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odor problem, I need some help


I'm having a major problem with smell and I don't really know why. I have a Can 66 in a DR120 tent hooked to an 8" can fan. My whole house reeks and I need to do something about it.

I have the tent sitting in a bedroom and all I am doing is pulling air out of the tent and blowing it around in the bedroom. I thought that with the air getting recirculated through the filter in the room over and over that it would remove more of the odor? During the day and when the lights are on I open the window in this bedroom to let in fresh air. But when the lights are out I just leave everything all closed up. The lights come on in 3 hours and the smell is pretty bad in my house right now. I only have 3 plants in this tent, but they're pretty good sized. Today is day 47 of flowering.

Should I cut a hole in the ceiling in this bedroom and just blow the air into my attic? It's basically all I can do to try to get the smell down in the house. But I'm worried that then people might be able to smell it outside, but I only have one house near mine and they smoke, so I guess it's not a big deal?

This Can 66 is brand new. Well it was brand new at the beginning of this grow. It's only been being used for maybe 60 days at the most. The humidity in the room and tent never goes above 50%. I've read that high humidity can diminish how good the Can filter removes odors? But I didn't think that 40%-50% RH would be too much?

Another thing that I forgot to mention is that I can't hang this Can 66 from the ceiling of the tent since it won't support the weight of it, so I have it sitting on top of two milk crates in there. I have air going into the filter, through the Super Sun 2 hood then out the tent through the 8" Can Fan. It seemed to work better getting rid of the smell after I added teh second milk crate under it a couple weeks ago, but it seems like the Can 66 isn't even working now. That's how bad the smell is.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Mate I was about to tell you the tale of how I had to cut a hole in the ceiling, but paragraph two shows me you've already seen the light.

(Im a complete grow newb but..) I would suggest getting another can too mate. I use Phat Filter (300mm with 160mm hole) they're lightweight and you can hang it from the tent (I have the DR120 and 100) no problem (as well as 2 lamps). You can also get those excellent looking new hepa filters they weigh 1kg (2 pound)...also worth noting, I live in a row of houses, I can't smell anything cept when I open the tent, and I ask everyone who visits (that knows) if they smell anything as soon as they come in, they always say "no"

The point is though, for certain air flow just works better if you can draw the hot stinky air off the top off the environment.. not only will venting it into the room above help the stench, but temp and humidity will also be lower (or at least they are for me 65%hr now 35% at week 7 12/12)

best of lucky mate
j :smile:

P.S It'll be a big deal if any "official" types come visiting eh mate :wink:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you need a bigger filter definatley. It cant just be big enough for the tent if you dont keep it in the tent, and keep the tent pretty much air sealed. You have to have it big enough for the entire room that the tent is in.

The hole in the ceiling idea will still require a bigger filter.

Also what strain are you growing?

A good carbon filter is like insurance for keeping your butt hole's virginity. Cause smell is one of the most likely things to get you busted, and tossed in state prison. Unless you are in cali and have a mmj card.


i'd steal the tent and make sure the exhaust exceeds the intake so that there is a vacuum effect.

recirculating or "scrubbing" the air through a filter only really works well in a 100% sealed room that is being cooled by A/C


i'd steal the tent and make sure the exhaust exceeds the intake so that there is a vacuum effect.

recirculating or "scrubbing" the air through a filter only really works well in a 100% sealed room that is being cooled by A/C


Wacky Tobacky

Active member
i'd steal the tent and make sure the exhaust exceeds the intake so that there is a vacuum effect.

recirculating or "scrubbing" the air through a filter only really works well in a 100% sealed room that is being cooled by A/C


i have a DR80 with a can fan hooked up with a carbon filter. i have the fan on all the time with a vacuum effect and ALL the air goes thru the filter there is literally 0 smell from outside the tent.... unless i open it up


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
actually thats one great thing about tents.. you can "see" negative pressure easily enough :smile:


I do keep the filter in the tent. And the tent is usually zipped up now because of the smell. There's no way that a Can 66 isn't enough for this tent. Or at least I don't see how it possibly would need anything bigger. But I guess it does.....??? I think the Can 66 holds just under 40 pounds of charcoal. It worked perfect until a couple weeks ago, when I stuck the second crate under it to get it higher. It started smelling a little more so I put that crate in there to get it higher. And at first that got rid of the smell that was coming out of the exhaust.

I'm growing 1 G13 Labs Power Skunk plant that is over 7 feet tall (I have it bent over to the opposite side of the tent, then curved around that opposite side almost to the front of the tent from that rear corner that it's bent over to). 1 White Label Northern Lights plant that absolutely reeks. And a White Label White Ice plant.

I'm legal so I'm not real worried about that. But I'd still rather not have everyone know what I'm up to. :yoinks:


There is major negative pressure in this tent too. Someone in another thread I had on here told me that it would rip the seams. Because of me using this 8" can fan. The tent has 4 x 6" openings that I'm letting air in through. In one of them I have one of those 6" inline cheap duct fans. It's supposed to be 250cfm's but I'd bet money that it's nowhere near that. When I zip this tent closed the sides suck in BIGTIME. That's why I can't understand why it stinks so damn bad. I wish I could have the filter up near the ceiling of the tent somehow since raising it before helped, but I don't see how I can easily do that. There's no way the tubing in this thing is gonna support the weight of that Can66 filter.



i have a DR80 with a can fan hooked up with a carbon filter. i have the fan on all the time with a vacuum effect and ALL the air goes thru the filter there is literally 0 smell from outside the tent.... unless i open it up

Do you have your carbon filter mounted high in the tent? What size can fan are you using? This 8" that I have is supposed to be just under 500cfm's. Maybe I'll post a picture showing how much negative pressure this tent has. And a couple more showing where I have the filter etc.

