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**Experienced Floranova Users**


Active member
I'm trying out Floranova for the first time. I've got quite a few seedlings that are about 11 days old and are in 4"x4" rockwool cubes. They are being hand watered until they are put into pots and then into the 4'x8' ebb & flow trays.
My problem is that the stems are very purple on all the plants but I'm afraid to up the dose (at 300ppm right now). I'm always weary when trying new products cause i've been burned before aaahahahaha! Can any of you experienced Floranova users school me on what PPM you give your girls at which stage of growth.
I'm about to switch back to 3 part...


Well-known member
Dont switch back this stuff works great they flurish from it. I do mine in dwc and I run clones but I usually start em around 300 then I bring it up to a about 400-450 after a week and I never burn em. Just keep bumpin it up every week you'll see how good it works after they start suckin up the higher ppms. Give the stuff a chance you'll be glad you did. Its ver simple stuff just make sure you shake the hell out of it. Good luck


Active member
Thanks for the info BigGreen! I may stick with it a little longer to see what happens. If they get any worse I'll have to go back to the three part.
Anyone else have anything to add? I know a lot of you guys use Nova...


Active member
FN is awesome shit. :)

Just keep bumping it up as suggested and you'll be fine.

I use about 6ml/gal of FNG during veg and exactly 8ml/gal during bloom.
I only use RO water for best results.

Your plants will love you for this :D


Active member
Awesome man!! Guess I wont give up so quickly on the Nova...
I've been using flora 3 part for over a decade and it's pretty intimidating for an old fart to try new things. What PPM does that 6ml/gal work out to? I know what is says on the bottle but most people get a much different PPM then what's listed. Also what PPM do you start 1 to 2 week old seedlings and/or clones at?


Active member
Awesome man!! Guess I wont give up so quickly on the Nova...
I've been using flora 3 part for over a decade and it's pretty intimidating for an old fart to try new things. What PPM does that 6ml/gal work out to? I know what is says on the bottle but most people get a much different PPM then what's listed. Also what PPM do you start 1 to 2 week old seedlings and/or clones at?
No idea on ppm for veg with FNG. I do know that @.7 conversion you should be looking at between 1300 and 1400 in bloom with Flora Nova Bloom. Veg too if you're growing in a small space.

Just give them a bit more feed every 3 days until you're at 6ml/gal. Don't forget to pH adjust.


Active member
Are you using tap water?

1 ec of FNG (with RO water) works great for seedlings that are ready for food (after the cots die off).


Active member
I'm using R/O water. What's 1EC...bout 500 PPM maybe? I may bump em up to 450 today to see if that helps the purple stems and the rust stpots that are already getting worse.
Any info on top off / add back strenght w/ Nova? I used to do 1/3 strength but that was with 3 part.


Active member

For all you FloraNova lovers out there don't take offense but FLORANOVA FUCKIN SUCKS!! Been growing for years and years and this is the worse shit I've ever had the misfortune of coming across.

Long story short...

Started 60 Seedlings (Serious AK-47, Serious Bubblegum, Double Strawberry D, Hash Plant X C99) a few weeks ago. Got a place, rented a truck and loaded up. Setup shop and moved the ole' plants in. Used FloraNova as suggested by my buds here at IC & other places. Plants looked like total fuggin shit (600 to 700 PPM @5.8 to 6.0ph). Switched back to Flora series 3 days ago...plants now look much better and have grown twice their size (in three days). Will be switching from 2K to 4K when I make the flip....glad my bitched aren't dead!



Active member
Not sure if this is the problem your having....

If the bottle was allowed to sit for too long or it was stored in a cold environment all the salts and shit will settle and the bottom and no amount of vigorous shaking will mix it up...especially if its a new bottle and there's little headroom. I pour the whole bottle into a 3 or 5 gal bucket (im assuming you have a at least the gallon sized jug). try it and you will most likely notice that there's a couple inches of thick sediment at the bottom.

Cut open the bottle, scrape that shit out and add it to the bucket. Last bottle i had was stored in a cellar for a year and when i poured it out there were chunks/crystals of salt(s) the size of say...a cherry. I crushed it all up with a wine bottle and stirred everything with a drill/mixing bit for 5 or 10 minutes and it works great now. Was having the exact same problems as you.
Not sure if this is the problem your having....

If the bottle was allowed to sit for too long or it was stored in a cold environment all the salts and shit will settle and the bottom and no amount of vigorous shaking will mix it up...especially if its a new bottle and there's little headroom. I pour the whole bottle into a 3 or 5 gal bucket (im assuming you have a at least the gallon sized jug). try it and you will most likely notice that there's a couple inches of thick sediment at the bottom.

