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I have had a recent encounter with an individual that I belive might be schizophrenic. Does anyone know about this disorder, have insight to it, have been around someone with the disorder/disease, or otherwise have information on it? I have read the medical dictionary and all, but there are so many facets to this disorder. I was looking for anyone that has had personal experience dealing with individuals with it. I feel that the person that I had the encounter with is a danger to themselves and to other people. Any thoughts? I hope Madre chimes in...
There are many types of Schizophrenia so it is hard to know without you providing more details. There are types where the person is paranoid of almost everyone, so you don't know if the person will turn on you because of their own paranoia. They can hear voices that they feel compelled to follow or think that God/Jesus is the voice in their head.... There is also a type that is rather harmless where the person gets stuck in strange positions. The important thing that you said is that they may be a danger to themself or others, which is grounds to get the person placed in a treatment center, but I think that can only be done by family or his Doctor/Psychologist.

Schizophrenics are usually given medication and if they stop taking them their behavior can change dramatically. My advice is to be very careful with this person, you never really know what someone is thinking!

One of my best friends I believe is Schizophrenic, he recently was homeless and walked from Las Vegas to California. I try to be supportive and help him in any way I can, but unfortunately people in that condition dont like talking about their problems. It is a very tough situation.... I would be fearful having him around my kids if I had any, but my loyalty to my friend is hard to break so again, it's a tough situation. Imagine being in the other persons shoes for a while


Active member
I have had a recent encounter with an individual that I belive might be schizophrenic. Does anyone know about this disorder, have insight to it, have been around someone with the disorder/disease, or otherwise have information on it? I have read the medical dictionary and all, but there are so many facets to this disorder. I was looking for anyone that has had personal experience dealing with individuals with it. I feel that the person that I had the encounter with is a danger to themselves and to other people. Any thoughts? I hope Madre chimes in...

I have professionally many times as I worked in the local county jail 96-2000 and naturally I encountered many schizophrenics and bipolar disorders and personality disorders were rampant in the jail as these are our mental institutions NOW! As well as they are mixing mental disorders with the elderly in nursing homes and little old grannies are getting killed and assaulted daily....

Crisis here in Florida and I have to testify in a couple of lawsuits of past employers being sued currently.

But schizophrenics have episodes of psychosis and visual or auditory hallucinations. Bipolar is SOOOO broad range and some do get psychotic in the manic phase. Depakote was the last new wonder drug....but Abilify seems to be used more frequently these days to relieve S/S of these poor people who are so often shunned and misunderstood. A lot od it is genetic...but lack of proper nurture early in life can exacerbate these conditions....NATURE VS NURTURE is the big question and lots of controversy
on that subject as Psych is not an exact science yet and a lot of hypothesis and theory still.

STRANGE COINCIDENCE......just on the news here local as I type....Patients in a nursing home shot dead.....could be a mentally ill patient mixed in with the little old alzhiemers patients....So freakin' sad...

NO it was in the Carthage North Carolina......and a nut walked in and killed some innocent patients and a nurse tonight....

Damn nursing IS GETTING DANGEROUS....soon we will need security in the nursing homes just like in our hospitals. DAMN!!!!:wallbash::wallbash:


Active member
There are many types of Schizophrenia so it is hard to know without you providing more details. There are types where the person is paranoid of almost everyone, so you don't know if the person will turn on you because of their own paranoia. They can hear voices that they feel compelled to follow or think that God/Jesus is the voice in their head.... There is also a type that is rather harmless where the person gets stuck in strange positions. The important thing that you said is that they may be a danger to themself or others, which is grounds to get the person placed in a treatment center, but I think that can only be done by family or his Doctor/Psychologist.

Schizophrenics are usually given medication and if they stop taking them their behavior can change dramatically. My advice is to be very careful with this person, you never really know what someone is thinking!

One of my best friends I believe is Schizophrenic, he recently was homeless and walked from Las Vegas to California. I try to be supportive and help him in any way I can, but unfortunately people in that condition dont like talking about their problems. It is a very tough situation.... I would be fearful having him around my kids if I had any, but my loyalty to my friend is hard to break so again, it's a tough situation. Imagine being in the other persons shoes for a while

You are a wonderful friend and very kind and empathetic. We need more understanding of these ppl....

Some schizophrenics can be dangerous as the men who shot John Lennon and President Reagan. Most are not dangerous and need medication and case management to assist them lead fairly normal lives out in the community.


