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My first GROW , grow box from Bulgaria.



It would be a lot easier if you had specific questions you needed answers to..Your plants look fine you may want to think about transplanting up a size soon you shouldnt stay in any vegpot longer than 3 weeks or so.You did good by starting off in 4 inch containers from there I transplant up to 2 gal nursery size.(1.6) gallon container


I have 2 questions.

What is the right method to grow my plants - ScROG or SOG ?
I think my plants are not good , i think they are too small for 2 weeks VEG ? What do you think about this ?

pS : Sparkjumper today i will move my plants to bigger containers 8 litres .
ps2 : sorry once again for my bad english .....


How many days i must VEG before i put the screen for SCROG ?
And after i put my screen for SCROG what time i must wait before i turn them to flowering ?

PS : My plants are already at VEGETATION DAY 23 , they are in 8litres containers .
Now they are under :

400W from HPS lamp
~ 300W from CFL lamps

Is this light enought for 9 plants or i must put one more HPS 400W ?


Sounds like you have plenty of light dude... just keep the distance between the lamp and the plants optimally. If you hold your hand over the top of the plants, it shouldn't be uncomfortably warm.

So you have 9 plants, eh? I would guess approximately 50% of them would be females, which is 4-5 plants. Under a 400W that's pretty ideal. I wouldn't try ScROG on the first try, I would just veg them quite big before I switched to flowering. I'm sure you'll be very satisfied if you veg them till they are 40-50 cm tall...


Hmm... all my seeds are 99% feminized , they are from GREEN HOUSE.
Maybe i will not try SCORG i must think about this....

This week i will post pics of my plants in my real grow box.


My babies are already at day 26 VEGETATION , now in bigger containers (11 litres) and in my real grow box under 400W HPS and 150W CFL.

What do you think are they good ?



New member
h1 larry i need a "how to make growbox" tutorial for my website http://ganja4u.22web.net in bg lang...i only grow outdoor and don`t have the exp to write one..if you are intereted write me a mail [email protected] ....
zdrasti larry, dobri rasteniq , dobre se spravqsh...trqbbva mi 4ovek da napravi uroci po tova kak se pravi growbox , kakvo e nujno , kakvi pari izliza i tn... az gledam samo outdoor i znam dosta , no nqmam opit s growboxove a durja na to4nosta ... ako si zaintersovan drasni na maila po gore ili skype: sonoftruth , saita e http://ganja4u.22web.net


They look allright. A bit hard to see from the small pics. Would be better with some close-ups. How is your soil-mix? I see you have clay balls on top... do you have a lot of them? It's really not any point in doing that. The only purpose is if you're bothered with the soil crust drying up too fast.

You also repotted a bit too early... but what's done is done. It will work out still.

How close is your HPS lamp?



Im really new to this too. If I was you I would take some clones from them as soon as they get bigger, and before you put them in flower. You could put your clones in your mini box to veg. That way you will have some more plants for another round. Maybe find a way to make some moms. Good luck and grow safe.



what up larry, doing a great job for your first grow, keep it up (and your english is very good, so dont worry about that). the best advice i can give is, BE PATIENT, good things come to those who wait. don't try and get ahead of yourself, take it slow and READ, READ AND READ SOME MORE, and learn how to use the search feature, endless info on this site. i have been going for about 3 years now, and i owe all my success to this site.

also, when asking for advice, check up on the ICmag'er and try and find out if they know what there talking about. not talking about anyone specifically, but do your homework and you will have great buds in no time at all.

good luck mate, and happy growing,


h1 larry i need a "how to make growbox" tutorial for my website http://ganja4u.22web.net in bg lang...i only grow outdoor and don`t have the exp to write one..if you are intereted write me a mail [email protected] ....
zdrasti larry, dobri rasteniq , dobre se spravqsh...trqbbva mi 4ovek da napravi uroci po tova kak se pravi growbox , kakvo e nujno , kakvi pari izliza i tn... az gledam samo outdoor i znam dosta , no nqmam opit s growboxove a durja na to4nosta ... ako si zaintersovan drasni na maila po gore ili skype: sonoftruth , saita e http://ganja4u.22web.net

not a problem but right now i'm little bussy.
(в момента съм леко зает , иначе не е проблем да обясня подробно)

They look allright. A bit hard to see from the small pics. Would be better with some close-ups. How is your soil-mix? I see you have clay balls on top... do you have a lot of them? It's really not any point in doing that. The only purpose is if you're bothered with the soil crust drying up too fast.

