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2012 - end of the world

2012 - end of the world

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Joe Hawkins

Active member
Look on the bright side of things

If it is all going to end in 2012, its gonna be better than any Hollywood Movie ever, all live and direct to your doorstep, Im gonna park up on my Porch with a bottle of Wild Turkey, may be some Makers Mark too, some white Russian and ak47 with hash spots packed in the cone, maybe some peanuts and popcorn, and get a live show!
Might wear my dirtbike protective gear in case it helps me survive, other wise I die Happily drunk and stoned, might get an E too.


sunshine in a bag
Yeah I'm going to just fuck all day if it comes to that. Go out mid-coitus.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
well I hope it doesnt or the mayor of london will look a bit stupid won't he... oh.. no wait...:wink:


all praises are due to the Most High
what if the magnetic reversal sent radio waves to all our brains... and then we all jumped out into the street and started dancing, all choreographed to thriller

:fsu: that would be some crazy shit right there hahahahahaha...

...does the moonwalk...


more wood to the fire:

Remote viewing Tibetan monks see Extra Terrestrial powers saving the World from destroying itself in 2012:



Registered Pothead
2012 is the year on the zodiac calendar for the beginning of a new era. Jesus' birth brought in the era we are in now. I believe the next era is aquarius on the calendar. Jesus' era was the era of the pisces. Why do you think people roll around with jesus stickers with his name in a fish. The world isnt gonna come to an end our era of time will just lapse over to the next era. And plus the world wont end in any of these prophecies. Humanity might not be here anymore but the world will still be doing her thing.


Pull my finger
Maynard says.....

Some say the end is near.
Some say well see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call la
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. any fucking day.
Learn to swim, Ill see you down in arizona bay.

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your cable and
Fret for your car.
Its a
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call la
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. any fucking day.
Learn to swim, Ill see you down in arizona bay.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.

Some say the end is near.
Some say well see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will cuz
I sure could use a vacation from this

Silly shit, stupid shit...

One great big festering neon distraction,
Ive a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

Learn to swim.

Moms gonna fix it all soon.
Moms comin round to put it back the way it ought to be.

Learn to swim.

Fuck l ron hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.

Learn to swim.

Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory.

Learn to swim.

Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.

Learn to swim.

Cuz Im praying for rain
And Im praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna watch it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.

Time to bring it down again.
Dont just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.
I cant imagine why you wouldnt
Welcome any change, my friend.

I wanna see it all come down.


While I don’t believe 2012 will bring about the total destruction of the earth

While I don’t believe 2012 will bring about the total destruction of the earth

The earth shifts, every 26000 years or so (roughly) we complete the process. It is just amazing for how little they left about their knowledge of math, how long and how precise their calculations are.

Do you Mean wobble? It is my understanding that the earth completes’ a wobble every 26,000 years. It's called precession of the equinox, which will happen in the year 2012.

I don't believe that the world will end on 2012/21/12 ; I do believe however that there is a very good possibility that a polar shift will occur around that time, (hard to pinpoint exactly when, may be 1-100 or more years off). I believe this earth will, when the time comes, ( not specific) experience pure and utter Chaos, which will envelop the whole entire earth, freakishly severe weather to ensnare the earth and the people on it, ( tornadoes, earth quakes, hurricanes, climate change) . I believe pandemonium will break out, and the world’s governments to be crippled. Not to mention how much worse our wars may be before this time, I do believe they will worsen soon, before the polar shift, maybe even to the point where the whole world will be involved . Having that will surely add to the heap of the world’s mess, and make life on this earth rather unsettling .

Times are slowly, but surely changing, It has been said, that once the bee’s disappear, and they are disappearing, that will signal the foreshadowing to the end of this time. The old testament (scoff if you will) states this, as does Albert Einstein, who said, and I quote, "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life. “No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man.”

I believe (doesn’t mean you have to!) the world will try to unite under one world power, and that a ruler will come about, and make him self known. People (not all) will adore him, and believe and trust in him whole heartedly. He will promise peace, and prosperity, empty is his promise. He’ll be very deceptive.

While where on the topic of the Mayans:

I find the legend of Quetzalcoatl (Kukulcan) a reptilian God worshipped by Mayans most interesting. It is said that his fury can scorch the Earth and that his dread is Legendary. The Mighty Kukulcan is a Dragon Being that taught the Mayans Astronomy and Built the Temples for the Mayan People and Created the Mayan Calendar for the people of the Banner of the Sun.

