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Jeff Lebowski

Hey there! I'm looking for a four piece grinder online from a reputable site with a replaceable screen if possible. I'm open to plastic or wood, preferably not metal. I currently have a metal one that was a great deal, but after two years of heavy usage I've started to grind the metal into the herb. Unsafe for sure so here I am looking for grinders. Keep an eye out for me~


I have the titanium Space Case with a crystal catcher. I bought it for the very reason you're trying to avoid metal this time as titanium is way more durable than aluminum.

It was quite expensive, like 60 euros or something, but so far I've been more than pleased with it.
id recommend a wooden one over plastic.. if u have a flea market in your area, usually theres some1 selling decent made grinders there. not sure where any good ones are to be had online though.

60euros for a grinder is crazy to me but to each his own..


Active member
I prefer a coffee grinder always have. Makes the bud perfectly even for burning. Not to say that I don't have a small hand buster in case or whip out the sizzors here and there.

Mr. Tony

Active member
I prefer a coffee grinder always have. Makes the bud perfectly even for burning. Not to say that I don't have a small hand buster in case or whip out the sizzors here and there.

I used a coffee grinder once. all the kief was stuff to the inside of the grinder and not on my buds.

I use a $20 metal grinder and clean it with 99% iso alcohol monthly and it's never let me down.

The grinder that comes with volcano vapes ( the litle orange grinder) works real well and it's plastic.

I also personally like a shot glass + scissors


coffee grinders are awesome, i bought mine a few years ago and have had no problems with it since...
i personally LOVE the big piles of kief that are always left in my coffee grinder, i usually save all my kief.. i don't even smoke it that often, only on special occasions.. i like to horde it and make little kief sand castles under a ultra bright LED flashlight.. mmm... :)


any metal grinder will work great whether it be an off brand $20 one or a nice space case

anyway like mr.tony said a little alcohol, not only cleans it out but you can make it into qwiso too.

just my :2cents:


I had a cheap ($25) sharpstone metal grinder break a tooth and start grinding metal into the nugs... so I switched to a titanium space case and have no problems at all. It grinds soooo much better than the sharpstone.

If you have $100-130 to spend, I add another vote for the titanium spacecase.


New member
I just bought a titanium space case on ebay from grateful buys for $84.90 shipped. Totally worth it, they have more for sale too!

Jeff Lebowski

Damn, that's a hell of a lot for a grinder, but Im sure it rocks. I found a four piece on the vaporgenie website that is wood, but I am not sure it will grind small enough for me. I'll be heading to the bay soon, so hopefully I'll find some cool grinders in Frisco.


Personally, I just bought a Chromium Crusher on ebay for $20 shipped, 2.5 inches. It is made out of the same titanium as the space case, and very very similar except Chromium Crusher on the outside. I'd highly recommend one, especially for $20 a fraction of the space case price.

Cookie monster

I have the titanium Space Case with a crystal catcher. I bought it for the very reason you're trying to avoid metal this time as titanium is way more durable than aluminum.

It was quite expensive, like 60 euros or something, but so far I've been more than pleased with it.

yep titanium is great been using a mix and ball titanium grinder for years, teflon coated so it's a doddle to clean and looking under a loupe i cant see any worn teeth or missing tiny bits of metal.

Hate plastic grinders with a passion and it's next to impossible to find a good wooden one round these parts.
Personally, I just bought a Chromium Crusher on ebay for $20 shipped, 2.5 inches. It is made out of the same titanium as the space case, and very very similar except Chromium Crusher on the outside. I'd highly recommend one, especially for $20 a fraction of the space case price.

I've owned and used many grinders, and by far the best has been the 3" Chromium Crusher. The thing is heavy, but I believe it is made of steel, not titanium.


New member
I bought my Space Case Party Size about 2 years ago from eBay for around $75

I think it's one of, it not the, best smoking investment i've ever made. Never has let me down. Never clogged. Teeth are always sharp, never need maintanence. Easy to clean (though I have never needed to!) and the lid always spins smooth because of the thin plastic ring that keeps it from contact with any metal.

Mr. Tony

Active member
when I use my grinder ( pretty much only when I twist up a swisher, which is rare) I don't use the pollen catcher, as I like to smoke my bud with it's trichomes the way nature intended