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The Pirate Bay conviction


Active member
You can argue both ways, but fact is you're never going to get rid of pirating unless you get rid of the internet. If there were more smart start ups like Hulu and such, we wouldn't need sites like the piratebay, and artists would still get paid. Also, even though most people don't like to admit it, many people will download a game/cd from the pirate bay and delete it shortly thereafter because they didn't like it. Now, are you saying they still should have paid for it like everyone else, even though you can't ever return software/music once opened? There is a legitimate use for trying things out before you buy, and alot of companies don't do demos anymore.


Musicians shoud be paid for playing, and NOTHING else. Isn't it obvious ? Why should musician get paid forever, for onetime performance ? Nope I cant get it .


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Ok if music/art is business as usual..Where do i get my money back if i find the product lacking ? They only show us trailers of movies with the best parts in it..and most movies today are total garbage. No if i feel i've been tricked in to watching that piece of garbage where do i complain ?

cyber echo

Imho, they went too chuck norris with this jig. They should have played it safer and hosted the site somewhere safer. Also, making a movie about it (two actually) which included alot of d*** waving will generally do that. It was about time someone got really pissed at em and gave out a shit-ton of bribes to get them in trouble. In the end, its the big companies that they were playing with.