Active member
dealing with them personally they are...im not good at explaining. kind of grandiose and a big sensitivity to protect themselves. My friend's aunt and my friend is.


Active member
It was one of the nursing homes nurses aids husband who came into the nursing home with a deer rifle and a pistol and killed several people before the police shot him and stopped him....GEEZ I am glad I retired.....Wild West in nursing these days....I hope my nurse kids live through it.....Hey nurse....My 36 year old nurse son won't get married yet....can I marry him off to you dear....He made $92,000 last year doin' 4 12's a week.....Florida is the lowest paying nurses in the nation. But he is a METROSEXUAL! My son that is...te he and time for him to get married sooooo I can die in peace.....te he


It was one of the nursing homes nurses aids husband who came into the nursing home with a deer rifle and a pistol and killed several people before the police shot him and stopped him....GEEZ I am glad I retired.....Wild West in nursing these days....I hope my nurse kids live through it.....Hey nurse....My 36 year old nurse son won't get married yet....can I marry him off to you dear....He made $92,000 last year doin' 4 12's a week.....Florida is the lowest paying nurses in the nation. But he is a METROSEXUAL! My son that is...te he and time for him to get married sooooo I can die in peace.....te he

Nursing can be dangerous, I agree. I have been attacked by patients several times. Most of my patients are sedated on the vent though....so no worries. Families are a different story. Recently there have been family members that have been escorted off the property and instructed not to return. A few APS cases pending....

I will be 42 this year and just parted with a relationship with a gentleman that was 9 years younger than me. I have always dated younger men. He got this job of a life time and moved. It was a mutual breakup. I can barely trust a man to be faithful in a relationship when they are near me, let alone thousands of miles away! So, single I am again! Does he like the islands? Not sure I could part with the ocean...but I have been to Florida and Boca Raton...Key West...and Marco Island... oh, and Panama City for Spring Break. I enjoy that part of the country, but can do without the no see ums and the swamp....other than that Florida is way cool. I mean any state that can produce Kelly Slater can not be all that bad right?!!!!
i've been diagnosed with it. i'm not violent. i've had a lot of violence done to me, though. some by people trying to "help". sane people are a lot more fucked up than i am. i just hear shit.


hahahaha, again "I WANT MY CIGARETTES!"
Schizophrenia...not really sure if I've met anyone with it. Can you catch it?


i've been diagnosed with it. i'm not violent. i've had a lot of violence done to me, though. some by people trying to "help". sane people are a lot more fucked up than i am. i just hear shit.
Sorry to hear that people have been violent toward you. I like to compare fucked up ness to my own sanity. If they are further out there than I am, then there is something wrong. If you just hear things, then you ARE sane in my book! :joint: I sometimes wonder if people that are dx with it are somehow having periods of being sort of asleep but awake at the same time. You know that hypnagogia state. Right before I wake up sometimes I hear and see stuff...but I know I am still sort of dreaming. Same thing when I go to sleep or meditate. Perhaps there is a connection there somewhere....

I have read that the parinoid type can become very jealous and tend to be violent at times. I feel that the person that I had this encounter with is undiagnosed for sure and not on meds at all. Her behavior is very bizzare. There is a family history with this person and the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. I am just now begining to understand why she has had so much trouble in her adult life. A very sad case indeed. I wish you well and much happiness. Thank you for sharing; it is much appreciated!


My only experience was with one of the great loves of my life....I didn't find out till it was to late she hung herself...never spoke with me about it.... I used to get odd notes that didn't make any sense at all I would ask her about them and she would swear that she didn't write them then one day poof I went to work and there is another guy hanging on her...I'm like what's up she like this is my my new bf and first mate...3 hr's earlyer we were in bed snuggling....I was like wtf....I just chalked her up as another crazy girl...little did I know what was going on in her head or that she would kill herself in 6 months...I feel like I failed her by walking away.... I was 21 at the time....I had other interests there is a lot of tail in party town.... but her suicide has haunted me since and still have a very hard time understanding why someone so beautiful and full of life would do that....I still hold a lot of guilt for walking away from my friend....and my lover...over a year we were together....I just walked away.....I now have 3 kids and a very loving wife..but still every day ...I think about the guilt I feel... What I could of done to save my friend a goddess in her own right...


