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smokin 2 live's organic mindset/and componets/additives. what works for me...

hello to all fellow organic fans:wave:

it's obvious that we all love the organics thing here.
this is how I do my shit.... now EVERYONE has their own method that work best for them, but this works for me.
so here is my approach to organics.

many growers dont understand how small mistakes in a container-bound organic enviro can greatly harm or destroy a colony of microorganisms, and do major damage to your plants-esp during flowering. in synthetic growing your the one for ensuring a balanced enviro. by doing shit like adjusting the PH. it may surprise many hydro-growers to learn that you dont need to worry about many issues in true living organics. this is why living organics is not just different from hydro and other forms of growing.
in living organics all your really doing is ensuring the primary, secondary, and trace elements are available in your soil. your making the micro-life happy :smile: once you have this, all ya have to do is keep the micro-life thriving!
dont worry bout the nutes/ph as ya would in hydro or other growing methods, the micro-life will take of that!:yes:
you need to be familar with some of the basic mechics within the plant.
cannabis roots can process their own nutes, but prefere to get em pre-processed from the microbeasties populating the soil surrounding the roots.
an enviro where the soil's microlife provides the plant food allows the plant to direct it's energy towards more important stuff like producing more resinous buds, and fighting disease,always a good thing, right?

what really pisses off a plant is having to switch from the surrounding micro-life in the soil to proocess it's own food...
the switch is somewhat stressfull, esp. during early-mid flowering.
if the switch is made, your micro-life will die off quick! and the plant will have to start to process it's own food.
even if ya have all the good shit in the soil, . the stress is enough to decrease the yeilds and potency.. so ive found?
soil amending is'nt as important as it is in hydro/chem growing. if ya add to much of this or that the micro-life will rise and fall according to food sourse.
your not just using the micro-life to help the plant grow, your actually encouraging the micro-life to boom into supernatural levels to bring your growth enviro into supernatural levels as well.

think of the micro-life like billions of micro farmers, working 24/7. just like they have been doing for millions of years in nature.
in living organics growing, cause your not actullaly feed the plants, it's important that you create a soil enviro. thats best suited to allow the microbeasties to do their thing.

i begin with a good organic soil mix, like foxfarm ocean forrest. it has alot of good fungi and contains earthworm castings, bat and seabird guano and lots of other good stuf (humic/fulvic acids)
i cut my soil in half with mushroom compost. your cutting shit should not be a potting mix. it should have a very small amount, if any, fertz/nutes. BUT be chunky and woody (ala mushroom compost) fungus LOVE this type of enviroment!!! the chunchiness of the soil mix makes a BIG differance! esp. during flowering. the fungi needs the chunkiness and woodyness to eat and digest.
keeping your fungus happy is key to a successfull organic grow. good fungus=HAPPY PLANTS!!

an inportant fungus is mycrohazea(sp?)
the roots will form a relationship that satisfies nearly all the plants heaviier phosphorous needs during flowering.
the granular type is cool cause you can just sprinkle some in the hole during xplant, than just place down the root ball in the hole!
mycrohaize is important to apply at least once in order to get your plants root-fungi relation established.
i also like to use pyro-clay. it has alot of trace elements not found elsewere.
enzymes, hormones that do all types of great things!

another key ingredent of a healthly soil mix. .
it ALSO provides a big quantity of trace elements ..
i also add fish fert to the mix. kelp meal also brings in potassium, just like black strap ( i use sweet) and greensand, also liquid karma

ialso use soft rock phosphate cause it is instantly available to the soil's micro-life.

the combined addition of soft rock phosphate, dolomite lime, dry fish fert, kelp meal to your mix will cover micro, trace, and secondary nutes very well!

i than cut my mix again by 30% with a 50/50 mix of perlite/vermiculite for a very nice drainage, and airation to the root system..

kelp meal, dry fish fertz, fishbone meal, soft rock phosphate, greensand, blood/steamed bone meals, . all are the basic elements of a good organic soil mix, IMO.
and let us not forget the dolomite lime folks!! it's a prime mag. source!!!. alltho it plays a small role in veg, it's MAJOR during flowering!!
always have a mag. source available in your mix so the plant can tap into it at the onset of flower.
dolomite lime ALSO serves as a BUFFERING AGENT as well!! great, it keeps from dropping the ph levels to low!!:smile:

this is my grow life in a few words, well more than a few :wink:
this is how i live as well. i have learned a lot from my mentor, THE MAESTRO, CRAZY COMPOSER. CC, i bow down to ya brother!! thanks for leading me down the path and having to "hold my hand" with steps, but you got me here man:yes: iam now just STARTING ( after many years mind you) to take CC's aproach of things. give back to the earth. keep her healthy and clean. if ya see trash, pick the shit up, even if it's not yours! AND most important, livivg healthy. iam tring my ass off, but is SSOOOOOOO FUCKIN HARD!!! esp when ya have health issues/PAIN, CONSTANT PAIN!!!! OUCH!!
but iam tring to ween-off all the pain meds brother! GOD HELP ME! ive been on HEAVY pain meds for over 10 YEARS NOW! and yes the pain center has me hooked like a "junkie", the fuckers!!!!

hope this thread brings good vibes and info to those who need it.

here in a day or two, i'll share my feeding fertz, aint much, hehehehehe, it's all in the soil mix dude:joint:



State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
nice thread bro good read... you one of them guys that like to put all the admendments in the soil.... ive had trouble this way and switch to little in soil and add through tea's... i never had a good soil recipe though....
thank ya PTB!
yea, i like this method. cause ya dont really need to feed, just water:smile:
however, i DO feed, gotta keep that micro-life happy:wink:

dude, nothing wrong with that method!!
like i said, there are as many techs as their are organic growers.hehehe!!!

a soil-less mix and TRUE organic nutes/fertz works just fine too.
whatever works for each person, ya know?


