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High energy consuming hobbies/jobs/equiptment...


Patient Grower
I've often wondered why people don't hook up a generator to their natural gas feed. I've never heard of a cop checking the gas bill before trying to get a warrant.


New member

I don't think they would get a warrant for very high gas use. They would probably be very concerned that there may be a MAJOR leak after the meter. They would probably do what they needed to do to ensure that the whole neighborhood wasn't about to be leveled in an explosion!


About the commercial space. If you got the flow to rent the space and pay the bills and fill it with decoy equipment, ya might as well just start a real business! :abduct:

You can make as much money by doing something legit and don't have to hide nothin.

Doing a big op in an industrial area would also require a stupid amount of backbreaking work.

That said, you could easily hide a small (1 - 2k) project in a real shop and keep you and yours happy.

I've working in manufacturing my whole career. The fire marshal checks for proper escape routes, fire extinguishers, and to make sure the wiring looks "mostly" ok. They don't trace down every circuit.


A small data center would create the same footprint as a grow op. A rack of servers would use around 20-30 amps and require at least a 2 ton AC unit to cool them, even in the winter.

Also, any house with all electric heat, and a history to back it up could easliy switch over to being heated by lights instead of radiant heat in the winter.


If someone comes and asks you why you are using extra electricity...Then they probably are already suspicious.

true that and they are just putting the rest of the pieces of the puzzle together. they may also ask your neighbors questions about your habits, visitors etc... but usually you will never see it coming.


1-4k op isnt worth the effort.

4k would just blend in, and no need for a front.

Walk in coolers, kilns, servers, use lots of powers