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Sealed room any suggestions?


New member
I am currently running a 1400 watt sealed grow room. I have a 35 pint dehumi draining outside the room that is putting off a lot of heat. To combat the heat we have ordered a 8inch vortex 747cfm as an out take fan, and a 8inch room to room 250cfm intake is currently installed. The two lights are cooled with another 8inch 747cfm vortex which is also already installed.

Will the 8inch vortex out take be enough to combat the heat? The room is sealed and everything is hooked up to a Chhc1 unit. The exhaust and co2 will be interlocked to ensure that co2 is not wasted while exhausting. The 8inch vortex out take is on the way right now.

The question is will this be enough to combat the heat and keep the temps stable and will we waste a lot of co2. The room is aprox 140 sq feet.

The lights are cool to the touch and we seem to have no problem cooling them just the room itself after adding the dehumi.

The ballasts are located outside the room and the lights are completely sealed.

Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated and comments will be repped. Thank you for your help in advance. :joint:


Active member
How do you dump a sealed room?

Any pump n dump is going to "waste co2"

Add an air conditioner inside to keep a constant temperature, capture the condensation water, its pure
and stick a co2 monitor in there, run a scrubber inside as a recirculating air cleaner
you can keep the lights pushing air through to outside the chamber

Now thats a sealed room


New member
i understand i will be wasting co2 while i am exhausting air out of the room and i have a carbon filter at the top of the room along with 2 fans circulating air through out. the room is sealed as in no air exchange will occur untill the room reaches 88F in which the in and out take fans will kick on exchanging the hot air with fresh cooler air from another cooler room. An air conditioner is to bulky for the small room and would use 980 watts.....we have gone over that and its not even an option any more.

Also a chhc1 comes with a monitor that is already inside the room. this room is completely sealed just exchanges air through an in and out take as needed.


Even though you have stated that and air conditioner isnt an option, it seems to me as if its exactly what you need.. if its a sealed room you really dont want an in or out fan at all.. keep it sealed u will save much more co2, control you climate better and keep pests out.

But if not, u can hook up your in and out air to your sentinel chhc-1 and at a certain set point temp or humidity it will dump the room and drop the temp... But u are losing that precious co2.. So optimally you would want to run an AC.

O and btw.. Although ac's might say 990 max watts, you have to understand its only gonna be running maybe 10% of the time with lights on. And rarely using max watts...
I threw a kill-a-watt which measure electrical draw on an appliance and my 12,000 btu was running about 450 watts-rated at 1100watts max. It might run max watts if its 115f outside and you set the thermostat for 60f...

Good luck.


New member
Thanks for the help man, I hear what your saying but first off with the AC our studs are only spaced 12 inches, the smallest ac window unit i found it 16 and 1/2 inches... So It would be difficult to fit that in the room? Any feedback about that?

I understand about it not using much, but i must admit that our temps get pretty high here in the summer, some days in the hundreds.

We might jsut have to bite the bullet and waste a little CO2. I understand its not " completely sealed" but atleast the idea is there?

So PT did you think that the vortex out take could handle the heat, but the AC is the best option? Thanks again for everyones help, it means a lot to get this room dialed in seeing as how our lively hood is also tied into it.

THanks again and more feedback please!!


New member
PT the ceiling height starts at four feet and slopes up to eight feet......keep giving the ideas and advice the more the better thanks.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I don't know too much about this, as I'm just getting into a sealed room myself. But adding this ventilation you're talking about will no longer make your room sealed. You'll have exhaust pulling the hot air and your CO2 out of your room more quickly than CO2 will be replenished...most likely.

I don't think your co2 is going to be much of a benefit if these intake and exhaust fans are installed. But you certainly can't have shit get too hot in there. Do you have the cash for a ductless mini-split AC? If you want to keep it sealed and maximize your co2, you need an AC. That's just the way I see it.


New member
Thanks for the input and yea i was kinda figuring an ac was the only way to max the co2 out but the 8in vortex which i will be using for the out take has not come yet and i am kinda bankin on that to lower the temps low enough to where the co2 can be in the room about ten minutes until the room needs to be exhausted again. And start the cycle over.

Its a room in the process for sure but got to make the best of it and figure out if i really am going to bite the bullet and charge up the electric bill with an ac unit.

If i got an ac unit would i still need a dehumi?

Bodhi Roach

many of the a/c on wheels have a big humidity resevoir to catch the dripping water. So I think yes, (but do your homework and find out for sure) you can most likely get rid of the dehum and replace it with a 500-1000 dollar ac unit, those mini splits would also do the job mighty fine as they can be wall mounted up high, but they are very costly and can be seen as they have to be installed on the outside of wherever your show is.

What type of aircooled light shades are you using?

If you are venting out when the temps reach 88, as lapides said, you are blowing out all the CO2 and defeating the purpose of having it. another option, check out this puppy!!!!

Check out what bozo has to say, what he has done is very impressive

Another option is a air to water heat exchanger, if you live in a dry and warm area where water is scarce it may not be a viable option, but if you live up north where water is more plentiful, check it out, they do really work wonders. The ICE BOX uses the same technology and will fit on to your 6" hoods or cooltubes.

Oh, I just read this thread in regards to AC and dehum moments after this post above
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