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Cutting your weed w/ stuff for joints


High Grade Specialist
I was in Barneys Cafe this summer and they had a wooden bowl of mixed herbs and such, it looked kind-of odd, so I asked the waitress. She explained that it was mixture of herbs to add into a spliff. Since there was a tobacco ban, they’ve been using this mixture. The waitresses there where extremely nice and kind, and unlike anything I've come into contact with in this world. :abduct:

Has any one else seen this, tried it, or know even what’s in it ? Tiny bits of it looked similar to Cannabis, while most of it looked like a compilation of different herbs and plant material.

Its hard to remember what it looked like exactly, one puff of Amnesia had me soaring with the most unique effect.

In some coffeeshops they put vaped buds on the table for guests to mix with their weed.


Another thing to consider is in the USA there are a lot of added poisons in the cigs they sell ....very deadly. I advise against it strongly. I smoked cigs for more than 30 years and have been quit for the past 8 years, and now, just a good wiff of a Marlboro ultra-light makes me light headed and nauseaus.
In Europe and Canada the tobaccos are relatively untouched as far as additives go.
Either way nicotine is not good.
I can relate however with the need to sometimes wanna cut the power of some chronic just to at least make it to the end of the party. lol.
Personally, I like to save the leafy (sugar leaves) materials to roll joints with in a social situation, which would be the only reason I would even roll one at this point. Spending time toking a joint to me is mainly cerimonial and nothing I would normally do with my best bud. Considering a joint delivers ~ 28% of available thc as opposed to a bong which delivers ~78%.
When its time to strap one on, the bong reigns supreme @ my house.


The majority of U.S tobacco is crap, Nat Sherman’s on the other hand is 100% natural and doesn't contain any additives, the aroma isn't as pungent or filthy smelling as the majority of cigarettes’ . I very rarely smoke tobacco, and on the rare occasions that I do, its in very small amounts, literally .1 - .2 grams if that, basically a hit in a small glass one hitter; an even then I take small drags. To much tobacco will make me sick to my stomach.
Nat Sherman’s MCD is a good choice, it has a slight sweet taste. The tobacco leaf’s are carefully selected, about only 10% of the tobacco from the crop is used in their products. Non the less, even in its natural state, tobacco is bad for you., and it’s a bit nasty IMO.
Cannabis is soo much better and not nearly as bad for you, I’ve heard that Cannabis smoke actually helps cleans the lungs of tobacco resin/tar. An it does feel to do so after having smoked the herb following having smoke tobacco.

If there’s any avid cigarette smokers out there, I highly suggest they try this brand, I’ve heard people are not compelled to smoke as much with this brand as oppose to others.

I think combining the two in the same smoking utensil is nasty. :eek:


Active member

In the Bay we never roll spliffs or cut our shit with anything. We throw 2 grams of some club grade in the swisher over anything.

Shit i dont even smoke trim or shake. When i was a kid i used to scrape my pipe and smoke leaf all day, but now i smoke nothing but bud, nothing but kush.

I may layer my bowls with some frosty kush leaf, but other than that, not a puff of tobacco smoke ever hits my lungs.


Active member
And i smoked cigs pretty heavily for around 6 years, quit about a half a year ago and so happy i did.

I figured if im gonna pummel my lungs with so much chronic smoke, i have to sacrifice tobacco, which is definately the nastier tasting of the bunch.

Whenever i have tobacco cravings, or what i call "empty lungs" because of the sucking and empty feelings it creates in your lungs, i fill them up with some cannabis smoke and away goes any thoghts about cigerettes.
most people took this the wrong way and started talkin about tobacco instead of weed leaves like i had asked, but to those that did contribute, i thank you and shall try this this coming fall when i harvest, say maybe two grams, roll one joint from a gram, and roll two joints of a gram cut with ~ a gram of leaves, and do random surveys
I personally am not much of a joint smoker, as when I was I would seem to go through my weed way faster than I needed to, but I do however mix in the sugar leaves with the buds in my bowl when I want to conserve. Sometimes, they taste just as good as the bud and are covered in trichs.


