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Breaking Bad


I watched the whole thing online up until the episode prior to the newest one, and I watched it all in like 2 days. With megavideo thats an accomplishment though "You have watched 72 minutes of video today. Please wait 54 more minutes or pay to blah blah blah" so I had to occupy myself for 54 minutes every hour and 12 minutes.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
SomeGuy, first season, that was his old research assistant team that own Grey Matter

It had lost-like flashbacks of him with fabulous 80's hair.

And yes they were romantically involved but then he dipped and she and the dude (elliot) stole his work and ideas and made millions


I see. If a character isnt on screen every episode I tend to forget about them unless they really stand out, like Tuco's uncle. DING!!!!!!!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
lol @ Someguy

and yeah, Megavideo is terrible unless you subscribe...but then doesnt that defeat the purpose?

bittorrent is awesome



Horse-toothed Jackass
My :2cents: on the 4/12/09 episode:

Jesse's revenge didn't turn out at all like I thought it would. I figured he'd roar up in there, rob them, slap them around a bit and then roar off.
Instead he hung out and almost became a surrogate parent to that kid.

Wonder how much dough was in that ATM? Several grand, at least. Walt should be happy.

I thought Jesse would take the kid too, but it was smart to leave him, Jesse can in no way be associated with that crime scene.

If Meth and Heroin make you live like THAT, then no thanks! Ugh! I think third world families have a better standard of living...

Wonder what Walt's invention was that made his ex-girlfriend and his ex-partner so rich?

Is his lost chance at riches at least partly to blame for his delving into the criminal underworld? Maybe he always figured he'd invent something else and make it big for his family; with time running out, he had to do the one thing that would make him a lot of cash fast...

"Fuuu...ck you." Little bit of bitterness there, Walt?

"Is that an 's' or a '5'?"
"That's an s. No wait, it's a 5. No wait, it's an s."
"Is that how you spell 'street'? S-t-r-e-A-t?"
"I'm slinging all sorts of mad shit bro, stacking up benjamins. I don't have time to be spelling and shit."

Jesse is to his dealers as Walt is to Jesse.

"They need to get got." Indeed.


Active member
Hello all,

I bet the serial numbers on the cash has been indexed and linked tot he atm. I bet Walter still stashes his money in the heater duct. I still think Hank will find the money.

Yeah, the kid is better off to be sure.


Green Smoke

Dayum! Well they finaly opened up the storyline some eh? Best episode yet. Covered lots of ground.

Finaly, they are reminding you regularly that Walt is very ill. Lots of coughing in this weeks episode. During the whole Tuco thing and it's aftermath there was nothing to indicate that he was a sick man. Ironic, and morbidly funny, how Jesse's pulling a tube while Walt is hacking away.


Horse-toothed Jackass
My thoughts: spoilers!!!

My thoughts: spoilers!!!

I have mixed feelings on this episode.

I do appreciate the fact that Walt appears to be more ill. I suppose the chemo/radiation didnt work, as expected. It makes me wonder if he's going to have more of a sense of urgency now. Also, once he dies, isn't the show basically over?

His wife, in her own way, appears to be doing her part to ensure her family's future is going to be provided for once Walt passes. Looks like once Walt's in the grave, she's got a relationship ready to go with her new boss. Looks like he's got money too.

Jesse seems to be smoking mainly weed now, which Im glad to see. Much better for you than crystal, I'm sure... :rasta:

Weird that his apartment manager came on to him like that. Thought she was skeeved out by him. Maybe she likes the bad boy types? Cant get any more bad ass than a homicidal meth dealer...

I agree that Walt should probably try a little thc self-medication at this point. Not smoking, obviously, maybe a little vape, mostly a lot of edibles. It's hard to imagine him zonked out on brownies, though. He seems to be getting more hard, more intense as the show progresses.

Walt certainly appears to be getting more greedy. I dont think it's a good idea to expand like that. Competitors in the hardcore drug trade sometimes use street-level violence to secure their dope spots. Another reason to legalize drugs; you dont see Miller and Anheuser Busch shooting each other over who gets to be in which bar. No, they conduct their wars in advertising.

Walt is approaching the takeover of the city's meth trade like a Mary Kay saleswoman planning to expand her territory. Even though Jesse has a rep now, I doubt it will be enough to scare the other narco-gangs into ceding territory.

Hank seems to be getting into deeper shit in the DEA. The cartel is not afraid to go after the police; makes you wonder now that the US is sending more agents to the border, if the cartel will go after those guys also. Also another indictment of the war on drugs: legalizing drugs would probably mean that police, as a whole, are safer as well.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Whats the matter? You never saw a severed human head on a tortoise before??

That was some funny ass stuff there!!! In a sick and twisted sort of way...

And the opening video was priceless!!


Active member
"Is that an 's' or a '5'?"
"That's an s. No wait, it's a 5. No wait, it's an s."
"Is that how you spell 'street'? S-t-r-e-A-t?"
"I'm slinging all sorts of mad shit bro, stacking up benjamins. I don't have time to be spelling and shit."

Bump that!

That crew is a total disaster... you just know they are going to screw up in a big way....


Active member
Hello all,

I am not sure, but was that Tortuga's head on the turtle?

If it was...it would seem that Tortuga's power is no more.....whos next in line?



668, Neighbor of the Beast
Hello all,

I am not sure, but was that Tortuga's head on the turtle?

If it was...it would seem that Tortuga's power is no more.....whos next in line?


It was. Really surprising that character was killed off so quickly too.


Active member
This season is shaping up like the first season. Start off with a big story that is very compelling and interesting, a few shows of uninteresting fluff, all of a sudden an unknown gangster arrives on the scene, then out of nowhere--BOOM!!! An explosion!!! Get the picture?

~Abbie :joint:

Green Smoke

This season is shaping up like the first season. Start off with a big story that is very compelling and interesting, a few shows of uninteresting fluff, all of a sudden an unknown gangster arrives on the scene, then out of nowhere--BOOM!!! An explosion!!! Get the picture?

~Abbie :joint:

I do. You said it perfectly. But Doobie,... "This,..is NOT meth.......".
One of the best scenes from last season. They haven't really done that yet, it's time for Walt to pull some wierd chemistry shit. "YES! Mr WHITE! SCIENCE!


Active member
That's what I was talking about, the explosion outta nowhere. "This is not meth" and the exploding turtle both shocked the shit outta me. Agree about the season one surprise explosion...that's classic and pretty hard to beat. Walt's one crazy mofo.

~Abbie :joint:

Green Smoke

Remember "Ken Wins"? That guy was an asshole. Last season had a lot of Walt getting fed up and doing something about it. (Breaking Bad?)

Can you really blow a car up if you use a window washer to connect the battery terminals?

Green Smoke

Thoughts on the latest episode:

Help me, I do love this show. Tonight was kinda cheesy with the lawyer and all that. And Jessie has a love interest. I think that Jesse's new love interest is now our new real time clock. (Not Walt's Disease) Walt and Hank's relationship is clearly where Walt wants it. (or is it?) Walt's not too worried about Skylar either,...well, he is, but he see's a chance to make her happy, and still do what he's doing freely. (Cuz he's active ) The grading papers thing reminds us of what and who Walt really is. Coughing again tonight. I need the coughing, it reminds me that Walt is a dead man.