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The kids born after 2015---> neo-hippies?


Active member
Every generation to some extent questions their parent's ideology, and core beliefs. Being that we are living in the most tech-savy and technologically advanced time in history, it leads me to speculate to the direction that the next generation will take.


Kids born after 2015 will be eco-friendly (it will be like D.A.R.E. was for kids who grow up in the 80's)

The 2015 kids will return to the earth. gardening will be as common as Sexting is today.

The 2015 kids will embrace celibacy to some extent. The reason I feel the next generation will embrace sexual purity in high numbers, is in response to the overt sexuality in American culture.

The 2015 kids will embrace their spiritual sides. I believe population in all religions will surge. Some through religion, others through meditation.

Political correctness will get so extreme that the 2015 kids wil not know what
"the n word" is. It will be a mystery. many theories will arise. Some will think it is "N"aughty or "N"ice. Others will think it is some fancy Vietnamese word
"Dien" word.

Gay marriage will not be an issue. Contract marriage will be the norm of their day. People will sign marriage contracts that expire after a predetermined time.
5,10,15,20 years etc.
After the predetermined time, boths parties will reevaluate their marriage, and either sign an extension, or become a free agent.
The controversial marriage will be Clone-nonclone marriage. Prop299

"they have no souls, how can we allow them to marry!"
" If my son ever married some "mouth swab" I would disown him.

What are your thaughts? How do you think the kids of young people today will turn out.



Active member
Great read.

The future should be wild.

I think the kids born after 2015
will not be able to write cursive lettering. It will be like chinese characters to them.
I disagree on the cloning thing. I think Americans will accept human cloning. gay marriage will be no big deal. The next persecuted group fighting for marriage will be the polygamous.
Plural marriage. Mixed plural marriage. 2guys 1 girl or any combo you can imagine.

Greed infiltrates every generation.
Your so called 2015 kids will be the ones to put starbucks and micky D's in outta space.
By 2015 if commercial space travel is common, then by the time they are adults, commuting from outer earth orbit to earth will be common.

one more thing.

In a world where everyone has a youtube channel, facebook page, telling the world every minute detail of one's life on Twitter.
The kids born after 2015 may crave anonimity. The good old days of privacy. Not having the urge to have to tell everyone in cyber space. "cleaning my bath tub."

How did we live without knowing that one of our friends AT THIS VERY MOMENT was cleaning their bath tub.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Kids born after 2015 will be eco-friendly (it will be like D.A.R.E. was for kids who grow up in the 80's)

D.a.r.e was a failure, I hope people pray for the planet then.

The 2015 kids will return to the earth. gardening will be as common as Sexting is today.

Highly doubt it, I believe the art of gardening will be lost. Todays generation wants instant gratification, gardening does not provide this.

The 2015 kids will embrace celibacy to some extent. The reason I feel the next generation will embrace sexual purity in high numbers, is in response to the overt sexuality in American culture.

The 2015 kids will embrace their spiritual sides. I believe population in all religions will surge. Some through religion, others through meditation.

Political correctness will get so extreme that the 2015 kids wil not know what
"the n word" is. It will be a mystery. many theories will arise. Some will think it is "N"aughty or "N"ice. Others will think it is some fancy Vietnamese word
"Dien" word.

Not with the internet


this is a good read n something to think bout alot but i don't really agree on the fact of Kids gardening n becoming non sexual

I'm young barely outa the kid years n i've noticed alot of friends n ppl younger than me r becoming dumber

I see us repeating the stupid shit weve been doin for thousands of years bcus we still r doin alot of the fucked up shit we did 30-100 years ago

i do believe religion n gay marraige thots r gunna change alot but i do not think completely

wat i've noticed is its not always the time of date that changed ppl wen they grew up but its the ppl around them there learnin from

Thers still alot of places on the east (n dif parts of the world)wer sexism n racism is common n not thot to b rong

If u live in a area of ignorant ppl than ther thots r givin to ther children that r then passed to ther children n so on

I don't believe People as a whole will change

i believe ther will b alot of good ppl out ther bcus they'll hav the knowlegde of the past that ppl dint hav b4 them but at the same time its wer n who u grew up around that changes everything

I'm pretty possitive if i went to africa a girl wouldn't not giv me her number jus cus i wasn't whering the new nike airforces

jus my :2cents:

Mr. Tony

Active member
America will only become less intelligent if we don't reform education. This no child left behind shit is fucking stupid. you don't wanna learn GTFO and let the people who want to, do so.