(Believe what you will, do what you want)

This Beast was Awesome for the whole Galactic community feared him for he cannot be destroyed.

Kukulcan gave the Mayan people Crop technology and also required Human Sacrifices to satisfy his dreadful energy and Awesome power. The Mayans had to comply for the Feather Serpent Being was an awesome sight to behold.

Many Indians died to appease Kukulcan, the Mayans literally removed the hearts of living victims and held the heart in their hands while the heart was still pumping and paid Kukulcan respect. After the removal of the heart the poor Indian victim would slowly begin to lose consciousness and the Mayan Warrior would chop off the head and throw it down the temple stairs as well as the body. The Mayan priests would do this very often to appease their God Kukulcan.

A word of warning to the inhabitants of Planet Earth , he promised the Mayan People that he would come back to Rule, and to finally an completely Rule.

While the earth may be totally devastated, it will not be destroyed nor will it come to an end (neither will human life). I believe that a loving God (one and only) has plans for this earth that are far beyond any cultures predictions.



New Evidence and Theory Suggests Einstein May Have Been Right

New Evidence and Theory Suggests Einstein May Have Been Right

Here's an article on the polar shift, better than I ever could explain it.

Polar Shift by 2012?
New Evidence and Theory Suggests Einstein May Have Been Right
By Carl Peterson

Science has long speculated that the earth's center rotates at a different speed from the crust. The big question really has been "What holds the earth's crust in equilibrium with the center?" Visionary writer and inventor Carl Peterson may have discovered the answer. In looking for the reasons "magnetic north" lies far from the North Pole, Peterson has stumbled upon a scientific explanation that also fits with past polar shifts; and offers probable causes, timing, and local effects of the next shift. His theory complements and completes a Charles Hapgood theory endorsed by Albert Einstein, in which the poles, aided by massive ice build up, are eventually thrown by centrifugal force to the equator.

If the center rotates at a different speed from the crust, there is good reason to believe that this is the cause for the static electricity apparent on the earth's surface. If that is true, then North Pole on the crust must have an opposite magnetic charge from north in the earth's core.

The obvious conlusion is that "magnetic north" is not a specific designated point on the globe, but rather an "average" location determined by the confluence of the magnetic north of the massive earth center, and what must be in reality the weaker "magnetic south" of the earth's crust, which in fact rests at the North Pole.

If the earth's center has a pronounced "wobble" as it spins, slipping and sliding as it were beneath the crust, it is then the intense magnetic attraction between the two that defines the speed of the earth crust rotation. In other words, the crust spins at exactly the same speed as the wobble, or interior "precession". This effect can be demonstrated with a gyroscope or simple child's top. The top can have a high exterior spin rate, and at the same time a slowly wandering wobble.
The magnetic characteristics of the crust are then probably electromagnetic in nature, fully dependent upon the core for activation. If so, it will require a relatively weak catalyst to break this bond, sending the ice at the poles on a journey once again down (or up) to the equator.
Science knows that the ice on the polar land masses continues to build up rapidly. Warmer polar temperatures actually deposit more ice and snow, now more than two miles deep in some places.

A whole raft of prophesies and predictions (Cayce, Nostradamus, Hopi and Mayan Indians) point towards an event like this happening soon.
In his book "Earth Changes" Peterson goes one step further in actually detailing a step by step scenario of the next polar shift. Are there ways to avoid the next shift? Probably not. Are there ways to survive it? Undoubtably, being in the right place at the right time with the right gear can make a huge difference.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carl_Peterson


I recently took a yr of astronomy at a jr college under what seemed to be a knowledgeable instructor of astronomy. Due to this, I was able to deem certain supported astronomical events false. And the big thing is this.. Mammals have lived through polar shifts, precesions.. in fact mammals are pretty old, millions of years old? Point is, what we would really have to worry about is a comet, or asteroid.. like in the late 90's flick Deep Impact and such


holy crap guys! my calendar ends on December 31st 2009 :yoinks::yoinks::yoinks:...lol

ive watched, i think all of the science channel "were all gonna die" specials and while some are possible putting a date on it is ridiculous.


