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Peace of Mind All Purpose


Anyone here tried this fertilizer? I am doing quite a few plants and doing a no maintenance fertilizer. The soil in these locations is in a wooded decidous forest with nice black to dark brown fluffy soil. I am going to try and just add peace of mind all purpose, some kelp meal, and possibly some lime. Want to stay away from blood, bone, and anything animals will be attracted to and want to dig up for food. Thought about going guanos but they are so expensive and would rather not have to mix nutes myself since the amount of work will already be back breaking. I think the kelp meal, peace of mind, and lime would cover any nute needs all the way to flower. Of course I will go check on each plot every month or two and bring nutes with me just incase they are extra hungry but do you guys think this would keep my ladies satisfied? I will also be using water crystals if you are wondering what I will be doing about watering technique. Already got 20 out I used some guanos and meals I had hanging around but already have 80 more holes dug and need to pick some nutes up to get them fully prepped and ready for transplant. Thanks for the help


Well bushmasta, Peace of Mind All Purpose is a good choice- I have also used Peace of Mind Starter and Fruit & Flower... They all had good results- alot of desirable components in those mixes.

A few tips- You may want to mix the POM with earthworm castings then spray the mess with liquid kelp to allow it to breakdown some especially if you are putting out larger plants or strains that crave more nutes...

Good to hear you've got some good forest soil- nice rich black earth makes me very happy! Sounds as if you're in the right spot. Be careful, good luck!
POM, all purp. is some great shit:yes:
i have used many times in my true living organic growing method of growing.
never had i had a problem using it... it was like using super nutes... they really took to it!!

good luck


Awesome thanks guys. I google'd peace of mind to find out the ingredients cause the site I am using to purchase didn't have that info. Seems it has some stuff like fish meal, and bone meal some stuff that animals would be attracted to digging up. Most of my spots are on sides of interstates and water so I don't see caging the plants as an option. Anyone used this outdoors? Did you have animal problems? I think I will go with this stuff sounds like it has a lot of good stuff in it. Micros and beneficial fungi things in it for root growth. I will add kelp meal and lime to the pom and water with some kelp water to start break down of micros in the soil. Have you used this fert exclusively all the way to chop? Wondering if it will do well for flower being 5-5-5 although the kelp meal I will use is 1-0-2


I feel POM is largely an outdoor proposition. Indoors, you've got better liquid nutes with more availability.

Basically, POM Starter, All Purpose, Fruit&Flower is all the same shit in slightly different ratios.

Do lime. Don't add lime to the POM. You need to approximate the size of the hole in gallons and add 2 Tablespoons per gallon- mix this into the soil early as possible.

Whether or not POM will take you up to chop depends on how long your strain will be flowering for and whether it's a heavy feeder (indica) or a light nut liker (sativa) and also how large the plant is at flower. I like to come back to the patch and amend with POM Bat Guano mixed with earthworm castings scratched in as a top dressing in July, but that's the way I roll...

As homework tonight, I recommend you read the Mandala thread about fertilizing wisely in the Mandala forum- very informative... Best of Luck!


Been using the POM All-Purp as the base of my soil mixes for years now.

I pretty much use just that, extra lime, and lately some Algamin, giving me a roughly 6-5-7 soil.

I cultivate in some guano a few weeks into flowering and that's it, man.

I just use plain water and add molasses about every other time.