Active member

sometimes I feel a little bit, can't stop my mind

fears, future, appending doom?

one of my friends started hearing voices, but it was meth induced psychosis
(voices telling him he will die, people coming to get him...from the tv...)

he finally took medication, it went away (When he smoked a joint it would come back)
and finally he stopped medication, and he is free

life makes you crazy,

there are weak people, and these people are more prone to getting mental illnesses
-thats my take

survival of the weakest

these people need help
it must be hell for them/some


Active member
Nursing can be dangerous, I agree. I have been attacked by patients several times. Most of my patients are sedated on the vent though....so no worries. Families are a different story. Recently there have been family members that have been escorted off the property and instructed not to return. A few APS cases pending....

I will be 42 this year and just parted with a relationship with a gentleman that was 9 years younger than me. I have always dated younger men. He got this job of a life time and moved. It was a mutual breakup. I can barely trust a man to be faithful in a relationship when they are near me, let alone thousands of miles away! So, single I am again! Does he like the islands? Not sure I could part with the ocean...but I have been to Florida and Boca Raton...Key West...and Marco Island... oh, and Panama City for Spring Break. I enjoy that part of the country, but can do without the no see ums and the swamp....other than that Florida is way cool. I mean any state that can produce Kelly Slater can not be all that bad right?!!!!

Yeah my daughter is your age and she will be 43 next month and is married to a 30 yr old Cubano in this country 10 years.....but I do like him and he is adjusting well to their cultural differences. She is tall and pretty and looks younger than her age really....and they are quite happy. She is a cardiac nurse and did the core curiculum for certification recently.

Her and I currently have issues about my lifestyle since her beloved daddy died...WOMEN WTF do they want anyway?????te he
Only one daughter praise the lord! te he

But Ed who is PO'd that his name is now an embarrassing medical DX and he does get teased. But I did not know that in 71 when he was born....te he
But he started out in transplant and did their core curriculum and certified and did it for several years. He switched to Trauma ICU recently to master that so he can make much money travel nursing.

But he was involved in the care of the 4 football players lost at sea recently BUCS and USF players....and only one lived. I can't tell you more or it will break HIPPA and several nurses just got fired yesterday in Cali for compromising HIPPA on OCTOMOM who currently has fired all of her nurses. And will sue the hospital now
FO SHO!:wallbash:

And I do keep my credentials up BPR CEU's BLS....yada yada yada....and work with the homeless in "The Burg" and Can write it off for tax breaks.

They sleep under the bridge near St Anthony's Hospital because the City Hall ran them out of the downtown Williams Park so they don't upset the tourist and rich folks who live here. Plus our Gov lives downtown and his new wife and prolly next Repub Pres! And the homeless are an "eyesore" to THEM!

They have a "tent city" now and one of my son owns a prosperous franchise here and donates chickens to "chicken man" a nice old man who serves fried chicken to the homeless here daily at Moon Lake where they hang out and piss off the "snooty locals" They are trying to stop him feeding the homeless here. But I met a man at tent city the other day that used to sing back up for Loretta Lynn and others in the business and I thought he was bullshitting me till he performed and I googled his story. I have his name written down somewhere here. But a person who has fallen through the cracks of society related to chronic mental illness. He looks like Dennis Weaver .....:woohoo:

OOPS back on subject before I get banned....Nurse Madre can be misunderstood by the unenlightened of the world.....te he But I am WTF I am and don't apologise for it at this stage of my life.

research by NIMH shows that the vast majority of ppl who are violent do not suffer from mental illness...Public perception ASSUMES this and as we learned in nursing school if you assume ...you make an ass out of you and me! ASS/U/ME! tehe my personal philosophy.

Violent behavior of mentally ill represents only a small portion of them really...
of violent crimes...They are no more dangerous than the average public. Stats show that....

BUT....Violence against people with mental illness is a SERIOUS ISSUE that I see and stats support that.

But it is chronic and has to be delt with so they are not isolated...afraid...and socially isolate themselves because their confidence is eroded by public lack of understanding.....They need high quality care...accessable TX...meds...case management....social interaction and support...

Best way to help a small minority of ppl with mental illness who are at risk for violent behavior ...

OH shit! You got me off on my bleeding heart tangent darlin' So nice to have a "open minded" nurse here as you know all are not....and I avoid them like the PLAGUE>>>>te he inside joke...

But Ed will be 37 in Nov. and NEVER MARRIED and swears he IS NOT GAY....AS I would love him anyway as moms do.....but he has had several LTR's with women and he says "the picins are slim" these days for quality.

But with Afib and I wanna see him wed before the CVA hits me cranium and I get MSO4 IV push to end it soooooo I won't end up on a vent....te he

BUT Ed keeps goin' to Costs Rica on his time off from the hospital and won't tell me what he is doing over there....But you know us Moms are nosey because we love them.

