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bank inspection/apartment


I have a quick question. My apartment is having a bank inspection in a couple days. i have already changed my locks about six months ago. its only from 9 to 12 in the morning, if i just dont answer my door, i figure the most that can happen is that i will be repremanded and/or fined for the lock thing. If anyone has been through this please let me know, little paranoid right now!


Active member
how old are the plants and how many?

if theyre not that big you could just throw them all in a sealed up box for a couple hours in the closet covered by some cloths or something.

if theyre to big for that, honestly, id dump the plants. ive had to do that. its no fun, but its better than getting caught.


Unfortunately, if they want in (and have given you at least 24 hours notice) they are going to get in. If you have changed your locks, make sure that your lease allows tenants to do so. Even if you have changed the locks, they will get in there eventually. If you are allowed to change the locks they will harrass you (maybe even legally) until you let them. If are not allowed to change the locks, they will have the maintinance department or even the police out there. Apartments suck..right!

I know in a friends situation, he had changed his locks but was not allowed to. They left for the day, and sent a letter the next saying that they will need him to change his locks back to the original within 72 hours or they will call the fire department/police to gain entrance. This bought him a few days, but he still had to let them in the end. Now....if you can put a lock on a closet or bedroom door you will be better off. A lock on a bedroom door is much less suspicious and allows the apartment staff gain entry for maintenance while still giving you some privacy.

This all depends on your type of landlord....is it a grandma that rents out two properties or is a huge corporation that owns thousands?

Best advice is the check out your lease and find out about changing your locks and if you are allowed to. I wish I had better news, but they will get in there if they want and there isnt much you can do as a renter if they give you 24 hours notice.


Active member
As long as there's other units for them to look at, I can't see them breaking down your door when their keys don't work merely for a bank inspection, but better safe then sorry.


thanks for the info guys, my landlord owns three apartment buildings next to each other and he has about 300 apartments in our community.


natural medicator
If they're only a week from chop, just chop and tear down....Especially if you want to be able to grow there again. Making them get on your case is not going to help your situation long term IMHO. Sure, it sucks losing that week or so, but wouldn't you rather not risk it?


Active member
If they're only a week from chop, just chop and tear down....Especially if you want to be able to grow there again. Making them get on your case is not going to help your situation long term IMHO. Sure, it sucks losing that week or so, but wouldn't you rather not risk it?

you loose 1 week not the apt...:2cents:


i feel for u bro. apt. inspections are lame as hell... cut em a week early its not that big a deal then throw up another crop 5 min after they leave. fuck them


Bank inspections at apartments suck. When I had one, all they did was come in, look around the living room, kitchen and step out on the porch. They left my personal spaces alone - bedrooms weren't messed with, etc

If I were growing there, I would've been paranoid as hell too and honestly I would have torn down the grow and boxed up the plants...Putting them in a moving box sealed with duct tape usually helps (temporarily) keep the smell down. Putting it in the back of a closet covered in misc stuff might work too.

How about renting a moving van/truck such as a u-haul, loading it up and taking it to a safe location (even if it's the back corner of a little-used public parking lot) works. Just tape up (duct tape or something thick, NOT that crappy scotch tape or clear packing tape, it doesn't stick as well) edges of boxes so they're airtight and smell won't be a big issue.


Active member
happend to me years ago. Fortunately the landlord was fairly layed back. I told him I would be at work at the time the appraiser needed access, and my dog would be in the apartment alone. It was a total shot in the dark, but he told me not to worry about it and that they can get enough of the info from the others apartments which were all the same layout. Got incredibly lucky.

Is there any way you could talk to someone and talk your way out of it. Tell them about how youve had things stolen from your previous apartments and dont feel comfortable having strangers in your home when you are not there. This way atleasat youll know if them needing access to your particular apartment is absolutley necessary. Good Luck
Otherwise, not worth the risk. CHOP cHop.


Active member
You can chop them and pack the stems in a bucket of water allowing them to mature for several days in the dark. Might even come out better that way.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Thanks for the replies, everything went well. I took your advice and chopped and cleaned and they didnt even come into my apartment. But i am still free and enjoying life and am already on my second grow that is almost done.

right on congrats :joint:


Thanks for giving us a follow up, Ldizzle. It sucks when someone starts one of these OMG Something's About To Happen threads and they don't let us know how it turned out.