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ICMag Donor
Another thing to consider is in the USA there are a lot of added poisons in the cigs they sell ....very deadly. I advise against it strongly. I smoked cigs for more than 30 years and have been quit for the past 8 years, and now, just a good wiff of a Marlboro ultra-light makes me light headed and nauseaus.
In Europe and Canada the tobaccos are relatively untouched as far as additives go.
You don't seriously believe that do you?
The US does not put poisons in their tobacco. That is crazy talk. They do put things like chocolate, molasses, and other flavorings, but the poison is already in tobacco. And the same things are in US tobaccos as in Euro and Canadian tobaccos.
I hate to break it to you, but many of the same tobacco that is in US smokes is the very same tobacco used for the overseas cigarette sales. Only difference is the quality of the tobacco used. See, the US keeps it's best tobacco for "Class A" cigarettes. They use the less than desirable tobacco, (that won't cut the grade for Class A) and make what is called "Quality" grade cigarettes, which get sold to Europe and other countries like Indonesia. Quality grade tobacco can have a certain amount of the tobacco that has been swept up from the factory floor, while Class A cannot contain any floor sweep. Take a look at a pack of Marlboro's in Europe and see what sort of classification is on the pack.
In other words, the US keeps it's best tobacco, and sells the rest to other countries. The exact same thing the alcohol Kalua does in Mexico.

And if you were a smoker and you get sick from the smell now, it is a psychological thing, and probably has very little to do with actual physical sickness. Although I'm sure you feel sick.


I roll my spliffs with very little tobacco. Lets say 70/30 or 80/20.
Depends if Im with friends or alone. If alone I mix it with ratio 80/20. If with friends then it is 60/40 sometimes (if there are lots of us) 50/50.

Lots of my friend do it opposite than me. Theirs spliff usually have 80% of tobacco and 20% of weed, which is totally disgusting if you ask me (almost like smoking a spliff with no weed). Sometimes I try to tell them that there is no point putting so much tobacco cause in the end you will be buzzed the same way if you would put it less. It only matters how much weed you put in. A spliff with only 0.1 - 0.2 grams of weed inside, for 3-4 people doesnt really make sense to me. AT LEAST A BOMB of 0.5 -1 gram of weed for 3-4 people I say.
But obviously some people like to spend little on weed and smoke HUGE JOINTS.
But I tell you when I roll one of mine, everybody complains how "small" spliff I rolled but when they smoke it they are 3x times more high than from that "HUGE JOINT" (full of tobacco)



Take a look at a pack of Marlboro's in Europe and see what sort of classification is on the pack.
In other words, the US keeps it's best tobacco, and sells the rest to other countries.

Class A cigarettes here in Europe...

BTW, America is not the only one producing tobacco.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I bitch-slap anybody that puts anything non canabis in origin in my doobie by reflex action.

But I enjoy the reflex a lil.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I mix my cannabis with tobacco. I suck...i know!

I smoke ciggies also. Not as often as i used to but every now and then when i get too stressed out i buy a pack.

For me it seems to smoothe the smoke a bit. And also it's a different kind of effect compared to pure joints. And i don't think it's because i have bad herb either as i've seen many suggest on the boards. It's just different.

I do agree that it is a stupid habit. Just as smoking cigs. To me the ideal way to consume cannabis is either to vaporize the herb or if you are going to smoke it, smoke potent extracts. And you should have alot of variety to fight tolerance.

But right now..it's not an option for me. But i am hopeful and optimistic about the future. I just need to move to a warmer climate with more relaxed atmosphere for weed. And things should fall into place..:)


I once used some legal herbal called Spice to fill a couple blunts to skimp and save resources, it was okay, as a filler that is. Didn't feel any alternative effects off of it but it did taste good. Definitely an alternative if you've quit smoking tobacco.


Over here in England I've not met a single person in 9 years of smoking weed that doesn't roll up with tobacco. I even know someone who cuts bongs with tobacco but that makes me throw up, who wants a tobacco bong!?!

We use to pay people to do that when we were kids.

"Hey Jonny, I'll pay you $10 if you can clear this bowl in one hit":laughing:


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Yuck Yuck Yuck, tobacco is nasty.

It will also kill you dead. Go ahead and ignore the evidence, but don't come a' whinging when you get the Big C.

If you must extend your weed use some cannabis trimmings...something that you know won't kill you.

My acquaintance in NoCal grinds up the whole damn plant actually, except for the stems. He loves it as he is a chain smoker, and has to have a spliff in his mouth 24/7 for the PTSD he suffers from. Even tho he also smokes tobacco, he would not insult anyone by putting that into the "blend."

Regrets to tobacco addicts and Northern Europeans, but wise up and smell the flowers!