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what is up with theese seedlings?


alright i am risking being torn apart on this one. my seedlings seem to die when they are about an inch tall. almost looks like someone is hacking the tops right off them. out of 15 seeds i might get one to survive. i have tried different soil and coco. also dosn't matter if i germ in the: growing medium, water, or in a paper towel. never had this problem before ... any ideas?


i cant imagine that many seeds being that bad so its obviously something your doing. put on a paper towel until only a tiny taproot comes out (dont let it grow longer than 1/4in). i dont know what you want to use for medium but it should consist of no nutrients for at least 3 weeks. once you place them in the dirt dont touch them for at least 2-3 weeks, plain water should do it. promix, perilite, or some kind of cube/jiffy pot. biggest mistakes are overwatering, nutrients too early, heat.

good luck
sounds like your germinating them allright.. the die when inch tall??

what kinda light?

hotsoil maybe..overwatering..too much nutes, everythin the last guy said.


dosn't matter how i germ, all die but 1 or 2. medium is per lite, and peat. that is till they get moved into there next pot. like i said only a couple make it to that point. after that i have no problems. heat never goes above 80*F and below 65*F. maybe i am over watering?


do you have drainage in your pots? how close is your light and what kind are you using any nutes?


grrrr darn page made me refresh and i didn't think to copy what i typed. anyway, i start in half full dixie cups with the light about 6"-8" above. i did notice that there might have been some blockage due to the holes being directly on the bottom of the cup. maybe the weight of the cup was making a seal instead of allowing drainage. i use fish emulsion after there switch to the second pot. usually once they hit the second pot they take off like rockets so my main concern is getting them to that point.