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Pollinating with Rainwater


New member
I debated on whether or not to post this as i havent actually done this prcedure myself nor is it my idea. I have found a particular thread 2 or 3 times now when studying pollination with pictorials from beginning of the process to the planting of seeds made and viable growth of plants to show it does work!!!
With that being said remember "Dont shoot the messenger"

1) collect rain water and sterilize

2) put 1/2" water in glass test tube

3) collect pollen only from the flowers that are directly next to the main stalk

4) mix pollen and water

5) using the same sterilized rain water spray some on female bud

6) take a Glass pipette and draw the mixture from the test tube into the
pipe and drizzle on wet bud.

Okay I havent done this but believe firmly this is true and allows for multiple strains to be tested on one female at different sites on the plant. anyway it will be this winter before i can try this and thought maybe someone else would like to give it a try. as soon as i find the thread with pictures Ill bookmark it. There is really nothing else to it:not rocket science, hope this helps. Peace


no wuckin furries!
cover the plant with a plastic bag exposing the bud you want to pollinate ...15 minutes later spray the whole area down with water...next day do the same thing with another bud ect....thats a safer way to make multiple sites with different males on the one female

water will ruin the pollen thats why we spray down with water...

how about try these things out then tell us how you went before posting the opposite of what is done?....there done without firing one shot !...HH. =]-~
I think water kills pollen...well not kills, but makes non-viable

Check this out:
"Pirate's Targeted Pollination Method"

Simple pictorial of targeted pollination. Pretty much what you explained minus mixing with water.

Yeah it kills pollen. Seeing as pollen is dormant and it's goal is to fertilize and egg and produce a zygote if it can't do that I would say it's as good as dead. :p


New member
water pollination

water pollination

ouch:i knew i would be opening a can of whoopass about this and trust me it goes against everything ive ever heard learned or read about pollinating(class of 69) but ive seen the pictures and read the thread and im pretty sure this is from a good breeder. i dont have the luxury of multiple spaces nor the time frame for extended projects but i do have some good genetics and it would be nice to keep them going.
anywho i wont be bringing this up anymore until i do the proper experiments myself, i just thought maybe someone with time and opportunity on their hands might want to try


no wuckin furries!
experiment is useless for us to try for we already use water to kill the pollen that has dropped where it souldnt and we clean it up before it spreads....and experiment by your elf would take a few days to see the pistols dont turn brown with your pollen water mix.HH. =]-~


New member
yes i agree shouldnt post something i havent done at least nothing this extreme, i do not want to offend any

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
FF nobody should be offended bro,
Heck atleast you throughed the ideal out
there to see what ppl had to say.

Remember the light bulb was just a thought at first.

I N Hail


New member
thanks I N Hale but i forgot the responsibility of the written word and to the readers interpretation.


no wuckin furries!
no offence taken here either...but yes if you tested it you would find it would not work..

dont know where to find the info that you would find interesting ..but sam the skunk man has written up how he pollinates his plants ...lets them stand...then sprays them with water to kill the pollen..

im sure a search here would also provide you with some info on safer methods of pollinating multiple branches with out cross pollination ...i know i remember reading in robert c clarks book on multiple crosses on the one plant (dont know if he goes into detail on his method)...the book can be found online with a search....have fun looking and reading :D .HH. =]-~

CHAPTER 3 ...sorry dont have time to read it now and has been 10 years since i read it last...hope it mentions what i was talking about.


There are a LOT of different ways to pollinate your girlies.

The method you described DOES work FreeFall... ignore those who tell you it won't.

I am more interested in seeing these people who say it DOESN'T work testing it for themselves just to get to see them eat crow.

But like I said in the first line, there are a lot of ways to pollinate cannabis manually... and everyone is partial to theirs.

One of the most common long storeage method is:

1. collect the pollen and separate plant matter
2. put your clean pollen in a packet w/ rice (or the little shoe packets) and place it in an air tight container
3. put it in the freezer.
4. Get out and allow to settle to room temperature to use whenever you're ready.

A common way to pollinate multiple branches...

(to do multiple dudes to one girl, you'll have to collect and keep SEPARATE the different individual male pollen... each male gets his own packet w/ rice and own air tight container... small jars are fine)

1. you can use bread bags, like the ones you get when you buy a loaf of white/wheat bread already sliced, to pollinate multiple branches with different pollen.
2. separate the targeted girl from her sisters (preferably in another room altogether if your wanting to have 1 seeded plant with the rest being sensi)
3. place the different male pollen in individual bread bags at the bottom and carefully place each bag onto a branch being careful not to spill any pollen.
4. take a twist tie and seal up the open end of the bag tightly to the branch... then give each branch with a bag a good hardy shake.
5. come back in 5 minutes and give it another hardy shake.
6. leave the bags on there for 20-30 minutes after your last shake then you're safe to take them off. (It only takes something like 15 minutes for a "bun to be put in the oven" so to speak.)

There ya go.. just one of the many ways to do it.

Mr. Stinky

if it makes you feel better, i asked a question some time ago along the same lines...not even thinking it thru first... i wanted to mix pollen and water to spray from a misting bottle... :abduct:


New member
well HH its all cool then and i will do some work with this sometime in the future. i just cant help but wonder about the water theory a little bit, there are a few areas in the water kills pollen where the perimeters are broad, its kinda like INH said, they had the working parts of a light bulb awhile before the vacum was introduced.
i find it hard to believe that all the moderators and good growers at this other site would allow this information posted,with pictures if it was nothing but a big joke. :joint:


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
well HH its all cool then and i will do some work with this sometime in the future. i just cant help but wonder about the water theory a little bit, there are a few areas in the water kills pollen where the perimeters are broad, its kinda like INH said, they had the working parts of a light bulb awhile before the vacum was introduced.
i find it hard to believe that all the moderators and good growers at this other site would allow this information posted,with pictures if it was nothing but a big joke. :joint:
post a link to the thread your refering to

my experince has been water kills viable canibiss pollen

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