You also repotted a bit too early... but what's done is done. It will work out still.

How close is your HPS lamp?

Sorry for the small pics but i make this pics with my cell phone , next time i will use my camera. My HPS is on 1.20M from them.


Im really new to this too. If I was you I would take some clones from them as soon as they get bigger, and before you put them in flower. You could put your clones in your mini box to veg. That way you will have some more plants for another round. Maybe find a way to make some moms. Good luck and grow safe.


I'm not sure about the clones , as i said this is my first grow and i have no fucking idea how to make clonings , and i have about 40-50 seeds from buydutchseeds.com and greenhouse.com so i will use them maybe next time i willl try to make mother plant . 10x for the good words

what up larry, doing a great job for your first grow, keep it up (and your english is very good, so dont worry about that). the best advice i can give is, BE PATIENT, good things come to those who wait. don't try and get ahead of yourself, take it slow and READ, READ AND READ SOME MORE, and learn how to use the search feature, endless info on this site. i have been going for about 3 years now, and i owe all my success to this site.

also, when asking for advice, check up on the ICmag'er and try and find out if they know what there talking about. not talking about anyone specifically, but do your homework and you will have great buds in no time at all.

good luck mate, and happy growing,

Thanks for the great words brother. I'm verry happy that i found this great site all info witch i read is from here just one big THANKS for ICMAG and for all of you who try to help me :woohoo::joint:

PS : Expect more updates next week.
I will post my update pictures every week.
Once again thanks for the HELP you're just GREAT !!!!


I need your help.
2 of my plants are sick , what do you think what's the reason to look like this ?

Here's the pictures :

PLEASE HELP , tell me what can i do to save them :yoinks::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

And here's some pictures of my other plants after i put them in a bigger containers already under my 400W HPS lamp :



hey larry, all your plants look great, but this plant doesn't look to great. its hard to tell whats going on in the pic. if you could get a better pic and a little info on whats been going on with these babies, im sure we can find out what your problem is.


it could be so many different things, ph problem, over watering, nutrient burn, heat, humidity or just a week pheno. i would assume, assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups, that all the plants are treated the same way. but it looks like nutrient burn or a heat problem, but your other plants look fine, so i dont think its heat.

a few questions-
Whats you temp?
whats you ph?
what nutrients are you using?
how much nutrients are you using?
how far away are your lights?
is there any difference in what you did to the sick vs. the healthy?
are the healthy still thriving?
whats your soil mix?

and any other info you can give us will help

be patient, dont worry, your in good hands on this site.


it could be so many different things, ph problem, over watering, nutrient burn, heat, humidity or just a week pheno. i would assume, assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups, that all the plants are treated the same way. but it looks like nutrient burn or a heat problem, but your other plants look fine, so i dont think its heat.

a few questions-
Whats you temp?
whats you ph?
what nutrients are you using?
how much nutrients are you using?
how far away are your lights?
is there any difference in what you did to the sick vs. the healthy?
are the healthy still thriving?
whats your soil mix?

and any other info you can give us will help

be patient, dont worry, your in good hands on this site.

My temp in the box is 28-30C. , 45-50% humm. in the veg. after that i will make it 35-40%
My pH is 5.5-6.0.
Till now i use only Dutch formula GROW (2.5-1.2-5) and after 1-2 weeks i will use Dutch formula BLOOM (4.5-0-1)
I use nutritiens 1 time in the month.
My HPS is 1.20metres from the plants , my CFL's are 0.60metres from the plants.
No difference betwen the heatlhy and the sick plants all my plants was growed similar.
My soil mix is - Plagron Royalty-mix


Your pH seems to be too low. Is it the water pH you are referring to, yes? It should be in the area around 6.5-7.0.


The pH is not a problem i have "Dutch formula pH down for grow" and "Dutch formula pH up for grow" and the same for BLOOM .
I can make my pH higher let's say 7 is that ok ? :1help:

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