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Why are my ph levels rising?


Could be the rockwool. The cubes should be treated for 24 hours in water with a PH of 5. That may also control the PH gain.

Weedman Herb

Just for the record ... Organic does not mean salt free ...

Dr. G

Active member
ya im sorry that all i said is somthing that i read from lucas

id trust lucas over you someone who just got banned.......or maybe quit i dunno but what i do know is im still here and i dont give a fuck what you think

my first advice is that the ph is raising because of the air stone

i laughed and said no salt in organics? you got pissed

organic people are so funny........goodnight

oh and heres the stupid bullshit pm he sent me also

Honestly G...would it change your tone if you knew that I am a published author and photographer in a major cannabis publication? Would it change your response if I told you that I have been paid over $150,000 in the last few years to teach other people how to better understand MINERAL AND ORGANIC plant nutrition? Would your attitude change at all if I told you that I don't consider myself an expert, but I could name off several universities and hundreds of commercial crop producers and other professionals in the plant industry that would. What if I told you that dutch and gypsy thought so much of my information and willingness to help other growers see the light, that they gave me mentor for several years. I doubt it...respect is dead.

The only reason I even posted in that thread is because I wanted to share some helpful experience I have gained through using the same stuff they are using. I noted that I liked the organic one part for hydro because it doesn't produce precipitation. I called it salt, because most people think that precipitation is rain.

Then...why try and bust my balls with that post about radio isotopes? Whats the point?

sounds pretty stuck the f*ck up if you ask me.........

and to anwser your? since your not here anymore

no i dont care that you claim you are who you are i still think people who fight to the death about organics are ignorant and stupid


you have hard water! try geting a ro filter, or store bought water for a tiny grow...

WaT iT Do?

I had that problem and I'll tell you what i did but your situation might be a lil different from mine... I had to presoak the rockwools in water at the right ph (your desired ph level) for 24 hours....

after that my ph rising levels went away... just my experience

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