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Need Advise ASAP. Solids in bottle... is this nutrient bad?


Okay, so yesterday i switched the lights to 12/12 and i drained my rez and let run with only r/o and cal mag 5ml/gal for 24 hours then today i planned to switch to bloom nutes. Witch happen to be Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur A & B. THe conny B has some solids in it. To give you an idea of what it looked like without having pictures, get a glass of lemonaide, put a large sample of sperm in it.

thats what my nutes lookin like.

But on the serious note it does really look like that, is this normal? im thinking not. is this safe to use or should i not? My babies are hungry and not for babies in lemoaide!
Does it smell rotten? If you shake it up does it seem to recombine? How long have you had it sitting around and has it been hot there?

Some ferts need to be shaken pretty good, but if it smells rank I would toss it.


Connoisseur contains proteinates which can form into strings. If that's what you're seeing it just needs to be shaken up good before you use it.


my last grow i had temps a bit too hot, about 88 was the hottest, with 80 or so average.

but i bought the conny in the last half of flowering, so bout 3 weeks they were in those temps. doesnt smell rotten, and they break up somewhat when shook/ then stirred in a 5gal bucket. thanks for help i think ill use it