I'm simply amazed at how many dumb fucks there are at my university.


Active member
America will only become less intelligent if we don't reform education. This no child left behind shit is fucking stupid. you don't wanna learn GTFO and let the people who want to, do so.

I'm simply amazed at how many dumb fucks there are at my university.

Don't mean to be cruel. I agree young people as tech-savy as they may be, really have lost common sense. I think alot of that comes down to our affluence as a nation. When times are really good for very long people just get soft.

one think that freaks me out is the way young people communicate. they desire non-intimate ways of communicating. Texting. A teen will write out a long ass paragraph, when they could have said it all in a 30 second phone call. I wonder if there is a less intimate way of communcation than texting.

maybe sending smoke signals will become popular with the 2015 set.

Mr. Tony

Active member
Don't mean to be cruel. I agree young people as tech-savy as they may be, really have lost common sense. I think alot of that comes down to our affluence as a nation. When times are really good for very long people just get soft.

one think that freaks me out is the way young people communicate. they desire non-intimate ways of communicating. Texting. A teen will write out a long ass paragraph, when they could have said it all in a 30 second phone call. I wonder if there is a less intimate way of communcation than texting.

maybe sending smoke signals will become popular with the 2015 set.

I do agree but texting is useful.

when I'm in the dead center of a lecture hall in a lecture and I needed to make plans for a study group i text.

The city where my school is located is extremely windy which makes hearing what people are saying and communicating difficult at some times.

I also hate playing phone tag and i'm not a fan of voice mail.


Active member
great post guys.

Forcasting the future is always a crap shoot.
Who would have seen the rise of the internet? Who would have guessed that people would pay 4 bucks for coffee, not a canister, but a cup.

Who would have seen a cyborg become a govenor?

isn't this the year that Skynet is supposed to become self aware?


The Hopeful Protagonist
Where's my flying car ?


Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
great, so my kids are gonna be stinky hippies ?
that would really piss me off :nanana:
good thing they are not gonna be having sex though :chin: i got a daughter....

"sharpins axe"


Active member
Given the popularity of twitter, how long untill there is a social networking site where people have real time streaming video of their life. With twitter people believe that the world is interested in knowing that they are clipping their nails. This level of narcissism will only expand. The next generation will feel the need to brodcast their life as it happens. I envision a tiny wireless camera that can attach to glasses or have it implanted where one's third eye would be.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
kids born after 2015 will be no different from the snotty nosed brats born in 1915.
I dont know why people equate young people with being all techno savvy, like they were somehow born with this knowledge I mean I know 10 yr olds who dont even know what visual basic is, its just if youre a geek and your young you somehow stand out, I know a 60 year old geek who owns his own computer software business and he'd blow any ten year old out of the water with his knowledge.

Cookie monster

Which kids are you talking about, us lucky ones that live in the developed world or those poor mites that will be born into abject poverty war and famine.

Things are'nt going to change for them unless we educate our kids better.
I don't think dare worked out that well for kids growing up in the eighties, a lot of those kids are here. If anything the crack epidemic worked for me, so I never really turned into a junkie.

Kids will always grow up to be sexual. The truth is that religion has a large effect on people, so a lot will never enter a marriage contract that expires. Divorce is usually a traumatic issue but I can see how some people enjoy the swinging lifestyle.

2015 isn't that far away, I will be pretty old when they are my age. I don't think things will change all that much, they never really seem to......just our understanding changes. You can go back to the early days of man, people haven't changed all that much. But peoples understandings have changed hugely, yet people never really have changed that much. With all we know, there are still some of the old practices that were never that safe to begin with.

Not that I am a sociologist, but there will always be pockets of cultures.

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