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Chicks (20s)

If you really want to meet someone serious the key is to stop looking. Just live your life, enjoy being young, have fun and you will meet someone worthy somehow. I met my husband when I was 21, he was 24 and we were both in other relationships. Neither of us saw it coming....it just all worked out eventually.


omg i don't think i did I did throw up in my mouth god big-d I will hit you with neg rep next time you make me vomit .......:)


i cant say i've ever met anyone at the grocery store, but this is always the advice given. i mean sluts have to get groceries too right?

it does seem like all the available women i meet have kids as well. and i dont meet them at bars. is it wrong to not want to date/marry a woman that already has 2 or 3 kids? i do understand that there are widowers out there, but it seems like there are a lot of single mothers out there. what i think is that i'm not a very forward guy when it comes to meeting women. i mean, i think it's awesome when the female makes the first move. so, i guess the ones that are making the first moves most often are the ones with kids, i'm guessing they are actively seeking a mate more than a gal with no kids. not talking down to single mothers at all, but i think this is what's going on with my situation.

women these days are having babies later, getting married later, and going to college and wanting to start a career and then get married.

on a separate note, i wouldnt mind not working at my cubicle job and being a stay at home dad. have society come this far yet that i wouldnt be looked down on?

i know my post has jumped around a lot, but at least i didnt mention any transsexuals! :)


99% percent of woman want money and nothing more. If you dont have money though seems like the only way to get them to stick around is to treat them like shit. If anyone find's that one percent... let me know. i'll be running there.


99% percent of woman want money and nothing more. If you dont have money though seems like the only way to get them to stick around is to treat them like shit. If anyone find's that one percent... let me know. i'll be running there.

Dude, what person on this site doesn't want to get paid? With a statement like that...are you TRYING to troll? Are men really that much less materialistic? Shit, I constantly read on this site about so & so's rolex and mercedes ams and shit, so who around here doesn't care about money? Frankly, those chicks that you encountered that state their materialism out front are doing you a favor....AVOID those chicks!

Shit folks, people are complicated! Threads like this, bashing one sex or the other tend to expose frustrations and fears. Sometimes life is supposed to suck, but ya soldier on! Don't worry with patience, perseverance...you'll find someone. And if don't... so what? Make sure your life has other meaning besides trying to find your 'soul mate'.


High Grade Specialist
I have made different experiences, when i end up in bed with a girl they always want relationships afterwards. Im the one who doesnt want to lose his independence :p


Active member
totally agree, girls these days are on another hype.

alot only care about finding that special man who they can boss around and get free jewelry from.

i blame it on rap music and all this female empowering garbage, fucking Beyonce is ruining it for us, turning girls into gold digging club whores!

but yes, i have not met a girl in more than 2 years who i deemed appropriate to bring home. I thought i had a few potentials, like this one girl who i thought was so sweet and innocent.

and then it turns out she has had a fuck buddy for months prior to our nights of sex. then i learned that she got drunk one night and started taking her clothes off in front of guys!

so much for my sweet girl! i went lights out on her after that, didnt even pick up her phone calls or nothing. i got some free pussy, but at the same time i was extremely dissapointed because i really had expectations that i had finally found a new girlfriend to replace the crazy possessive bitch i dated for four years prior!


Active member
Dude, what person on this site doesn't want to get paid? With a statement like that...are you TRYING to troll? Are men really that much less materialistic? Shit, I constantly read on this site about so & so's rolex and mercedes ams and shit, so who around here doesn't care about money? Frankly, those chicks that you encountered that state their materialism out front are doing you a favor....AVOID those chicks!

Shit folks, people are complicated! Threads like this, bashing one sex or the other tend to expose frustrations and fears. Sometimes life is supposed to suck, but ya soldier on! Don't worry with patience, perseverance...you'll find someone. And if don't... so what? Make sure your life has other meaning besides trying to find your 'soul mate'.

true true, props on this post shifty. now that i think about my post directly above is showing my frustrations with women!


ICMag Donor
Shit! I bet there's women reading this thread shaking their heads thinking WTF? You guys whine about that there are no decent women, yet you go to bars, hook up with whatever, then think they're hoes because they don't want anything to do with you after coitus? Talk about Madonna/Whore complexes!

Of course women are going to think 'what can this dude do for me?' They usually have the most to lose (or gain counting on your perspective)...they can get PREGNANT! It's more than likely that they can get stuck with a kid! They have a right to be choosy or nonchalant when it comes to their pussies!

And for all this talk about women being hoes! Believe it or not, chicks are more than just some cum receptacle! Some of them actually enjoy sex just for the sake of it! With feminism and all, why should a woman apologize for wanting sex? If a woman meets the following criteria, she has a chance (with me anyway):

1. Must be SMART! (no dumb bitches please! I don't care how HOT!)
2. Must have a job! (no freeloaders!)
3. No kids (exception for widows)
4. Must have some aesthetic appeal (hey looks do matter, but not the first priority!)
5. Be able to pay for a date once in a while (Hey, some women make more than I do! This is what feminism is all about!)
6.Must have a car (exception for metro area women who take public transportation)
7. Must not be excessively vain!(get the fuck over yourself!)

It would also help if you had women that were actually friends! Not chicks that you'd think you'd might hit it with on the rebound, I'm talking about women that you would hang out with, chill, have meaningful conversations with and get some wisdom from...kinda like surrogate sisters, aunts, moms, grannies...whatever...chicks you wouldn't think of fucking! (like in a good way!)

great post shifty!! ...one of the best Ive read...thanks!


You are in the wrong country that is the problem, american girls morals are fucked usually, if you went to a place like mexico were they are more strict there are a whole bunch of 18-21 y/o girls that want to get married and their parents have taught them good morals, same goes w/ spain and italy. Actually I love italy went there and wish i could live there.

ben ttech

Active member
males with internet connections in general are glaring WASTES of skin...
prone to jacking into the wind... whilest their best interest walk away pushing a bicycle...

fools who dont realize a girl with responsibilities MAKES for the greatest of dating arrangements...

"show up at X... leave by Y... any questions?!?!?!"

TALK about singular bliss...

wonder what backlog of mindfuck programming it takes for the rewarads of adult relations to appear confining to those BEST positioned to benefit from their fact?!?!?
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