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Green House selling Chemdog and Bubba Kush??


GHS has had the rep from the past that made ther seedbanks rep today

They always had dank in the coffeshops(bud from other ppl) n ther strains they had in ther shops won awards in the ealry cannabis cup years 1995-98(bred by other ppl)

This is true wat ur sayin bout GHS bein at the top of the business but thats only the business part of the business ther more business men then breeders

They focus on marketing n sales not breeding n i think its kinda obvious y ther now goin to fem only bcus ther really takes no breedin wen makin fem'd seeds n fem'd seeds sell more to alot of new comers

I understand that alot of growers outdoors say they need these fem seeds but i see them as more of a problem

if u plant out 20 fem'd seeds at least 2 will b hermie n fuck the rest of ur plants so u'll end up wit not Sensimilla bud the hole reason of growin wit out males

Isnt everyone using someone elses work? If we removed skunk 1, N lights5, blueberry and afghani from the seed world, many of the strains on the market today would disappear.

N this is true ^^^^^ but the thing is that ppl say they hav the originals of these too(thats y im not jus a ghs basher i don't like lying seedbanks....wich is most of the seedbanks)

Ppl say they got the original Blueberry wich we knew came from Dj

n Skunk from Sam

Sams said b4 he was mad(can't remember his exact words) bcus that fact that no ones ever asked him to use skunk in the hybrids n skunks almost in everybud today but if they'd giv him credit then it'd b ok

Shantis never said anything bad bout ppl using his genetics to make new hybrids hes said b4 a seedbank asked him to put his old name gravity on ther bud bcus it was realated to his old strain gravity he did not mind bcus they didn't call it the original Gravity they said they made it off of his stock

GHS takes names n credits themselves wit the creations put original on the name so it'll sell more

Its all a business n business men will fuck u over

P.s I don't see how Fem'd seeds r really a help to the commercial grower bcus they'd still hav2 buy seeds every next round of growing

If i grew commercially i could buy one pack of 18seeds(MNS) grow out 5

Get mayb 3 moms n 2 males turn those 3 females to moms takes 5-10 clones of each

That'd b 15 - 30 plants rite ther n than use the 2 males to fuck a few or all the fems

afterwards u'd hav pleanty of seeds from years to come n u'll hav variety of f2's selection to choose good mamas from n then clone n grow again

1 pack of reg seeds is worth more then 100 packs of fems
One final note: Us outsiders really need femmed seeds. They have truly revolutionized the outdoor grow. So many breeders don't even recognize our needs. We need femmed seeds.

Maybe, but breeders need standard seeds and every grower should learn to identify males and females first hand.


i am sorry but after growing several femmed seeds from different breeders, gh, bb, nirvana & paradise, i don't like them..only a few hermied but every time i grow them i wish i had a male around for crosses or f2's..i don't know but the fems i grew seemed weak compared to my reg. seed plants..i also know i would not use fem seeds outdoors ; too many uncontrolled variables, such as weather,critters & bugs..imho that = hermies...

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Like it or not, Greenhouse is the top dog in the cannabis seed world. They totally control the market and along with DP, and have forced all other companies to lower their prices and forced most of them to produce fem seeds in an effort to compete. The rest will be along shortly if they intend to remain in biz. Colored seed packs, grow videos, constant stock availabilty, the innovation seen by GH is unequalled and they could take most of the industry to school -business school. A number of companies have seen the light- sensi, paradise and others are quickly trying to play catchup.

Ah, just like Walmart, cool...................


BTW, my real problem with GH is they have 50 famous americans on their site but won't do any kind of customer service for all us U.S. buyers..that's some serious B.S. to me...take my money then stab me in the back with your crappy genes..it's hard for me to respect them when they obviously don't respect me!! only my money!!!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
BTW, my real problem with GH is they have 50 famous americans on their site but won't do any kind of customer service for all us U.S. buyers..that's some serious B.S. to me...take my money then stab me in the back with your crappy genes..it's hard for me to respect them when they obviously don't respect me!! only my money!!!

Well said...


the highest level of fairness mankind will achieve in any market place is freedom of choice

i wont comment on something i havent experienced but i can rmember when there were far fewer choices and those days seemed less attractive than these


what good are all the choices if they are watered down and full of mutants and hermie pron plants..


all I gotta say is that growing greenhouse gear will make you look like a pimp guaranteed. who the hell doesn't want that?!





nahh man....chimps don't have the bling bling goin n sexy hired women standing next to em. Well maybe.. But that'd one PIMP chimp!


european ganja growers
BTW, my real problem with GH is they have 50 famous americans on their site but won't do any kind of customer service for all us U.S. buyers..that's some serious B.S. to me...take my money then stab me in the back with your crappy genes..it's hard for me to respect them when they obviously don't respect me!! only my money!!!

come on bro ...read into the US law abit more. GHS dont sell to the USA beacuse of your silly laws, thay would get tacking to court (GHS are not the only seedbank that dont post to the USA).........

keepi t green


their are lots of seedbanks and breeders that have great customer service to us U.S residents..honestly, it's more of a risk for me to recieve the seeds then there is risk of the seedbank to send them..i believe i'm alot closer to the feds than a seedbank somewhere in europe..that's just an excuse to take my money and not have to respond to any kind of problems..


european ganja growers
that's just an excuse to take my money and not have to respond to any kind of problems..

Grennhouse aint taking your money,,its seedbay or some other vendor where you get the seeds...oh wait have you even grown any GHS beans?

keep it green


yes i have, a mixed pack from sboo..and i never said the end product was bad just o.k.it's about using famous americans on the site but not aknowledging any u.s. buyers when their is a problem..imho it's just a way to take the money and not have to have any kind of responsilblity..my money is good enough but anything beyond that isn't...it's about right and wrong, being deceitful..to them us U.S buyers are nothing more than a cash machine..


european ganja growers
yes i have, a mixed pack from sboo..and i never said the end product was bad just o.k.it's about using famous americans on the site but not aknowledging any u.s. buyers when their is a problem..imho it's just a way to take the money and not have to have any kind of responsilblity..my money is good enough but anything beyond that isn't...it's about right and wrong, being deceitful..to them us U.S buyers are nothing more than a cash machine..

there are more than a few US growers on the GH page that get help/tips/support from GH ...is just the dont sell/support the USA with there seeds because of the law (pritty sure there something in the Dutch law stopping them selling to the US aswell)...yeh i might sound silly..but a ligit company like GHS are not going to brake the law and risk going to court when thay can just sell them to seedbay. then thay can do the illegil bit for GHS lol

all theses americans stars must like something about greenhouse if there on there web page....i bet thay get loads of free smoke aswell

keep it green


it's all good highlander...i just see things a tad differently...guess that's y only a few breeders get my cash...honestly i don't think it will make any difference much longer, as clone companies are sending elite clones in the mail here and seeds are becoming easier and easier to get here as well...soon we will be truly free here and the great ganja will be as available as a pack of marbs..have a great weekend, and i truly hope your kings kush do very well..peace my green friend...kk


ICMag Donor
Less hate more loving!! :no:
If ya can do that any better,, then do that! :yes:

peace, love, unity