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Yellowing and curling of lower leaves


New member
Hello everyone,

Iam currently growing a scrog style setup, iam currently at 36 days of flowering and i have noticed in the last week a major colour change in the lower leaves and now in the upper leaves. I am adding nutrients as per instruction on the bottle and the temperature inside the cab is at about 85 F. Please any comments will be greatly apprieciated.





there is no problem,lower leaves are yellowing due to lack of nitrogen which is perfect for flowering and that s what you want,just continue to feed your plants with phosporus-potassium and you will have rock hard buds,yellowing is a natural thing for a plant in flowering because she is showing that she is near her death!she is taking allwhat is left of the food in the leaves and turning it into buds!hope this post calms you a bit!:)peace


how many weeks are they flowering?hmm,maybe not a nitrogen defficiency,if you are only 36 days,what is the strain and how many days is she suppose to flower?


Hey bezibuds,

It dosnt look like a N deff to me but some of the symptoms look a little like the problem i have at the moment, the way the yellowing starts with blotchy patches of some of the leaves,

Check here for my post about the problem i have,


It might be,but what is for he to do?give her some microelement food and she should than be fine!if you have a mag defficiency!i dont know,i wouldnt mess with it if it is around 55 days flowering strain,just flush the medium and start giving her some decent microelement blooming ferts and she will flower out fine!you dont need leaves man!

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