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Is social anxiety disorder my ticket to med card?

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Obviously puffin pass is not weedmans problem. There must be something going on right now in his life. Weedman, just a thought. Step away from the computer and think about whats bothering you,,Resolve that and I believe you will have a better day. But what do I know?


you have the right to uh piss back and forth shit I will moderate or ref a fair fight if you two would like,but detach yourselves for a moment and let me share my wisdom on this subject..the brain makes 3 basic chemicals that we use to function in this world:neuroepenphrine*,serotonin,and dopamine.
the lack or limitation of any these 3 basic brain chemicals can cause medical problems physilogical/psychological.
undiagnosed patients often self medicate and gravitate towards their illicit drug of choice to make up for these neurotransmitters.
why does one person like meth?low dopamine?(happiness)tired?serotonin?sleep?n-p?anxiety?if we do agree that self medicating in order to improve ones feeling of wellbeing physically psychologically.then can we posit that
happiness in of iteslf is analienable right and the negative associations we apply to differentiate ourselves are those that really bind us together in our daily struggle for legitamcy in ones existance.
than the semantics,politics, that are just degradations of one another for
ultimately some ulterior motive like money and power?


Active member
Hello all,

Went and renewed my script today.

The doc and I talked about his recent ski trip to Talurude(sp) this last weekend, how nice the weather was getting.

The state of my wayward twins as related to kids in general.

How my kids know that I smoke pot and why. The fact that kids today are stealling the parents scipt meds and having pharm parties....

Remeniesed about the days we (get that "We" did things like cocaine and placidiles, redds (seconol), PCP)

How I try and tell my kids to stay away from powders...

Oh, the cute butt on the new reciptionist.

We also talked about that the mmj thing was his retirement gig now.

All the while copying the notes from last years visit.

Asked me if things have changed...I said no, shook my hand and said see ya next year.

My temp, BP were taking prior and he did listen to my lungs.

That was it.

SO yeah, you can get your script.

Nice man. I truely like him would have him as a friend, but I would not have him as my doctor in a dire medical condition to be sure.

Which brings me to my point that situations involvign fraudulent medical conditions casts an even darker shadow over what I personally see as a system bulging at the seams with fraud, corruption and greed.

And further, those gatherings of mmj patients where there is copious consumption of meds in a party like fashion does nothing for the image either.

I begrudge nobody the right to get high...just be honest with yourself and others for your reasons.

Just my opinion.



so yea, yesterday I finally went to the docs and guess what?...my hunch was right...i have SAD....so to neone who read this forum and gave me a bad rep, SUCK IT... i admit at certain times especially my intro to this thread that it might have seemed a bit shady and that I was looking for an excuse...the truth is, i've been afraid to be diagnosed with this disorder my whole life, its not really something to be proud of...not to mention that they would want to put me on precription drugs which I am fully against. (as a kid i was put on ridalin and it def fucked with me) but now with a legal reason to get mmj im am so happy...and smoking weed has always made me feel better in a social setting. neways... this thread is done...thanks to every1 for ur input and opinions...thread closed... neone know how to close a thread by any chance?


Active member
Every one of us staring at this screen has a touch of SAD,its our common bond.I know I dont like crowds or most people either,so I was wondering is there a chance I can fill out all the paperwork online?Ya know cuz I got sad and all......just wonderin:joint:


I sense I bit of sarcasm perhaps? yeah, go to sad.com and u can fill out and get ur mmj prescription right then and there, no problemo.
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