Thanks for all of the replies.


Sativa Tamer
Maybe you need to turn down your fan so that the air has more "contact time" with the carbon.



Active member
I feel your pain, I have a 6" fan/filter combo and it doesn't even come close to scrubbing all the air in my 10x10 room. I have the filter snug against the ceiling with the fan in the attic and it still stinks. I went so far as adding a ozn 1 cap ozone generator to the exhaust up in the attic that treats 4k sq. ft. and it still doesn't do the job 100% it's definately helped a lot, now it's only random whiffs instead of the in your face rank that i had before. I've never had good luck with carbon filters, mainly because of where i live. the humidity is too damn high and i can never bring it down except when i run a/c. plus i always run very stanky strains, diesels, widows, and almost always something fruity. i have some tangerine haze's going @ 70 days right now that stink to high heaven. i hope you find a way to fix your odor problem without breaking your back or bank.


ICMag Donor
Hey original poster...

One thing that I am surprised no one has mentioned yet. Carbon has a shelf life. What is the TOTAL age of the filter...you know, perhaps it was sitting at the place you bought it from for a bit? Another thing you can try is to give it a good shake...not hard, but enough to shift the carbon around on the inside so that different pieces of carbon are being exposed to the direct air. Also, as one person stated, I would make sure that you are not in fact drawing air too quickly through the filter...get a fan speed controller and have your fan on just enough to keep the room in the right temp range...carbon needs contact time with the air passing through it to be truly effective. Another thing, which you seem to have in check, is humidity....so I don't think that is your problem. Also, not having the filter at the top of the tent, and kinda in the middle stacked on some crates, as you know, is not really ideal...you might want to seriously figure out some way to get it up higher your tent...be creative. Another thing...I haven't seen anyone mention...you say your filter is first, then the fan is drawing through the reflector hood, and then out....perhaps you need to make sure your hood is fully sealed...that way ALL air is passing though the carbon...could perhaps be pulling out air that isn't even filtered.

I really can't think of anything else that you would need to check...other than the age of the carbon...perhaps just buy some lose carbon and re-fill your filter and see if that fixes things.....hope you get this security risk fixed and quick!!!



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Your filter handles 412 cfm.

Your fan pulls 650 cfm.

Get a bigger filter or a smaller fan.
My understanding of the carbon/charcoal filters is they will not work 100% if the fan speed, temp and humidity aren't perfect. If you wanna run c02 you'll have time in your room when c02 is on and the exhaust fan is off, your temp and humid will increase until your climate control gets to the setpoint to shut off c02 and vent the excess heat and humidity, so you get this big burst of hot,wet and stinky air, usually when random unexpected people show up (hahaah). Same would be true even without c02 during colder months. Personally i used a scrubber 24/7 inside the room for 6 months before replacing, and ozone on the exhaust. Still a sketchy few days... JM2cents


Your filter handles 412 cfm.

Your fan pulls 650 cfm.

Get a bigger filter or a smaller fan.

I went by their ratings when I bought the stuff. Here's their recommended fans for the Can 66 and their rated flows with those fans:

Recommended Can-Fan:
FAN Watts Consumed Filtered Air CFM
Can-Fan 10" 142 max watts 364 CFM

Can-Fan 8" 139 max watts 346 CFM

Can-Fan 6" HO 138 max watts 296 CFM

I don't know where you got that rating for the 8" Can Fan, but CF Group's website says that it is rated for 483CFM at 0" with 8" ducting. I'm actually using 6" since that's the size of the vent holes in this tent. So I would assume that would lower the airflow rating wouldn't it?

I am also using one of those Speedster controllers and it does help turning the speed down. I had actually turned it down earlier in teh day before I posted any of this because I thought about the contact time, but I forgot to mention it and right after I turned it down is when I started this thread. It still reeked in here pretty bad then.

I'm not smelling it as bad now, but I don't know if it's just me, or if turning it down helped that much, or if the lights coming on reduced the smell at all???

Tomorrow I'm gonna go get what I need to vent into the attic. I figured I might have to do that when I set this all up, but I wasn't gonna cut the hole in the ceiling unless I had to.


Wacky Tobacky

Active member
Do you have your carbon filter mounted high in the tent? What size can fan are you using? This 8" that I have is supposed to be just under 500cfm's. Maybe I'll post a picture showing how much negative pressure this tent has. And a couple more showing where I have the filter etc.

Thanks for all of the replies.

my can fan is 270 CFM and in using the Can 33. i have my fan running at 50% tho. also the filter is outside of my tent. i have 0 smell outside the tent. im on almost 3 weeks flower now. i have my fan running all the time. i had it where it was off when the lights were off but i could smell it when i was close to it so i have it running all the time now.

heres a pic


Active member

I use a carbon filter with an RVK 125 and ozone generator.

the ozone gen is small, 11gr but works fine even more convinated with the carbon filter (using one 40w bulb)



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
II don't know where you got that rating for the 8" Can Fan

Google. It was the lowest rating I found. Maybe it was an HO unit? Important thing is you already knew they need to be matched so, don't mind me.