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Rare Megamouth caught.......Then eaten ?


The Hopeful Protagonist
I love stories like this....One of the rare creatures in the ocean gets caught, but fvck it, these people are hungry. Megamouth stew for the entire village!

Full Story

MANILA, Philippines – Fishermen in the Philippines accidentally caught and later ate a megamouth shark, one of the rarest fishes in the world with only 40 others recorded to have been encountered, the World Wildlife Fund said Tuesday.


At least it wasn't something like the movie "The Freshman" with Marlon Brando, where it was caught and sold off as fine dining for $100k a plate, lol.

By the way if you haven't seen it Link. Funny Movie:joint:


The Hopeful Protagonist
At least it wasn't something like the movie "The Freshman" with Marlon Brando, where it was caught and sold off as fine dining for $100k a plate, lol.

By the way if you haven't seen it Link. Funny Movie:joint:

Ahh Dude...I've seen that....talk about a perfectly cast movie :joint:

What was the name of the "club" again ?


I'm the runaway son of a nuclear A-bomb!!! Love Iggy, hate sharks, sorry.:joint::joint:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
For starters that initial report is built upon a bullshit foundation,
wtf is 'accidentally caught'. Are they saying that the fisherman had a hook and line in the water & yet didn't actually mean to catch any fish? or is it that they needed to add some drama to a mundane news flash? As long as they didn't turn the catch into wanton waste than all is good in the world, they were hungry & now they're not.......

Hey could someone please pass the megamouth??? hope it was tasty


Nothing wrong with people eating, if you where hungry would you eat? Killing something and not eating it is a waste.


The Hopeful Protagonist

I love how people take a supposed view and run with it sometimes...

Tongue~n~Cheek...It's an awesome concept if you're up for it! :abduct:

Nothing wrong with people eating, if you where hungry would you eat? Killing something and not eating it is a waste.

I wouldn't eat it, too many humans anyway. They said it was an accident, if you accidentally catch something you let it go.


but fvck it, these people are hungry. Megamouth stew for the entire village!

Full Story[/QUOTE]

dammnn man i am rolling her laughing like crazy....megamouth stewww! i love it! damn i'm high. sorry for this useless post. but damn that was funny. good thing it didn't go to waste tho.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
now, it's that this point I'd like to bring up the matter of 5 fishes and 2 loaves.... hehehee


Active member
When I visited the Philippines a couple of years ago I was told: Sharks don't eat Pinoys - Pinoys eat sharks:)


natural medicator
according to the story..

it was accidental because:

it got caught in a net (probably meant for other fish?)
it struggled and died in that net.

sounds like.......since it was already dead, they ate it instead of wasted it.

people were hungry.....i don't blame them
why waste a dead fish anyway???


Yeah it already died,they were NOT netting for some endangered species...lol
They ate it because it shark meat is quality and probrably could feed the entire village for weeks alone.
Death happened so life could sustain itself,nature.....

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