There are several theories what could happen but the world will not end like some believe.Its said that the planets at that time will stand in one row which happens every thousands of years.Even is said that the earth globe will turn the other around after it stands still for a thousand of seconds.The global warming of the climate is also probably caused by the planet positions in our solar system.
Another theory is the theory of Zecharia Sitchin about the return of the Annunaki which in his eyes are our creators.Who knows!!!:D Probably they brought Cannabis to this part of the universe :woohoo: :laughing:

Namaste :canabis:
I got tired of my tinfoil hat blowing off in the breeze so I had an operation to replace my skull with Reynolds Wrap Industrial Strength Tinfoil. The doc even secured my little pea brain so it doesn't rattle when I walk now. I just hope the doctor remembered it is shiny side out.


No one is really saying the world is going to end. . . It's just the probability of things getting a hell of a lot worse on many levels is very high ... I don't see how thats so hard to believe.

If indeed bee's do continue to die off/disappear, food supply's will be shorten, the first one's to feel the real effects, will be the poor people who live in such place's within Africa's continent, that rely on food donations. Much famine will ensue… Whether your pessimistic, or optimistic, you shouldn’t ignore the truth , No, the world is not going to end, and yes, living life on this planet, the way it’s headed, will be pretty severe. . .

Beekeepers in 24 states across America are encountering a strange phenomenon: bees—which seemed to be healthy days earlier—are abandoning their hives. Millions of these insects have been reported lost, with no trace of where the colonies may have gone, and no apparent cause for their disappearance. In a few other cases, whole colonies have been found dead in their hives.

Scientists and beekeepers alike are unsure as to the source of this problem, which is tentatively being called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Suspected causes include pesticides, mites, viruses, cold weather, fungus, the use of antibiotics and low-quality food for the bees.

There are signs that the immune systems of infected bees are collapsing, again for no known reason, causing some to call it “bee HIV/AIDS.” With weakened immune systems, the bees are unable to fight off diseases. In fact, found in the stomachs of infected bees are traces of nearly every disease that has affected bees over the last 100 years.

Honeybees, contrary to popular belief, do not simply make honey. They are also a crucial element needed to pollinate fruit and vegetable crops—amounting to a $14 billion share in the United States’ fresh produce. Farmers rent hives from beekeepers to ensure widespread pollination and, in turn, a good harvest. The success of crops such as almonds, apples, cranberries, and many other fruits and vegetables are all linked to bee pollination.

The vice president of the American Beekeeping Federation said, “Every third bite we consume in our diet is dependent on a honeybee to pollinate that food” (International Herald Tribune).

While beekeepers consider a 20% loss to be normal for a season, losses of 30-60% have been reported this season, and the problem continues to spread. CCD is also being reported throughout parts of Canada and Europe.

If the problem continues to accelerate, and the causes of these mysterious disappearances are not determined soon, food supplies on both sides of the Atlantic will be dealt a heavy blow.


sunshine in a bag
If you believe the end of the world is coming in 2012 because of some ancient prophetic calendar you are a reeeeetard.


No one is really saying the world is going to end. . . It's just the probability of things getting a hell of a lot worse on many levels is very high ... I don't see how thats so hard to believe.

The general Consensus on this thread is that the world is not going to end, on any given date, their’s no argument there ….

Cali smoke

Zombie outbreak maybe? Then governments will use ICBM's in an attempt to quarantine the outbreak resulting in the nuclear and zombie destruction of mankind.


cant stop wont stop
In my more rebellious days I used to talk to my mom about how I thought the world would be over. "Why should I go to college, the worlds gonna be over when i'm 30 anyway!"

She informed me that hers and every other generation thinks the world is gonna end, 'but unfortunately the world just keeps on spinning'.

word - k fuckin + LOVE!! the avatar btw:headbange

as for 2012 -
ton's of revolations, theories, prophecies and what have you,
definately makes you think.

i look around the world and where mankind is today and i get this strange sense of how un-advanced and primal we really are.
times are changing and technology is becoming a major part human interaction.
2012 i believe is just a beginning of a transition of life as we know it.
who knows what the fuck's gonna happen
i'm sittin back and enjoying the ride of uncertainty..

lol then again for all i know obama is the anti-christ, leading to the beginning of a one world power apocalyptic nuclear disaster :joint: