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midwest growers unite

Well guys Im signing in as another midwest grower!! Im actually a little more south right now (FL) if you catch my drift....but im moving back up that way this summer!:laughing:


Horse-toothed Jackass
I Do Really: Your light decision sounds good. With two different light sources, you can have areas of differing plant heights in your flowering chamber, helping you run a perpetual even more...
I have Jorge Cervantes' book and he says a 1K light for veg can support 4K lights in flower, so maybe you should make sure you have a good 250w in your veg room?

Da Bears: Yeah, lot of changes to the team, very pleasant surprise for a team that really hasnt had a marquee free agent signing in, like, forever. I think Cutler will be a big improvement but I'm not pegging him for 30 tds and 3500 yards yet. He still needs someone to throw to, and the defense needs to get back on track.
I agree AP is the best RB in football, they just need a QB. Unless Tarvaris gets a whole lot better/more consistent, I think the Bears are the odds on favorites to win the division? Whether they'll win it all is another thing; Brady's back in New England, Pitt's still good, Arizona might continue their run. Hey, you think the Vikes should sign Michael Vick? Personally, I think he got a raw deal with going to prison for so long and losing all his money. I love dogs as much as the next guy, but Id say he's definitely paid his penance.

DontStep: What do you use for an isolation chamber, some sort of rubbermaid tub or a minicab? Sounds like youve got a good process for making f2's. I'd like to make f2's without fully seeding a crop, like ive done (accidentally) in the past...

TheMagnificent: What are you, a snowbird? I'd like to fly south for the winter and come back for the summers... had some slush/sleet last night. Been pretty cold the past week, but I'm just thankful its still warmer than January, brrr.... :petting:



Got a bunch of SDOG, Flo and NYCD cuts in the aerogarden. Some of the holes have 4 cuts in them. Trying to see if they'll still root well; i'm going to need a good 16-20 clones at a time for each cycle...


Taped up some cheesecloth over the one flouro in the aerogarden, in order to cut the light a bit. Last time i ran the garden, the only cuts that rooted within 2 weeks were the ones furthest away from the light, so I'm thinking too much light = no roots...


hey Baba good deal hope you get all the clones too take root,,, hell i was hoping the bears would pick vick up as a utility player,,,but you never know,,,havea good one Da Bears,,,peace

yes dontstep that sdog looks delectable good job,,,peace

nice setup Greenisgold,,,i too had a cat that liked leaves but it was a stray cat and an outdoor grow and after it ruined two dutch passion shamans i had to do something,,,easy solution i went and got a cattrap (can of tuna and a box of BB's) problem solved,,, only one pump so she was just scared off not killed i coldn't have killed it eventhough i really wanted too,,,peace


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
My Black Nam 13 collection...

My Black Nam 13 collection...

:tongue:"Taco's, fettucini, linguini, martini, bikini....." nuff sed...:spank:


Vietnam Black x G13/Blk Widow = Black Nam 13(center)
Black Nam 13 x Matanuska Thunder Fuck = Vietnam Thunder Fuck....3 VTF surrounding the Blk Nam 13...Hope this helps.


nice work BabA...
ive seen info mercials on the aero garden and ive always wondered if the cannabis could be grown in that doo-hickey..
so it is good for cuts and what not....
nice job bro..what is the wattage of the bulbs..?
just curious..

heres a couple PTK's..in early flower.


hey Luaith those PTK's look nice,,,hey i meant to ask you i saw in a thread somewhere you ran a mh bulb for the first couple of weeks in flower do you feel this cuts back on stretch? if not can you tell me the reason,,,peace



IMO...using an mh bulb within the first 12-14 days of 12/12...does help keep the stretch under control..


Horse-toothed Jackass
Luaith: The aerogarden bulbs are 26watt cfls, and the hood can fit 2 of em but I only have the one in. The bulbs cost $10 for a two-pack, can usually find them at stores that sell the aerogardens. Of course, they have a proprietary socket so regular cfl's wont fit. :wallbash:
I bought the garden used from some dude who said he grew a mature cannabis plant in there. The res is only 1 gallon though so there are better ways to grow hydro than an aerogarden. If I can get it to root 90% of 21-28 cuts within 2 weeks it'll be ideal for a cloner...
Those PTK's are looking good, very healthy. You growing organic?

PhilCuisine: And now we have... the Return of the Tron! How's the smoke on those crosses? They sound very sativa-ish to me... How long do you veg for, a week or so?


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
gots to do something for the summer....

gots to do something for the summer....

PhilCuisine: And now we have... the Return of the Tron! How's the smoke on those crosses? They sound very sativa-ish to me... How long do you veg for, a week or so?

I dont really use my 1 k's during summer just trons....

decided to go 12/12 on these today after i gave it a shot of nutes....u can see the difference after 24 hrs. right pix was taken just yesterday. that's what happens when evrything is all tweaked out..

as i sed i gots to grow something during to summertime...this room is coming to an end..after 4 1/2 years in the same place i guess its time to move again...Black Nam 13 small soil pot and i didnt mark the other bucket but i thinks its Schrom.

Wht Domina(left) 1st. time growing this pheno and Hawaiian Purple Kush(right) gonna grow this again but this time with no seeds...gots tons of seeds from the last time.

Again Joey bag of donuts stopped by so I traded him an "Circle" slang fo "OZ" of Hawiian Purple Kush, seeded of couse, well seeded...wasnt goona tell him bout my other elite jars....gots me a nailers & compressors, multi max & a case of steaks :tongue:....not too bad of a trade if i say so myself....btw, he sed they fell of a truck....Hope this helps.:asskick:


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
gave it...

gave it...

:joint:another shot of nutes last nite and this is what she looks like as of today....the growth is fast.....:tongue:


Horse-toothed Jackass
PC: Do you avoid the 1K's because of heat issues? I rigged up a window ac last summer for my grow, otherwise it would have been unbearable in there for plants or humans...
I still think ventilation is barely adequate in my closet; lights on temps get to 80+ but the plants still grow decently. My next setup, probably grow tents, I'm going to make sure they get very good airflow...
That's a pretty good trade you made, a lot of things you could do with an aircompressor. Nail gun will definitely come in handy if you ever set up/build a grow room.
Did that guy WANT well-seeded buds? I'd have thought he would have wanted sensi. He must be after the genes...

TheMagnificent: The job market's pretty tough out there, hopefully you'll be able to land something! I guess the one nice thing about leaving FL is that their grow laws are even worse than IL's, but not by much probably...


Whats up MURDA? Great lookin' stuff everyone.

Here's some Northern Lights:




And here's my SDOG on day 25 of 12/12, I can't believe how quickly the frost is developing on this girl. My first and only grow before this one was a small bag seed plant under a couple 26w cfls with hardly any trichs on her.




Horse-toothed Jackass
Lost: Geez loueez, that tub of buds looks like it belongs in a magazine! Dense, well-dried colas of green and orange loveliness. A+. I don't even recall you posting many pics of your grow. Guess you're saving the best for last...
The SDOGs are looking good as well.
How's the smoke on those Lights? Very indica, I'd imagine...


Mofo SWC/TRON Master
ICMag Donor
To whom it may concern...

To whom it may concern...

PC: Do you avoid the 1K's because of heat issues? I rigged up a window ac last summer for my grow, otherwise it would have been unbearable in there for plants or humans...
I still think ventilation is barely adequate in my closet; lights on temps get to 80+ but the plants still grow decently. My next setup, probably grow tents, I'm going to make sure they get very good airflow...
No, I just enjoy my Summers.....i also grow more than enough to last me the summer. I will start back up again in aug. or sept....i will also have mother nature do some work for me by letting her sex some of my strains outside this year, again.
That's a pretty good trade you made, a lot of things you could do with an aircompressor. Nail gun will definitely come in handy if you ever set up/build a grow room.
Did that guy WANT well-seeded buds? I'd have thought he would have wanted sensi. He must be after the genes...
as far as "joey bags" he doesn't know i grow no need for anyone to ever know...there's only a handful of very close friends that know. as far as i know people still think I get my pot from Cali via fed ex and paying outrages prices....little do they know what goes on behind closed doors. joey just called last nite b/c he sed a brand new still in the box table saw just fell off the truck while he was walking his dog. ha ha...told him to bring it by cause i only gots 1 Q left of the Rainbow Kush(well seeded of course) and it could be his.

^^^as of today...I hope I have enough room for these 4 plants in 1 tron...Hope this helps.:joint:


Horse-toothed Jackass
PC: If I had the right situation Id definitely grow some plants outdoors. No 1k can match the sun. Just thinking of having big, beautiful bushes soaking up all those rays, like all day sunbathers, thats how plants were meant to be grown...
Ive seen on the tv this one guy in northern cali, he can grow up to 25 plants, so he basically has these 6 foot tall, 6 foot wide bushes in his backyard, growing all summer for a fall chop. Only in a medical state...
Sounds like you're gonna have a complete tool set pretty soon. Your garage is gonna look like the hardware section of home depot :rasta:

ThaMagnificent: Nice, get some more education, always comes in handy for specialization. Plus, during the meantime, you'll be getting your Masters in Horticulture (because you'll be a horticulture master, get it? - crickets chirping).


Look what I found at walmart: 10 lb bags of earthworm castings, $4. Bought two of them. Gonna do some pots of organic soil, EWC is always a recommended component. Glad I got em, I kept looking and looking, finally found the suckers. They better be the shit...


Here's what they look like. Ive never seen worm castings before (well, except in the ground, can always tell where the worms pooped haha). Just like soft, rich earth. It's not much either, just 20lbs, which even when part of a mix wont fill up too many pots...


Horse-toothed Jackass
Dontstep: Those are some tasty looking buds! They look nicely trimmed as well. Was the first sdog you harvested the og kush pheno?


Same ol', same ol'.


This tub is still massive. Buds are plentiful but still skinny; they are slowly packing on some girth though...


A shot of one of the colas. Not very pretty, to be sure, but part of that's due to the hps...


A budshot of one of the smaller tubs. These are under an mh so the lights much better.


A budshot from the third tub. I think the phosphoload in the big tub makes the buds not as frosty as the others; lets hope it doesnt affect potency too much.