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Medical Marijuana Prices



~ legal personal grows ARE a solution to bringing medical MJ prices down.

~ In CA, The California Dept of health regulates the program - at a significant cost to the taxpayer.

~ I've already explained how we can keep the tax goblins out of our pockets

Peace be with you.


Active member

~ legal personal grows ARE a solution to bringing medical MJ prices down.

~ In CA, The California Dept of health regulates the program - at a significant cost to the taxpayer.

~ I've already explained how we can keep the tax goblins out of our pockets

Peace be with you.

They don't regulate shit. the DHS MMJ program is voluntary and funded by people stupid enough to pay for SB 420 cards. As I stated previously in California we are allowed to grow legally with just a doctors written reccomendation. No registration, courts recently ruled plant limits for med patients to be unconsitutional. Only taxes required for MMJ currently are normal taxes EVERY business has to pay. Here is the SS-4 for my group.



I stand corrected

"All Costs for the Medical Marijuana Program, at both the State and county level are fee supported"

Forgive me for not being more familiar with CA law. Plus I'm way baked at this stage in the evening. Who's paying the taxes?

Thanks for the information.


Active member
What's happening is that the dispensary gets to grow the number of plants allowed for the med user. In Colorado, that's 3 flowering plants. The problem is that out of the 3 plants that yield half a pound medicine the med user only gets 4 ounces and the dispensary pockets the profit for the other 4 ounces. Thus dispensaries are using med users as "cash cows". Not exactly what the law was originally intended for.

That sounds like a fair arrangement if you ask me. Have someone else grow in my name and get kicked down half the harvest without any work or paying the light bill? Thats awesome. Really how are they using the patients as cash cows? What I don't understand is who are they going to sell the weed to if they are giving them half of their crops.

Blue Dot

We need legislation that allows for personal grows and stop this dispensary non-sense because its fueled by greed.

What do you mean we NEED legislation, we already HAVE legislation for this. It's called prop 215 and it spells out exactly what you want, the patients can grow their own and doesn't mentioned anything about allowing money grubing dispensaries.

This LAW has been in place for 13 YEARS.

Quite a shame that such a good law has been so perverted. Shame on all those who abuse the system!


Blue Dot, I've already answered your question.

Marijuana users shouldn't need a malady to justify their use of the plant.



Your approaching it as a capitalist and not as a compassionate provider. Nobody is giving green bud away for free. And, no dispensaries should not be using med users to supplement their profit. In my book its not correct to use sick people in that manner.

Any whose, all further responses will be typed by my pom mix puppy as I'm quickly losing coherence :rasta:


Active member

Your approaching it as a capitalist and not as a compassionate provider.
Am I approaching it as a capitalist? Sorry for being an AMERICAN, linving in a country who's economic system is CAPITALISM. Oh by the way California Cannabis Inc. is a NON PROFIT corporation.:moon:
Nobody is giving green bud away for free.

Actually you would be surprised. There are tons of people giving herb away for free. Infact the Colorado dispensaries you mentioned, are giving away half their crops to the patient they are cultivating for. Plus fuck that commie pinko bullshit about me having to put in hard work so other people can be lazy asses. A person has the right to sell their possesions for whatever price they feel like, just as a person has the choice to not pay that price. People aren't being held at gun point and being forced to buy cannabis. BTW you don't see big pharma being very charitable either.
And, no dispensaries should not be using med users to supplement their profit. In my book its not correct to use sick people in that manner.

There is a difference between profit and reasonable compensation. I believe that if someone is working as a budtender they deserve to get paid with benefits. Pharmacy Techs get pay with benefits. What about people who provide security? The people running such organizations deserve pay. The people who run the American Red Cross recieve paychecks too. Last time I checked big pharma has been using sick people like this since I've been allive. Why should medical cannabis be any different? I think exploiting those who are weak/disabled/sick ect. is a shitty thing to do. However receiving fair compensation to cover operating expenses and pay people a decent salary with benefits isn't exploiting people.

So fine lets all stop selling our herb. Guess what, MORE sick people will go without. And as far as the dispensary issue they provide a safe means of transaction. One of my close friends was shot buying a quarter back in 94 off the street. Now he doesn't have to worry about that. Oh and he isn't capable of growing due to physical disability, and space restrictions where he lives.

If you really think it should be different then step up to the plate and give weed away at $15 an 1/8th. I will be more than happy to show you the correct steps to being able to legally provide medical cannabis in California. (for a fee of course)




oz=28.3 grm.

good luck with that .3 tho...

south o.c...250 an oz kush mids...280 for purples..

most danks ive seen up to 450. an oz.

seek an ye shall find.


or get the right beans an grow!!

also found a collective that has oz's of press redhair for 40 a zip!!

Blue Dot

Last time I checked big pharma has been using sick people like this since I've been allive. Why should medical cannabis be any different?

Why do you think they put the word COMPASSIONATE in the frickin title? If they wanted it to be just like the pharmecutical industry don't you think they would have have just called it the Pharmecutical Use Act of 1996?

One of my close friends was shot buying a quarter back in 94 off the street.

ONLY person I've ever heard of being shot while buying a quarter.


Active member
You found a LOOPHOLE and have the nerve to flaunt it?

