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Bill Hicks


Next Stop: Outer Space!
But he died of pancreatic cancer, not lung cancer. If you really listen to alot of his political commentary bits, it really wouldn't be too shocking that they would want to silence him.

Do you know why Denis Leary is a huge superstar, while Bill Hicks died relatively unknown, even though they both used "similar" material?

Cause there's no cure for Cancer.

Yep, I heard that 6 months before Bill died, he was driving in his car and heard his good "friend" Dennis Leary stealing his routine and getting famous off of it. Leary isn't good at improv the way Bill Hicks was though, which I think really proves he's not nearly as funny as some of his material(because it's not his material!).

Smoking can cause all sorts of cancer though, but its hard to say. I still think the powers that be had him silenced.



Evidence against- bill hicks was funny, Alex Jones is not.

The character alex Jones is not funny. According to that link it is just an act. Bill hick's friends have also been heard stating his persona is just an act as well (according to that link anyway).

This is what actors do, play characters.

Not sure that I'm 100%convinced, but I also don't doubt it. I'm sure we have all fallen for bigger lies.


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Lover of Life
Also, I love Joe Rogan and his comedy, think he's a total manly man...but, is he up to no good with the elites or something? Just some of the things he says man...still, I think he's a great guy and is mostly on the up and up, but just out of curiousity.


I just started looking into this Bill Hicks/Alex Jones thing.

very strange.

something is going on but I can't tell what it is.

Joe rogan is connected to this Booth guy also.


Well-known member
oh come on!you guys really think Bill Hicks is Alex Jones?LOL And Joe Rogan is an asshole and not funny


no i dont think that, or im not sure, it is possible, thats for sure.

he testified in court that Alex Jones is a character he plays.

they are all working for somebody behind a curtain.

some big charade is going on, what it is Im not sure.

some sort of long planned out operation to manipulate how people think.


Well-known member
ill admit he does look like him but its all a big show.i wouldnt get worked up about it.BTW is that supposed to be a tsuba for a katana in your avi Water?if it is its a good one.ive got the Musashi tsuba on my iaito


ill admit he does look like him but its all a big show.i wouldnt get worked up about it.BTW is that supposed to be a tsuba for a katana in your avi Water?if it is its a good one.ive got the Musashi tsuba on my iaito

I think it is a symbol for the Water element, in the asian Five Elements

In the five element thought system, they believe that we each use a different elemental energy to protect ourselves.

so i would not be surprised if it was ever used as a tsuba for a katana.

Water is the most powerful protective energy


Well-known member
Right you are.the 5 elements are tuaght at an early age in ninjustu.im one of the only American ninjas.lol


Well-known member
Lol I watch it sometimes.im too outta shape but when I was younger I could kick ass.historicly ninjas didn't do that kinda shit.they were mostly spies disguised as farmers.there were some major badasses though.Stephen Hayes is a joke and lied and fabricated ninjutsu to the point of ruin.

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