Cut open the bottle, scrape that shit out and add it to the bucket. Last bottle i had was stored in a cellar for a year and when i poured it out there were chunks/crystals of salt(s) the size of say...a cherry. I crushed it all up with a wine bottle and stirred everything with a drill/mixing bit for 5 or 10 minutes and it works great now. Was having the exact same problems as you.

Thats kind of twisted if you have to do all that before using a nutrient. I loved Floranova once and hated it twice and then switched. I'm sure its a great nute, but its also a gamble every time you shake it what mix is going to come out that day. No thanks.


Active member

For all you FloraNova lovers out there don't take offense but FLORANOVA FUCKIN SUCKS!! Been growing for years and years and this is the worse shit I've ever had the misfortune of coming across.
You've proved you don't know how to use FloraNova but that's about it.

Shake it good so no crystals can be heard (or buy fresher product).
Edit: It helps to have the bottle at around 75-80F when you shake it. Personally I wouldn't use old product as I'm a med user and can't take that risk of losing a crop.

Other than that it's a rockin product, just check out all the awesome grows that are using it. Anyone having issues has been able to track it down to feed strength and water quality. (When it isn't an environment issue)

Since you're getting fab results with the Flora, it's not your setup.

Your loss for not going with the Nova as it's some rockin shit.


Active member
My Nova is fresh not old. No crystals. Shaken VERY well. R/O water @ 9PPM. Sealed room w/ CO2 generator & controller/monitor. The works...I've done this a time or 2 in my life.
I went with the Nova and it's absolute shit. I'm never claim to know everything and keep an open mind and try new things but I'm telling you this shit did not work for me. My PH was kept between 5.6 and 6.1 variable(perfect range) and ppm were kept in a decent range (between 700 and 900ppm) and my plants hated it. I've seen wonderful results with this poop looking product but I can't get her to work....

so long Nova!

Thanks again for all the advise guys! I do appreciate it :joint: but I must put the Nova in de trash cannage.


Active member
ppm were kept in a decent range (between 700 and 900ppm) and my plants hated it.
What conversion? If you're using a .7 conversion pen you were not feeding them enough and probably had to adjust your pH all the time?

If you're using a .5 pen then you should have been keeping it between 900 and 950.

Like I said, it's not the Nova. *shrug*


Active member
Just called my hydro store and they don't know if my meter is .7 or .5

Its a Hanna 9813-6...

any idea hydro?


No Jive Productions
hi, people!

hi, people!

i've been using flora nova bloom for six years as the only nutrient, additive, or enhancement my plants ever see. i use it throughout the plants life, including vegetative phase.

the only problem with it is that it is extremely thick and sludgy and almost impossible to mix completely by shaking. if it is not mixed completely each use it develops nutrient imbalances that can translate into nutrient deficiencies.

my solution to this is to dump a gallon into a 5 gal bucket and add 3 gals ro water to it. rinse the bottle well to get everything out of it. then a paint mixer attachment on a drill. funnel it back into 4 1 gal containers for ease of use. you will then have something very easy to mix with just a couple of shakes first.

you can still reach whatever ppm level you wish. you just multiply recommended dose by 4. at the original strength i would use 7.5 ml per gal, so i use 30 ml per gal to achieve the same results.

fnb @ 7.5 ml per gal is almost dead on the lucas formula. it has plenty of nitrogen for vegetative growth. i have used flora nova grow for vegetative stage and got larger plants with stretched out buds that did not yield more bud weight than fnb alone. fnb will grow a shorter, fatter plant with heavier buds. for me easier to manage.

also some folks have said that they get mag deficiency with fnb and ro water. i use only ro water and have no problems at all. there is plenty of magnesium present in fnb. if you are showing mag def it's a ph problem. your ph needs to travel above 5.9 occasionally to utilize magnesium.

well, i hope this helps someone, later, delta9nxs


New member
I have also been having issues with Floranova.
1 Bucket has 300 ppm of floranova (tap water going in and less than 100 ppm)
ph set to 5.5-5.7. pH seems to rise up pretty quickly. What range do you set pH and at what stages do you have ppm levels set to? Based on a pH chart, it looks like 5.8 is the sweet spot for taking up the most nutrients While occasionally dropping down to 5.5-5.6 for Mn uptake, and up to 6.0 for Mg and P.