of years in most cases North & South. America & Africa have N/S axis where Eurasia has E/W allowing for massive crop distribution along the same latitudes. Egypt, Rome all used crops from the FC.


The domesticated animals were also used for fertilizer & beasts of burden. Although you can tame an elephant
no ones ever domesticated them. Imagine farming a gazelle
they jump 30' in the air & scatter in herds at the slightest threat, not a very good choice for a farm animal as an example. Emperors had stables of 100+ tame cheetahs for hunting
but they were not domesticated. Trading would follow the same lines since they would have closer contact with the peoples of the same latitudes. This is how guns, germs & steel eventually developed while other continents remained undeveloped.

The Fertile Crescent

Any other large mammals that may have possibly been domesticated were killed by man after the last ice age. When man showed up in those continents that remained without domesticated beasts of burden all the large mammals disappeared. Australia/New Guinea today has no equally large mammals, in fact no mammal larger than 100-pound kangaroos. But Australia/New Guinea formerly had its own selection of big mammals, including giant kangaroos, rhino like marsupials called diprotodonts and reaching the size of a cow, and a marsupial "leopard." It also formerly had a 400-pound ostrich like flightless bird, plus some impressively big reptiles, including a one-ton lizard, a giant python, and land-dwelling crocodiles. If man didn't kill them off & let me give you some history, when an animal isn't afraid of man having never seen them before & never having a chance to evolve any fear of man who was already a competent hunter before arriving, they can be killed off with minimal effort. Why after surviving all the other catastrophes do they die off at this time?

So back to my theory of the mesoamericans receiving their advanced knowledge from the east. If minions travelled across the Atlantic to Central America along the same latitude which now makes even more reason for civilization to start there why no FC crops, yet pyramids, hieroglyphics etc? I would think they would bring a handful of seeds spreading their agricultural knowledge. This is how civilizations are built upon as was the mesoamerician civilization.

I'm thinking they weren't suitable for growing in the area even along the same latitude but different continent. Leaving at the furthest westerly point of Africa may put them a little further south although Dakar is borderline Sub-Saharan territory. Central America's size is very small east west but from there the trinity came about, corn squash & beans also turkey they're established by 3000bc. Maybe the minions were responsible for getting these growing & genetically enhanced corn from teosinte?

I found it interesting the east west expansion of domestication over the north south axis continents. The Mississippi culture the most populated & advanced in North America took off after the trinity was completed with a corn that could handle the shorter seasons that was established around 900ad finally arriving north after crossing the desert. Most of the peoples died off before the Europeans made their first settlements on the Mississippi ( Mother Isis Water) due to Germs

Mississippians a mound building culture.


These two guys will blow your pluckin minds.. I'm sure this is will be too much for some to comprehend. Some will be closed minded, it's easier to be blind in the dark. Someone turns the light on for you, don't get upset because it hurts your eyes.

Erich von Daniken- Chariots of the Gods

J Timothy Unruh-http://www.ldolphin.org/unruh/alien/aliens.html


Domesticator of Cannabis
These two guys will blow your pluckin minds.. I'm sure this is will be too much for some to comprehend. Some will be closed minded, it's easier to be blind in the dark. Someone turns the light on for you, don't get upset because it hurts your eyes.

Erich von Daniken- Chariots of the Gods

J Timothy Unruh-http://www.ldolphin.org/unruh/alien/aliens.html

I only read the first few paragraphs I'll get beck to it, interesting enough the Isis site has that Genesis 6 chapter quoted.

"And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and when daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." Genesis. 6: 1-4.
El was the "God" whose sons saw that the daughters of men were fair."

Following the meltdown of the ice Age (11-12 thousand years ago) our ancestors began turning to agriculture to supplement or replace their hunting and gathering economies. The early agrarian civilizations of the Mediterranean region all traced their ancestry back to the ancient father god El by some path or other – although not all of them used that name. Assur was an Egyptian version of the god El. Isis resurrected El from the dead. El wasn't Assur until Isis resurrected him. The resurrection of Assur was a religious renaissance; it was the restoration of a peaceful union of related kingdoms that had fallen into disarray, strife and war. The resurrection of Isis is a renaissance. It is the restoration of an ancient peaceful union of mankind that has fallen into disarray, strife and war.

