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North Carolina MMJ - HB1380



I'm surprised this hasn't made NC NORML's news page yet, but NC State Rep. Earl Jones, (D-Guilford) has introduced the North Carolina Medical Marijuana Act.

Interesting notes: Rather than plant-count they are proposing 100 Square feet of "green canopy" as the limits - not sure it's unique but I've not seen this used before while looking at other MMJ states. Of course this means you can grow 25 clones + your more mature plants and still stay under limits.

I also noted the inclusion of a section on "...nor shall the person be subject to disciplinary action by a business or occupation or professional licensing board or bureau..." to counteract the improper interpretation of the section on "An employer [is not required] to accommodate the medical use of marijuana in any workplace."

I believe I saw a post (here?) on an MMJ patient recently filing a lawsuit after being fired due to a positive drug test, and the employer using the "workplace is not required to accommodate" clause as their right to fire. So maybe this is a possible application of lessons learned there - perhaps the congress-critters aren't all bad. :nanana:

If you live in NC please contact your state representatives to support this bill.

Looks like there's a link on NCCPN http://www.nccpn.org/ to find your local representatives.

Bill Details from the NC State Legislature pages HERE:



weed fiend
My rep is one of those new democrats that clings to guns and religion. (It wasn't too long ago in college that they puffed the evil ganja.)

EDIT: my US rep, sorry.


My rep is one of those new democrats that clings to guns and religion. (It wasn't too long ago in college that they puffed the evil ganja.)

EDIT: my US rep, sorry.

Yeah, well south of the Mason-Dixon line you'll find that guns and religion are on both sides of the aisle. [At least the religion is.... guns are debatable depending on your locale] Not to paint with a broad brush, but it's more about getting around the dogma that usually goes along with the guns and religion.

Yeah, I'm betting legalization in CA would happen before effective MMJ laws would be passed in NC/SC/FL - but here's to hoping.

The conservative-right are historically vocal and organized/motivated down-south, and the need for social interaction and employment without hitting a "grass ceiling" keeps the medical-user or "occasional stoner" in the proverbial closet.

... now let me move this coat and find a corner to sit down... :wave:


Yeah, well south of the Mason-Dixon line you'll find that guns and religion are on both sides of the aisle. [At least the religion is.... guns are debatable depending on your locale] Not to paint with a broad brush, but it's more about getting around the dogma that usually goes along with the guns and religion.

Yeah, I'm betting legalization in CA would happen before effective MMJ laws would be passed in NC/SC/FL - but here's to hoping.

The conservative-right are historically vocal and organized/motivated down-south, and the need for social interaction and employment without hitting a "grass ceiling" keeps the medical-user or "occasional stoner" in the proverbial closet.

... now let me move this coat and find a corner to sit down... :wave:

Well in Central Florida we used to say a Greased Pig gets away.. Let Cannabis reform be that greased pig.

I've watched the economic news and the South is the area picking up Economically first from what I can tell.

Keep on Truckin'



ICMag Donor
oh man, oh man, oh man....tell me that MI wasn't in fact a swing state...the 13th has always been a swing state historically. Since MI, there have been MANY states to push for this in the past year!!!


New member
Go NC!

Wral News5 ran a piece just a couple of weeks back... I am glad to see the movement in NC.

I was starting to wonder wtf!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I hear we have something to the effect going up here in FL this year? Lemme see if I can find something...
good vibes

Weedman Herb

I hear we have something to the effect going up here in FL this year? Lemme see if I can find something...
good vibes
I saw something about Fla. while I was researching. Maybe you should start a Florida Thread (if there isn't 1 already) ...


The only thing they have on the General Assembly site is that it was referred to the committee on Health. I'm assuming it's on a calendar to be read there at some point, but can't find any references.

Chances are there are a few hundred other things in the queue for the Health committee to review as well, so hopefully patience will be rewarded. The commentary I've seen on it was that it didn't get any vocal opposition at it's first reading, but they're preparing for a "long fight" to get it passed if it continues.

I've looked around the legislature site, but regrettably it doesn't look like NC Leg. puts it's committee meeting calendars up on a web page, but uses a listserv to send out notices... how 1988 of them.


Sorry Weedman.. didn't see your other thread when I started this one.

I wasn't commenting (re: 1988) on links (i.e. the NCCPN links that have similar to NORMLs in yours), but to the fact that the NC Legislature doesn't publish it's committee meetings on the web, but uses an email distribution method (i.e. a LISTSERV).

I was just trying to answer the previous poster's question, but couldn't find the dates for the next reading.

Didn't mean to ruffle any feathers.

Weedman Herb

I was kidding TN ... Easy Going here ... NC Govs thinking is a bit back dated but coming around if at a slow pace ... we can't get enough attention to these matters IMHO ... we should have 74 such threads at IC (2 for each non med state) at a Minimum ...


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I was kidding TN ... Easy Going here ... NC Govs thinking is a bit back dated but coming around if at a slow pace ... we can't get enough attention to these matters IMHO ... we should have 74 such threads at IC (2 for each non med state) at a Minimum ...

De La Luz

Great Thread TN !!
Here is a link to MMP's website (IMO The PREMIER Cannabis advocacy group in country now and for the past 12 years)


They have teamed up with a local state organization to work this bill through.

North Carolina
Urge General Assembly to protect medical marijuana patients

Last update: April 10, 2009

Rep. Earl Jones (D-Guilford) has introduced House Bill 1380. This bill will allow patients suffering from debilitating medical conditions to legally use medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it.

Please contact your legislators and urge them to support this compassionate legislation.

In order to help build support for the legislation, MPP has given a grant to the North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network. http://www.nccpn.org/
They are working tirelessly to lobby legislators in the General Assembly, as well as to build support for the medical marijuana legislation in the community. They also have been filming testimonials of patients in North Carolina who could benefit from medical marijuana.

Do you or someone you know benefit from medical marijuana?

If you are a medical professional, a patient who might benefit from medical marijuana, or if you know somebody who might benefit from medical marijuana we would like to hear from you. Additionally, if you are a law enforcement official, a clergy member, or a member of the legal community please e-mail [email protected] to see how you can be of special help.

Progress in 2008

The 2008 legislative session showed promise. Rep. Jones introduced House Joint Resolution 2405, a bill to allow the legislature's Legislative Research Commission to study the issue of medical marijuana. The House Science and Technology Committee held an educational session about the bill at which Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former surgeon general for the United States, presented medical information for the committee.

Write a letter to the editor in support of medical marijuana

If you are interested in composing a powerful 150- to 200-word letter to the editor, we'd be glad to help. Please send MPP legislative analyst Zane Hurst an e-mail at [email protected] along with a short description of why you support medical marijuana laws.

Sign up now to stay up-to-date on North Carolina marijuana policy

To stay updated on the status of marijuana policy reform in North Carolina, be sure to subscribe to MPP's free legislative alert service if you haven't done so already.

Please support NCCPN with time efforts or $ as well as MPP -- CALL OR EMAIL YOUR REPS TODAY!!!:1help: