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Blindfolding people.

Implant electrodes in his brain (just take a nail gun and drive some 6in nails into his skull then put jumper cables on the nails if you're on a budget)

After he's done the job ask him 'what is the address of my grow op?' and every time he answers give him an electric shock

After a couple dozen repetitions he'll be conditioned against giving cops the address


Active member
Blindfold him, have him do the work, then kill him. And kill your electricians and your trimmers and their mothers too.

I don't really advocate homicide, but you can't have any loose ends, in my opinion and experience.

Damn! You really are in his anus!


Active member
Personally, if he is alright with it, do like you said, meet him somewhere, blind fold him and take him to your spot to do the estimate. When he get's the parts, just do the same, but drive his truck there for him(it might take a lot of tools to put in your unit+it won't look that good to be unloading a work truck into a car in the wally world parking lot). When he is done, just drive him back, and get your car.
PS-Remember to tip the man for his troubles

pack a bowl

i can't believe people are actually advising to go through with this. Loose lips sink ships, are you really ready to potentially throw away your freedom for such a horrible reason?


I thought this was a joke if I really had to blindfold somebody for any reason whatsoever I think I'd find another option


I'm assuming this is a big grow-op. In that case, I don't think blindfolding is unreasonable...it's common sense if you want to be safe. Have him leave his phone in your car too.


Active member
Is this the bondage thread OR the growing thread???//

Some ppl.....actually MANY don't currently toke because of job mandatory drug testing.
But they might just be sympathetic to the cause. I know a LEO whose wife is a major stoner....

But seriously if you are a grower and especially a large operation you really do need to be careful as ppl will ROLL ON YOU for almost anything these days.


Active member
GPS can see right through a blindfold.


AMEN ....NOBODY IS SAFE these days darlin.

My kids keep threatening to put a Granny Ankle Bracelet on me....

And Granny Air Bags as I keep on falling.....and YES THEY DO HAVE GRANNY airbags these days....te he

But GPS pretty much makes the whole issue a lame subject FO SHO!


The Hopeful Protagonist
GPS can see right through a blindfold.


Signal jammer :joint:



Pull my finger
The big question is... Do you grow legally. If that is the case, your concerns should be minimal. I personally know a guy who makes frequent trips to Cali when work here is slow and does work on grow ops with his brother. He told me that his brothers business is built solely on grow ops and they do everything from cooling/heating to electrical.

He also told me that they usually go do their work beofre any plants come in to play. But he has a solid connect on real deal Trainwreck. Everytime he comes home, he comes over to rub his ganja in my face. LOL!

If not, by no means should you have somebody work on your shit unless you fully trust them which is rare. But we all have to have somebody we trust. Otherwise the product doesnt move.


In my town not too long ago...

A grower went down to home depot and hired some Mexican nationals to dig holes for him. He stopped by the market and bought some blindfolds. He blindfolded these guys as he drove the last stretch to his pad. The workers were more than a little concerned at that point. Anyway, at the end of the day the dude says, "OK, now I want you guys to dig these massive holes here". The workers looked at each other and B-lined it down the mountain and showed up at the local fire station with this bizarre story about the mad ax-murderer up in the hills. The dude just wanted some big holes in this sunny spot, and the workers thought for sure the dude was planning to bury their asses to cover his tracks, lol. One of many bizarro stories from the hood.

pack a bowl

well how would you react when someone who isn't a beautiful girl asks you to put on a blind fold? either some sketchy or gay shit is going down is what i'd think.


natural medicator
if you have him get in your car..........won't he be able to see what the make/model is and the plate numbers? just something to think about.


Active member
Hello all,

Yeah, you would have to kill him afterwards...and check and make sure there is no GPS up his ass...that would be poor form.



so i've been debating it. and quite frankly the blindfold is appropriate but not for someone you dont trust! so i'm going to go with the mob on this - get someone who can actually be trusted. every leak starts with a hole somewhere, and there's no advertizing a hole like a blindfold. and quite frankly to do it right youd have to do that and bags and shit - god effing forgive you if you get pulled over...

job done - pro
silver bracelets - con

you decide >:p