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Blueberry Cloning Help



My blueberry cuttings won't root.
I use B'CUZZ Root Stimulator and Olivia's Cloning Gel, and i spray the clones with water a few times a day.
Does anyone have similar problems?


No for now. I've waited about a week and a half. I'm using rockwool. Yes the cuttings are in a dome. Lights are on 24hr-t5 lights an inch above the dome.


i can tell you how to stick the bitch in pro-mix bx.

simple. pick a mature cut. at least 8 weeks old, older the better. nice wody cut.

cut a 1/4 inch below a node, scrape one side. dip, and put it in saturated pro-mix. mash the pro-mix down with your fingers, packing the soil around the cutting. and pushing out the excess water.

put in in the dome. mist it once maybe twice a day, and in a week to ten days she should be ready to start lifting the dome and hardening off.
Give them 6 hours of dark. It will definitely help in root growth. They need time to rest.

And like chicken said, proper technique is also required. Make sure all your cutting tools are sterile.


i tossed the whole sterile thing awhile back. i literally cut mine with a pocket knife, scrape, dip and plant. if the cutting is mature it will live. since i started taking cuttings from plants vegged fora minimum of 8 weeks, and from mothers. my cloning has gone to 100%

i put mine in a large tupperware storage bin, and hang a single tube cfl over it.


Active member
as stated the woody stem really helps. i have the best luck in an aero-cloner. although rockwool and rapid rooters worked well. try to keep the root cubes warmer than ambient temps.good luck!


Active member
No for now. I've waited about a week and a half. I'm using rockwool. Yes the cuttings are in a dome. Lights are on 24hr-t5 lights an inch above the dome.

Are the clones still looking good just not rooted, or what? Mine always take more than a week and half to root, but I have no temp control and only use a 23 watt cfl, usually a bit cool which probably slows them down...


Active member
actually, try raising the tray a couple inches off the table or shelf or whatever. get them off a cold or cool surface.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'll double the heat comment. Water @ 75º is my magic number. Try soaking stems in the root stimulator for a minute before gel and cube.