Have the nerve to flaunt what? The law? Shit I have provided instructions and advice on this very forum that can allow others to become non profits as well. If you want to know how please ask the right questions! Seeds are planted. Sorry if you have a problem with free market marijuana. Which is something that I believe in as taught by an Oaksterdam professor who is a friend of mine who was the driving force behind prop p and 215 and had the first pot club in the 70's in SF.

Really the lesson here is that if you think you know better than stand the fuck up and put your ass on the line and do something. Actions speak louder than a bunch of text on a stupid fucking thread on an awesome forum on the lame internet. I don't sell pot for a living I actually have a job too. My needs concerning my supply for medication are met while helping others get theirs. Yet I am followed constantly and harassed thoroughly by pigs on a regular basis now. I wish I was pulling huge profits, it might make it worth it.


Have the nerve to flaunt what? The law? Shit I have provided instructions and advice on this very forum that can allow others to become non profits as well. If you want to know how please ask the right questions! Seeds are planted. Sorry if you have a problem with free market marijuana. Which is something that I believe in as taught by an Oaksterdam professor who is a friend of mine who was the driving force behind prop p and 215 and had the first pot club in the 70's in SF.

Really the lesson here is that if you think you know better than stand the fuck up and put your ass on the line and do something. Actions speak louder than a bunch of text on a stupid fucking thread on an awesome forum on the lame internet. I don't sell pot for a living I actually have a job too. My needs concerning my supply for medication are met while helping others get theirs. Yet I am followed constantly and harassed thoroughly by pigs on a regular basis now. I wish I was pulling huge profits, it might make it worth it.
find your posts very informative while covering a wide array of legal
people want to complain about the cost of marijuana,while not providing a meaningful solution to the one which have now.
if you want to complain whilst pursing a bowl of mj that someone else grew,trimmed and cured.then your a hypocrit.grow your own and bitch about the quality and cost to a mirror.
you cannot arbitrate a price for a market whose basis for cost is directly related to quality and quanity by the public and the black market.
oh you can,but thats the substantive effect illegalization has:creation of a black market.round and round this thread is like a hoopsnake.

Blue Dot

people want to complain about the cost of marijuana,while not providing a meaningful solution to the one which have now.

I did provide what I think is a meaningful solution, limit the amount sold to anyone and everyone at 1 OZ per week.

This would eliminate the black market portion of the medical scene by limiting resales to a negligable amont and if followed means the clubs would move a lot less quantity which would mean less profits for them which would put them were the law was intended at NO-PROFIT.

It's a win win for everyone because the clubs then would be looked at more like they are following the law and then maybe all these politicians would calm down about the whole dispensary scene once they realize they aren't making a killing and that patients don't have the ability to resale on the street in a substanitive way.


Freedom Fighter
I did provide what I think is a meaningful solution, limit the amount sold to anyone and everyone at 1 OZ per week.

This would eliminate the black market portion of the medical scene by limiting resales to a negligable amont and if followed means the clubs would move a lot less quantity which would mean less profits for them which would put them were the law was intended at NO-PROFIT.

It's a win win for everyone because the clubs then would be looked at more like they are following the law and then maybe all these politicians would calm down about the whole dispensary scene once they realize they aren't making a killing and that patients don't have the ability to resale on the street in a substanitive way.

And who is going to be providing them with medicine at the price needed for them to do this?? I'm sure most Growers would have no problem selling at half the price they need to...

Marinol is $1000 a script....that is a lot more mark-up than dispensaries are doing--


Blue, there are countless flaws with the 1oz/patient/dispensary/wk theory actually being effective in either driving down prices or eliminating the black market. The most glaring is that you are expecting the meds to become more affordable ('affordable to ALL'), while you would be severly limiting supply. The second fatal flaw to the 1oz/patient/disp/week is what is to stop a patient from going to 25 different disp's per week to pick up his zips? Do you propose that the state regulate each patients' individual consumption?

Even if it were 1 oz/week, I showed you already how that easily becomes 1000+/mo. Unless you CAN'T retail a $20gram. As long as there is an opportunity to make money in this country, there will be someone willing to take it. People are paying for a service, not just a product. The service is 'strain selection on tap - in clone and bud and cookie/candy forms'. A steak cost 5.99 at the grocery store. The same steak is 15.99 at outback, and 54.99 at Tavern on the Green. The product remains the same, but the level of service that accompanies it increases - warranting a price increase.

People are given options. (listed in order of 'financial attainability', ALL provide MJ as medicine)
1. Get some bagseeds, and some water, and some pee and molasses, and grow under the sun for free.
2. Set yourself up with a grow setup with less than an oz worth of investment.
3. Set up an op with more than an oz investment.
4. Get someone to help you produce the meds (for SOME cost to you).
5. Walk into a dispensary, and walk out with finished buds.

They are not only listed in order of least cost --> most, but they are also listed by most amount of effort on the patient's part --> least. Do you see the correlation?

If people are happy to pay for a service that saves them the effort, than why is it wrong to profit off of your effort (as a farmer, trimmer, transporter, disp worker/owner, caregiver, etc)?

Christ, people bitch about cost, but I don't see anyone going to the carribbean to finance a 'medical haze' grow/export where it would be super profitable to put the world's best meds in the hands of the patients for ~100/oz. Why? Because time is money.