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O/T Curious question about earth worms

Bodhi Roach


Sry this is a lil off topic, I have about 50 medium sized E worms all seeming to try to go somewhere across my road in front of my house? It's raining, there is nothing but paved street the direction they are going, and it looks like there original departure point was from my lawn....?????

Any comments? Im baffled and feel bad for running over all of them with my car. :1help:


Active member

Agree with Lt. Herb

Your lawn is probably waterlogged, and worms drown quite easily.

It sounds like you might want to re-stock your lawn once it's dried out a bit, perhaps even look into increasing the drainage.


New member
Earth worms always wander in the rain. The best time to harvest earthworms is at night in the rain. I've been accused of being nuts many times while out in my lawn in the rain with a flashlight picking up worms for my bins. Best times was in Jan/Feb where I live. I would catch them in the runoff in my driveway too, then after plucking them from imminent death I'd treat them to a nice climate controlled worm bin in my garage.


I drown worms the old fashioned way.............at the end of a hook. When the worms are "migrating", I collect a few for each of the flower and veggie pots on the deck/porch. Worm castings aren't cheap. Worm farmers rock.

Bodhi Roach

Hehe, I love it!!!

thanks for all the great replies guys!!

What tool do you find the best to pick them up and not damage them?

My fingers are to big and I cant get a hold of them with out pinching them and usually mortally wounding them.

im going to dump them into my compost and veggy gardens :)



king of the dinosaurs
lol, i can see it now

bodhi roach outside on the front street in his rain gear, umbrella and bucket in hand, crouching in the rain picking up worms with chopsticks. might make the neighbours wonder...


You'll be known around the neighborhood as that guy "who eats worms with chopsticks"! LOL....hilarious...ya'll crack me up!


Active member
haha, yeah, but if you cut a worm in half or squish it in half with your finger then both halves will eventually develop into seperate worms!

That's an old wives tale. :bashhead:

Do you have access to one of those wet/dry vacuum cleaners Bodhi? :abduct:

Seriously though, some way of sucking them up would probably work well!

Otherwise, I'd get a small bit of plastic sheet, and just roll them onto it with my fingers, then dump them in a container.