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Our 4/20 miracle


St. Elsewhere
So our cat's been pregnant for a little while, and wouldn't ya know it? A stoner's luck...


It's a 63 day strain, gotta wait for it to sex before we start handing out names. :)


Active member
hahaha wow that is dope! your cat gave birth to 5 kittens on 4-20

i wonder if they are each special marijuana blessed cats that would bring good luck to gardens!

if you were in the bay area i would love to adopt one off you!


St. Elsewhere
Big orange one had to hurt:rolleyes:
Congrats on the kitties

Hahaha. By the way, we've picked names. We have 3 boys and 2 girls.

The three boys are Steve French, Vince the Pince AKA Rob Thomas, and Biker Bob. (Biker Bob's from the Honey Bee cross)

And the two girls are Luna (reference to Vanilluna), and Flo. :)

Pictures coming soon.

EDIT: It's worth elaborating that the mom's name is Haze, and the dads names are Thai and Dumpster.


God are they always born so small?lol just kidding.You should make the 4/20 kitties permanent co2 generators by having them live in the flowerroom


Active member
^haha let kittens into the grow room, they might maul half the foilage on your fan leaves!

and then puke all over the floor to add to it!

but they are just so damn cute that you clean it up with a smile.