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the roots of satan


Active member
Good to see you decided to go the auger route, if you ever need to get through thick roots use a mattock, shovels are useless in my opinion for digging unless the dirts been tilled up already.

Manon Frisée

New member
Check Julians Massive Outdoor thread which is stickied at the top of the outdoor growers forum. He's the master of the Auger.

You can also use smaller gro-bags than 30 gallon. I've used 5 gallon bags with good success on aopile of rocks.
You can also check Sir-Grows-a-Lot's thread here http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=60323
he did some good gro-bag growing.

Now go put a flying armbar on that field !!!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Do it the way a real landscaper does, rent one of these bad boys, wet the ground for a few hours and have fun..

this is what i am renting... the guy at the rental store said that if the roots were as bad as i said they were they would just tangle into the auger bit...

so i really dont want to rent this thing, haul it 3 km through thick brush and swamp, only to break it or have it not work...

i did not see the ground being a issue like this.. i am going back and forth between bags and this..;

the facts are i cant bust out 50 holes by hand with these roots.. i have seriously given a thought to hiring and blindfolding the illegal mexicans at walmart and have them dig them.. that is the best idea next to 50 grow bags, which i believe could work the same if there are holes in the bottom for the roots, and then doin this shit..


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
I've seen this thing on late night tv all the time, the rototiller or whatever, it looks badass...like a chainsaw for the ground...just a thought...

it never actually says a price on the commercials though....and we all know what that means



Have you tried any type of mattock or hoes? They do work well...

If these roots are as bad as you say they are your best bet would be some type of grow bag, hands down. Don't waste your time trying to battle the soil.

Grow bags would be the most efficient for you because they fold down and come in MANY different sizes. Plus, in most cases they are completely reusable. Buckets and pots would be too difficult because you need so many.

I suggest 10 Gallon Poly Grow Bags. 10 Gallons should be PLENTY for your operation. With 50 plants +/- you will not have to grow monster plants to have a monster yield. Keep them reasonably small.

A place I use regularly, Home Harvest.com, has sets of 12 for $9.90...You need 50. So purchase 5 sets of 12. That's 49.50~50 dollars! Not too bad. You may be able to find them cheaper at other outlets. Do some searching. I'm not sure if you can find them at Home Depot or Lowes.


Moldy Dreads

Active member
Yep, the auger is the one, river rat beat me to it.

Don't forget, wet the soil well for a day or two and it will drill like butter, or not it could still be a pain...
Don't forget!
thanks again everyone...\
L13 i am thinking of spraying roundup at each site before the grow bags go down, and have holes in the bottom of the bags. my thinking is the roots will go down into the dirt

also i used a steel pick on it. and hoe, broke pitchfork like a twig, both shovels went next, the rivets just bent

you think the dirt will be safe from the round up in 3 weeks??
I am thinkin roundup just impacts the plants when its absorbed and harmless after it dries. is this accurate?

i am going to order the camo bags its the easiest, i love camo...
also how much coco is safe to mix with a soil mixture that is complete(worm castings, organic compost, perlite, lime, soil)

heres why, i was thinkin that i can haul a bunch of coco to mix in say 50/50 with my soil
that way i wont have to bring more soil
i got about 200lbs now, and walking 4km through thick swamp with 85 lbs of soil sucks, especially making like 8 trips


I'm not too sure about using the round up. If you cannot resist the grudge against the brush then I HIGHLY suggest that after you use it and let it sit for the 3 weeks that you take a few buckets of fresh water and rinse the soil before you begin your grow bag placement. But just for the sake of the doubt, in my honest opinion I wouldn't even bother...

If allowed the plants WILL root through the holes in the bags, absolutely. If you intend to utilize this then you will want to make an amended top soil layer for them to grow into and then down into the natural ground.

This is what I would do when you get ready to put the operation in action.

- Figure out your layout -

Placement for proper sunlight exposure is key. You will probably want to bring the amount of bags for how ever you plan to layout your operation (rows, bunches, scattered...ect.) to each area you plan to place grow bags.

- Fill your bags -

Not sure what would be easiest for you. Filling the bags first and then taking them to your determined layout plots or vice versa? I'm sure you can handle that...lol.

You can use coco coir but 50/50 seems a bit much. I would do more like 60/40, the lesser being the coco coir.

If you need a little extra soil to help fill in some of those bags you should just use some of the very abundant natural soil all around you. Add it right in with the pile you already have. Just take wander on over by the swampy area and look for the soil that has a lot of moss and fern like plant life on it. This stuff makes EXCELLENT soil amendment as well as a filler! Get as much as you need.

- Plant the seedlings/seeds -

Begin your operation. Do not worry about the roots growing through the bags just yet. You have plenty of time.

While they are growing this will give you time to agetate the top soil and lay down a top-soil amendment. This will be much easier than digging, by far.

So here is what you can do. If you were doing rows you would move the whole row of bags over and rake underneath where the bags were. You want to agetate and attempt to remove as much top side growth as you can directly underneath where you will place the grow bags. After the soil has been agetated and you have removed some of the weeds and other plants, wet the soil down a little. Then you will want to amend the top soil with either, more of the swamp soil you dug up or some of your own mixture. Lay down a good 2-3 inches for each row.

Place the grow bags on top of the agetated amended top soil and let her rip!

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