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Old patch; new grow?


This is a question for seasoned vets of the great outdoors, thanks in advance for any and all advice.

Ok so two grow seasons ago I did an outdoor grow in the beautiful hills of Norte Califas. I amended the area and even created a stair path out of the pre existing clay based soil. I only had 9 holes that I dug out (about 1 meter squared on all of the holes) and all except one produced a monster of a cannatree. I use organics only, Power Flower was the soil with a mixture of coco fibers, perlite, polymer crystals, and a couple spoonfuls of some sort of extended slow release nutes from advance nutrients. The slow release was only in a couple though as an experiment. The nutes I used through veg and flower were only Superbat, Molasses, and Sweet. Oh and not that I think it makes much of a difference, but also a layer of dry mulch on top.
Anyways, all fortunately went very well with the grow and I harvested a crop I'm still smoking on to this day.(mind you the last plant harvested on Oct. 10 '07)The question is this though...with all that has been done to each of the grow holes is it okay to plant there again? I went to the patch recently and there is just brush growing over now with few scattered weeds and I easily could pull them up. I figure I was gonna sift through the weeded patch and pull up any remaining bigger roots then add a new fresh mix of the same mix as the previous grow. But I'm worried the soil that is there currently will be mixed with the new soil and will be lacking or too much in certain areas of nutrients or bacteria after being unkept for so long.
I'm next to positive I'm over analyzing this and I should just go with my instincts, but figured that some more experienced people could possibly shed light on something I'm not even thinking of.
Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated aswell. Like I've never used lime, bonemeal, dolomite, ect, is there something that you might want to suggest that has worked for you? Maybe something I should be adding/using that I'm not?

*********Thanks to all who take time to read this and respond.**********


By all means, "re-use" the old patch! Hells Yes! :yeahthats

A meter square! Wow. You guys and girls grow them big overthere... If the plot yeilded well once, there is a good chance it'll yeild again!

If you got trees last grow, that's good- I'd reproduce the exact same thing you did last time... Maybe some pulverized dolomite lime and some earthworm castings?

Give that hole a good chop up mix old and new and go for it no worries...


I'm not sure why you're worried about using dolomite lime, blood and bone meal etc... Amendments like that are all you should really have to add to get that soil into top shape. There are some threads around here about that if you don't have specific questions.


Active member
Cant use blood/bone meal in my part of the hills.animals (bears,coyotes,lions???) will dig that plant right up trying to find food in that whole. Manures work great if composted down a bit. I like to use fox farms American Pride in my amended guerrilla holes, animals dont get as curious with it..Pest/animal problems is a whole other thread though.


Thank joey and try. I too have a lot of wild life where I'm at and from a previous experience I learned a fence is really the only way to go, at least with less mature plants. The deer around here love cannibus, believe me I unfortunately know. So yeah bone/blood meal is out for the sole fact I've already had every thing from a skunk to a bobcat intrude my patch. And although it's bound to happen I don't want anything that will bring extra attention to my plot.

And by the way Joey with a pre existing hole with nothing but organic soil, why would I want to amend it anymore, I see it almost as overkill. I like to keep it as simple as possible.

This response will bump this back to the top and any other suggestions are more than welcomed.


And by the way Joey with a pre existing hole with nothing but organic soil, why would I want to amend it anymore, I see it almost as overkill. I like to keep it as simple as possible.

You need to add more nutrients because the micro herd eat them to feed the plants, and deplete the soil.

There alternatives to blood and bone meal, so look those up.