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Marijuana make certain pain worse?


Long story short I have a herniated disc in my neck... its not too bad, but does bother me sometimes, mostly in the winter time when I am not as physically active. It's not bad enough to require surgery, but at the same time its never gotten better and I have to ibuprofen 3x a day lots of the time.

I recently started a break from herb and noticed my neck didnt hurt at all the last two days, however the g/f and I smoked a bowl a few hours ago, and almost immediately before we came downstairs I could feel my neck tense up to the point of it hurting. As my highness went away, the pain did too.

Strain was Lemon Skunk. I was the grower.

I've noticed this in the past too, never with any particular strain, but have noticed sometimes pot makes my neck tense and the pain WORSE.

I also have 2 other herniated disc lower on my spine, however I don't think the two things are related.... Marijuana dramatically HELPS that pain 95% of the time....

I guess it could be maybe more Sativa leaning strains or phenos? The lemon skunk i just harvested was VERY sativa looking (thin leaves). I harvested at 10 weeks exactly, and it only had maybe 5% amber trichs at most. So it probably coulda went to 11 or even 12 weeks.

EDIT: forgot to finish this post.... my whole point in making the thread. Anyone else ever experience this or have any thoughts or ideas?


Freedom Fighter
Some sativa's make me acutely aware of every little thing-- I would not guess they are good for pain--

Blue Dot

I find pot just makes me much more sensitive to everything and since pain is subjective it just makes me more aware of it.

This can be a good thing though for people who have a problem in their body but don't realize it, MJ may make them aware of it and then they may look into trying to alleviate the source of the pain.

Remember, modern pharmaceutical philosophy is the opposite, they just push stuff that dulls out you're senses so your not only not aware of the pain but not aware of anything.


stone fool
We all react differently, some herbs do cause my neck pain to kick up also. I first had this issue in 76, when I had a neck injury. Also reading too much caused me more neck pain too. Grow a different strain.

Storm Crow

Active member
In a few cases yes........

In a few cases yes........

While working on my list a few days ago (some BIG changes coming up), I ran across a reference about cannabidiol making a certain type of neuropathic pain worse, while decreasing tremor in one patient in a tremor study. I've been working with quite a few studies recently, so I don't remember which one it was. Sorry. (Gettin' old, or is it the pipe I just toked?)

So perhaps, that particular strain has a bit too much CBD for your system? :2cents:

Granny :joint:



there are some strains that amplify pain and some that erase it

pain from an injury strats at a nerve and the nerve sends an impulsse to the brain to communicate pain

some weeds, i have noticed, stimulate that part of the brain, etheir making you "forget" pain (short term memory loss to that particular spot in the lobe is my theory) OR it stimulte the pain center auseing you to ache or feel "pumbled", and there were some pubmly regs in these parts a back in the day

so imho the best pain relievers are the weeds that make you "forget what you were doing while you were doing it" are best

the saem bud that has me driving an half hour past my destination cause i where i was going generaly takes away the pain

:) good luck

Storm Crow

Active member
In a few cases yes........

In a few cases yes........

While working on my list a few days ago (some BIG changes coming up), I ran across a reference about cannabidiol making a certain type of neuropathic pain worse, while decreasing tremor in one patient in a tremor study. I've been working with quite a few studies recently, so I don't remember which one it was. Sorry. (Gettin' old, or is it the pipe I just toked?)

So perhaps, that particular strain has a bit too much CBD for your system? :2cents:

Granny :joint:


reap... i agree with that theory 200%.... the strong indicas don't as much "relieve" the pain, as they make u forget about it.

Last night after I posted this and ate dinner and all.... the g/f and I went upstairs for one more bowl. This time I reached for some ECSD. I didn't grow this herb but a good friend did and its top notch. Didn't notice any pain after smoking the ecsd... but I think its because I was soo baked I forgot about it.

interesting theory about the CBD granny.

I am wondering if a Strong sativa, left to overly mature to the point where it was like 30% amber trichs would cause the pain to be releaved. I guess i'm letting my next Sat. dominate plant go an extra week or 2 to find out.
I have also learned to avoid smoking with any sort of tooth pain. It works best for my chronic lower back and arthritus pain, and totally helps me sleep while it's acting up.


Rubbing my glands together
Jack Herer. Makes the nerve pain in my back damn near unbearable. Nerves start snapping and spasms get so intense. Makes me feel like I've plugged in to a 240v socket. Only strain that has done that to me every time.


Yes I can assure you most sativa increase or make you aware of your pain much more. I think they mostly cause or increase nerve pain only.