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Whats up Bro
I think i might give your recipe a try,,he he he
I also would like to THANK YOU and CC for helping me find some pain relief!!!!!!!!!!!
with what popped that gives us 14 diff. flavors for now.:woohoo:

The Purple Urkel will be germ'd tonight/tomorrow

Brother i'm here for ya, I know its hard right now, getting off the med's
i know that you are 1 hell of a guy and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
and remember i'm just a call away (and 3 min. away)

Your Bro
I N Hail

p.s. I be over tomorrow 4;20 ya know :joint:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Man I just found your thread!:woohoo:

Sorry I couldn't help ya with any meds bro, but I'm not even smokin right now, my lung cage has been screwed up for a whole week now.....thought I might have to go to emergency last night.

Killer thread you started, especially like minds think alike. I use all the organic amendments, too, and you are homing in on how organics is all about keeping the microbes happy 24/7....i'm with ya 100%.

One of the young breeders who lives close to us was saying how dirty my soil was.....like yuck...he,he,he he wouldn't even listen....yes, I have earthworms living in my GOD DAMN soil, so what!

LOve ya brothers!.desi!


Paint Your DreamStrain
Thanks for the helpful drop, good quick compilation of useful info. I've been meaning to go around and pick up trash myself, you've resparked my interest in doing so, think I'll start tomorrow! :bandit: :smoke: :joint:
no worries desi:yes: i:ll manage man............?
so glad ya like the thread bro!
yea, i forgot bout the LIVE earthworms in the mix! fab shit, eh?!

love ya man,peace and good health!

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
there are as many techs as their are organic growers
Ain't that the truth. :)

Some good pearls in here. The relationship between roots and fungi is a good point to drive home. There has even been research suggesting that the fungi and the roots become one, physically, literally. The fungi penetrate the roots, leaving their ends out in the soil. In this way the fungi actually act as a highway between the nutrient source (the soil) and the roots.

Peace, good vibes,

One Love

Sounds like some good stuff you're using in your mix there S2L. Organic gardening is so fun. I like to try all kinds of different stuff, but the main focus is getting the soil setup properly first, (i love re-using my old stuff, it just gets better with age) then tinkering with teas to give them that extra bit of goodness. The final product always speaks for itself.

I've been using a little alfalfa meal in tea's lately for veggers and early flowering plants. Its pretty light, but seems to be a good addition. I may try adding it to a vegetative mix in the future. S2L, ever use the Alfalfa meal? it contains a natural growth hormone, i think its tricantrol? not positive on the name, but the ladies seem to like it.

I like your outlook mane, keep up the good work!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Very good on the Alfalfa meal, 'One Love'!.....I had to think a second, ...it's Cotton Seed meal that I added last year with everything else S2L uses and I used too much in my Recycled soil (Pro Mix Base) and it turned everything real green until this year after I diluted my re-used soil. I also add gypsum for another calcium/sulphur additive along with my wood ash which contains Ca and K (and trace) also, along with the Kelp and Greensand for K and trace too......I also use hydrated lime along with my Dolomite Lime.

The Mushroom Compost is a dynamite compost, along with your blood & bone meals. I see that S2L uses the Fish Meal also with his Pyro (I still got some you gave me S2L)....the guanos is what I have never used except for Seabird which Verite always said was real alkaline like the woodash is (there again it depends on which wood ash)

Well whose next?.........."carry on my best of friends"........desi!

PS. There's trash looming around my neighborhood and last week I couldn't stand it no more, so I picked up some. Well our Spanish neighbors, 2 house fulls moved out over the first and when I walk my pup we see it all in this wooded corner....sooo I will start a 'new trash pickup mission' to help beautify that corner..........you can't chant that stuff away...he,he

One Love

desi, good job cleaning up mother earth! lord knows that it takes a few good people to pick up after others who are a little more careless. Good vibes in this thread! I think that organic growers (for the most part) share a sort of outlook on the way the world should be and we make attempts in our daily lives to kind of pass that outlook on through our actions.

we are all components of a single living organism.
Ain't that the truth. :)

Some good pearls in here. The relationship between roots and fungi is a good point to drive home. There has even been research suggesting that the fungi and the roots become one, physically, literally. The fungi penetrate the roots, leaving their ends out in the soil. In this way the fungi actually act as a highway between the nutrient source (the soil) and the roots.

Peace, good vibes,

could'nt agree more:yes:

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