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The mildew has arrived!


So the other day i noticed that the plant had little whitish areas on the leaves. The plant is 3 days from harvest so i just started cutting all the leaves with the powdery mildew off. Ive only been flushing for 3 days so I don't want to harvest yet but what do you guys think? will it get inside the cola or stay only on the leaves?

At day 4 of flushing the plant is still really green. has anyone had this problem before? I thought it's supposed to turn yellow... Ive been feeding it with RO with nutes at 400ppm the first 2 days and RO with calmag at 150 ppms the next 2 days. should i use less ppms?

feeding canna coco and calmag


PM is some evil ass shit :mad: , it generally stays on the leaves and possibly outside of buds i've yet to see it infect the inside of a bud(is it even possible?). Just keep doin what your doin and you'll be good


Can you post any pics with it..I though I had P.M..turns out it was spidermite damage..theres not enough clear pics of it..so youll do your part...try to post pics of it


"will it get inside the cola or stay only on the leaves?"

If left unchecked it will infect your buds for sure, learned that one the hard way. It sounds like your case is pretty mild though, and since you're so close to harvest I wouldn't worry too much, just make sure you spray your vegging plants with some zone+penetrator OR get a sulfur burner.


New member
My last crop was overwhelmed with pm. I tried everything from spraying milk, sm90, seranade, baking soda. They all worked for a short time but it always kept coming back.
I finally dropped the bucks on a 125$ sulfer burner and have had zero problems in veg or flower. Since your almost ready to harvest you should be fine, it sounds pretty mild. The sulfer burner is the long term soloution, if not dealt with it will always keep coming back.


Try not to folair feed AT ALL..if your in a humid envronemtn..or your prone to get P.M..p.m spores need FOOD to grow..so having nutrients on the leavs..and a humid environemtn due to misting water OR folair feeding is just ASKING for P.m...theres no need to do anything but water the ROOTS..forget about misting and foliar feeding..unless theyr clones..in whic case mist away,..


Try not to folair feed AT ALL..if your in a humid envronemtn..or your prone to get P.M..p.m spores need FOOD to grow..so having nutrients on the leavs..and a humid environemtn due to misting water OR folair feeding is just ASKING for P.m...theres no need to do anything but water the ROOTS..forget about misting and foliar feeding..unless theyr clones..in whic case mist away,..

ok thanks. I haven't been spraying anything on them. Should I be careful of PM spreading while hang drying in a dark closet?