Isis was a great powerful enlightened being like Buddha, Moses, or Jesus. A great 'World Culture' civilization was built upon her works, her teachings, and her womb. She was the ancestral mother of Pagans over the whole world. There was an ancient 'World Family' of Pagan kingdoms that traced their royal genealogy to Isis and the resurrection of Assur. In Egyptian art, Isis is pictured with a throne upon her head. She was the mother of the throne. The throne of Egypt passed down the female line of inheritance. Daughters of Isis married into the ruling families of the Pagan kingdoms all over the world. Via those Isis queens, Mother Goddess cultures spread from the Eastern Mediterranean over most of Africa, to Central America, Japan, Korea, China, and India as well as Russia, England, Wales, Ireland – and all of Europe. That was the Genesis of Isis.


If Sylvia Browne predicts it, the chances are it's completely wrong. I will be outside the front of my house on December 21st, smoking a joint, enjoying the fact that I never listened to those nonsense talking paranoid nutjobs that have got it wrong so many times before.

h^2 O

the dalai lamma was here this week and i came across something from a while back about an investigation he commissioned on the whole UFO thing...lot of professors etc. I guess his holiness thinks that if humans realize there are aliens then it would be an awakening for the western world. If we can handle aliens then we can handle enlightenment and the other realm.


Domesticator of Cannabis
How's this for some ethnic diversity & there's plenty more. We see some of the groups we have today & some different ones. After 90% of the population died from Germs etc during the 15th Century they now have blended characteristics with their colonizers.


Build it and they'll come.....I have no doubt Africans who seem to be one of the first if we're to believe those huge heads of the Olmec were the first advanced Kings or the privileged of advanced knowledge along with Asians, Europeans & peoples of the British Isles which seem to be a greater influence a little later on bringing other knowledge advancing a great civilization even further. All these people were there before the Spanish came in the 15th century & history books tell you.

There's plenty of reasons beyond my findings here. Which are by accident, man being much smarter than modern man cares to give them credit for (heathens), they had common sense the world was not flat, the Bering Strait land & or ice bridge could be used by all men with legs not just Mongolians that don't look like the Majority of Olmec heads. TBC


New member
That was some breeding program, there was drastic changes in the reproductive biology involved in the evolution of corn from teosinte. Man did know how to use selective breeding, twice wise.

The knowledge of selective seed selection was fairly widespread in mesoamerica as different regions developed different maize.

I found it interesting the east west expansion of domestication over the north south axis continents. The Mississippi culture the most populated & advanced in North America took off after the trinity was completed with a corn that could handle the shorter seasons that was established around 900ad finally arriving north after crossing the desert. Most of the peoples died off before the Europeans made their first settlements on the Mississippi ( Mother Isis Water) due to Germs

Mississippians a mound building culture.

Although Mississippians were indeed a mound culture, I believe that picture is a bit misrepresentitive, as mounds were only dwelled on top of by figures of power in society (to express power from quite literally being physically higher). The mass majority of the population (the ones probably responsiblie for the transformation of teosinte to maize) did not live on the mounds.


Hmm that one statue got me a little exited.Gotta go check her out again..


Domesticator of Cannabis
The knowledge of selective seed selection was fairly widespread in mesoamerica as different regions developed different maize.

Although Mississippians were indeed a mound culture, I believe that picture is a bit misrepresentitive, as mounds were only dwelled on top of by figures of power in society (to express power from quite literally being physically higher). The mass majority of the population (the ones probably responsiblie for the transformation of teosinte to maize) did not live on the mounds.

The maize story is an amazing mystery. The artists conception of what a mound village would look like could be a little far fetched or underestimated. Most villages started around a major mound & grew from there. They used to build structures on many of them. Some to store bodies when ready they would burn them down than the people with buckets of dirt covered the structure making a larger mound than they would rebuild & start again. Others were for leaders to dwell upon, temple bases & other uses.

Unfortunately the 15-17th explorers were quite short sighted themselves & didn't think the native Americans were responsible for building these mounds. Sadly most of the Mississippians died off from disease before even seeing the explorers as the natives who had meet them on the east coast carried it back to their own peoples. Killing 90% of the population making for an easy advancement deeper into America. The BS history we were taught you can throw out the window. A world wide culture of wisdom was wiped out.

Excellent mound info etc.

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