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What is your definition of a loser

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Freedom Fighter
There is no such thing as a loser.


You gotta think a lil outside the box here. Are there any dogs you think are losers?


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Jesus, I was just kidding. If you think you are a loser then you are. If not then you are just another person. Losers and winners are just lables that insecure people use to make themselves feel better.

Technically everyone loses. It is called dying


Pull my finger
Somebody who makes threads about losers. j/k bro.

A loser is somebody who has many kids and refuses to take care of them. Wont work, or hustle to pay bills. LOSER!

A loser will almost always be a burden on you. Wanting to borrow things and ask you to buy them things. Relying on your "great friendship" as some sort of empty promise that you will be compensated by this losers generosity in the future. Did that make sense?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Somebody who makes threads about losers. j/k bro.

A loser is somebody who has many kids and refuses to take care of them. Wont work, or hustle to pay bills. LOSER!

A loser will almost always be a burden on you. Wanting to borrow things and ask you to buy them things. Relying on your "great friendship" as some sort of empty promise that you will be compensated by this losers generosity in the future. Did that make sense?
That is also a real vampire. not the story book kind


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Imagine working out in your yard when a presidential candidite shows up out of the blue. You didn't invite him. You didn't look him up. Your minding your own business and this politician wants you to ask him anything you want. Never mind the TV cameras in your face (IN YOUR OWN YARD) This will be a good Photo Op for the candidate as he mingles with the Plebs. Your just being used.

So..........Being a concerned citizen you say......."I can ask anything I want" and he says "Yup .....you can ask me anything you want"..............

"OK"......."Will you raise my taxes"?

The politicians says "Yeah......I will raise taxes on millions of people and "REDISTRIBUTE" it to millions more that don't work for the common good of all".

You respond with........."But isn't that socialism"? ( because it is to anyone with a brain) and the politician says "No....It's just spreading the wealth around".............(and you think to yourself (Oh yeah.....your right.............That's not socialism........"To anyone without a brain")

So now...........in less than 24 hours you go from being a totally no named man to being completely demonized on television and in households around the world by people who never met you for simply asking the question that mattered most to you. (how dare you know who your next president might be and what he believes)

Eventually.........your entire life is turned upside down, you lose your job because the company you work for can't handle the TV crews camped out at the office and political harassment from the politicians faith-full army of zombies, your personal life is delved into to dig up as much dirt as possible, your children are harassed from the media and at school by other kids, Total lies are spread about you around the globe and your called every rotten pathetic name in the book.

Almost a year later................ your still being called a LOSER !!

And all this because you simply asked an univited politician standing in your yard a question.

And Moral of the story is: ?

Joe the plumber is a hero for asking the question he wanted to ask.

The losers are those that attempted to ruin his life and those that would call someone a loser for asking ANY question to a presidential candidate.

God forbid we should ask our politicians the tough questions. (it might make them look bad) Especially when they invade your own PRIVATE driveway and they don't have a teleprompter to tell them how to respond to your question without looking like a jerk.

And here I am defending a man I will never know.............. What a "loser" I am.......Huh ??



a loser is being not cool. youre only as cool as you are in your head
because its all in your mind

worrying about being a loser in this sense seems to be more of worrying about being a "proper" adult; its childish, and pointless. what does it really get you?

everyone is going to die at some point and no one is going to get anything out of life beyond that trip that life is. you live then die. maybe theres a heaven or whatever you believe in, but that still doesn't stop the fact that having had a mortgage, and 2.5 kids, and living like a normal citizen will have benefited you in some sort of afterlife.

live every day to be happy, fuck what society tries to push on you what others want isnt what will ever make you happy
and fuck the real losers: thieves, inlaws, narcs, and backstabbers


Active member
List of losers.

that guy and his girl friend that got eaten by bears recently

Hahaha what you got against them, he was following his dreams!

I would call him stupid, not a loser. I mean, your fucking around with bears here, at least pack a .44 magnum in case one spazzes out.


You're the best, fuck the rest...

You're the best, fuck the rest...

Labels, labels, labels...the only real looser is the one who sits for himself and thinks he is a looser.
You know how to do the math and you are the only one who can do it. Noone but yourself can really determine if you are a looser, only yourself know if you are satisfied with what you are doing thus winning...
You wanna win? Then do what you wanna do - thats winning!:nanana:


Don't know about loser but I know the definition of Juvenile. Juvenile=Dogboy.:nanana: SUFFER:moon: with no returnsies


I congratulate you on your ability to spell 'tard!

May your douche overrun with vinegar so it's as bitter as you!


Active member
The Loser

they say I'm a loser
and perhaps that might be true
since I don't have a bunch of friends
and my interests are but few
I'm not a worldly person
well versed in social graces
so i prefer to stay at home
than go to public places
I don't go out to parties
or places where they dance
and i have not had a date in years
afraid to take the chance
ppl always make me anxious
because I'm rather shy
lacking in confidence
to be a stand up guy
I'm not a very clever man
nor can i tell a joke
I'm neither tall nor handsome
and I always am flat broke
I have no sense of humor
or talent to create
is it any wonder then
that I don't have a mate
in spite of all that
I never get depressed
for I've accepted who I am
Being SECOND BEST!!!!!!!!!!

By Chuck Pool


Active member
Well......I lost her,that makes me a loser!!
Sometimes ya cant help but be the loser,but it was succesful for 9 yrs,I just couldnt do what I needed to keep her,even tho I knew!!Loser first class.
its harder at my age to be the loser,so take it from one...........communicate,respect,love,and never take each otherfor granted love needs constant attention to live,lol.........now I know!!!Story of my life,day late dollar short.When ya say love....mean it!

Gonna take a break from things,get my thougts together and try and heal....Dont be a loser like me..listen

See ya when Im better IC:Bolt:



Registered Pothead
A loser is a very loose term in the sense that anyone is a loser to someone. In a sense we all are losers and this rings true when it comes to how humanity as a whole is losing the battle of living in the future. We will all lose as a species if we continue on the route we are on.


Going crazy with the cheese whiz.

Going crazy with the cheese whiz.

Listening to all of you rants thinking you know it all.



Un - Retired,
this lot certainly are in this catagory

this lot certainly are in this catagory

last one is the winner though


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I wouldn't "reject" the first one out of hand though lol.I still say a loser is one who treats his dear mama badly.I'm having to deal with this in my life right now so its wayy under my skin sorry


Active member
I wouldn't "reject" the first one out of hand though lol.I still say a loser is one who treats his dear mama badly.I'm having to deal with this in my life right now so its wayy under my skin sorry

A"nonloser" is somebody like you and Pops that puts your life on hold to take care of a sick member of your family.
You are a wonderful son Sparky so hang in there and your Kharma Quotient will be very high from the loving care you give your sick mom.
Some woman someday will be very lucky to have you and you will be rewarded for your sacrifice. A man that is good to his mother makes a good mate FO SHo!!!!

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
ok I got a reply I'll be nice now. I just wanted a little justification. thanks moderator :)

to get back on subject. Loser is just someone who completly gives up on life, and that might just be temporary. that person can still win possibly. which says to me, that most of it is in your head.

I like how george carlin trashes the whole self confidence movement. he said it just created a lot of sociopaths. It turns out sociopaths think very highly of themselves. haha
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