Baby is having a hissy fit so I must calm him down.....Later my sister nurse far away.....if ever on this coast we will host you and the kids
fo sho!:woohoo: Enlightened nurses are the BEST!


Active member

sometimes I feel a little bit, can't stop my mind

fears, future, appending doom?

one of my friends started hearing voices, but it was meth induced psychosis
(voices telling him he will die, people coming to get him...from the tv...)

he finally took medication, it went away (When he smoked a joint it would come back)
and finally he stopped medication, and he is free

life makes you crazy,

there are weak people, and these people are more prone to getting mental illnesses
-thats my take

survival of the weakest

these people need help
it must be hell for them/some

Meth induced psychosis is a whole nother' story and not to be confused with neurochemical psychosis of too much dopamine in the brain and cause psychosis.

They are not weak people GEEZ did you not see Russell Crow in that true movie that he was a math genius....and schizophrenic as well.....IGNORANCE IS pathological so read more and educate self and become part of the SOLUTION my man! I forget the name of the movie.

But that attitude is wtf I am trying to educate ppl on....nursing IS MY PASSION...and not just INCOME! Like some!

BUT seriously many ppl are more stressed these days because of the shitty economy and HAPPINESS is only possible when YOU MAKE PEACE with SELF!

Money don't buy happiness......but it is nice to have it around....
te he:wallbash:


Thanks Madre! Costa Rica huh? I hear the parrots and monkeys are in the trees on the beach. Sounds cool! Not too expensive to go there either. I would just worry about safety. I know drugs run rampant through there. I just wish people would use the drugs for their intended use and not abuse them. Each plant has an purpose....

I have read more on the topic at hand and I am truly surprised that I didn't recognize it before. The fact that the frontal and temporal lobes as well as the hippocampus have been linked to the neurocognitive deficits makes more sense to me now that I can acctually see a person with these issues. The lack of dopamine in those areas make functioning very difficult for these people. "A typical onset of schizophrenia in early adult years correlates with poorly myelinated and thus inefficient connections between cells in the fore-brain." (wikipedia) I can now understand why she can't hold down a job.
My only experience was with one of the great loves of my life....I didn't find out till it was to late she hung herself...never spoke with me about it.... I used to get odd notes that didn't make any sense at all I would ask her about them and she would swear that she didn't write them then one day poof I went to work and there is another guy hanging on her...I'm like what's up she like this is my my new bf and first mate...3 hr's earlyer we were in bed snuggling....I was like wtf....I just chalked her up as another crazy girl...little did I know what was going on in her head or that she would kill herself in 6 months...I feel like I failed her by walking away.... I was 21 at the time....I had other interests there is a lot of tail in party town.... but her suicide has haunted me since and still have a very hard time understanding why someone so beautiful and full of life would do that....I still hold a lot of guilt for walking away from my friend....and my lover...over a year we were together....I just walked away.....I now have 3 kids and a very loving wife..but still every day ...I think about the guilt I feel... What I could of done to save my friend a goddess in her own right...

I understand how you must be feeling guilt from the situation LB, but you are not a trained Psychologist or Psychiatrist! There was no way for you to know what to do, or how to help her, especially considering she didn't share her situation with you.... There is only so much that can be done for people (it took me a while to learn this one trying to help some of my own friends and family) if they dont fully understand whats going on with them (many people don't seek treatment because of the stigma), so you should try to let some of that guilt go.... I know it isn't an easy thing to do, but when you put everything together and think about the situation as a whole and think about your reactions, they are only natural. How many people would stay with a person who is (what they think) is cheating on them when in fact the person who is doing it doesn't have a good reason (or what society think is a good reason) to be acting in that way.

I have also dealt with suicides involving people who were close to me so I really understand the wishing you could have done more/known more feeling (and I've been studying psychology for years), but that's all hindsight kind of thinking..... All we can do is take it as a learning experience (and a tough one at that because everyone acts/reacts differently) and try to recognize those signs in the future if we see them.... I know this isn't much of a consolation, I'm just sharing my thought and experiences.


hahahaha, again "I WANT MY CIGARETTES!"
Schizophrenia...not really sure if I've met anyone with it. Can you catch it?

Not unless someone in your family has it. There is a genetic link. Of course, you already knew that! Love the sarcastic humor! lmao:joint:


Active member
Thanks Madre! Costa Rica huh? I hear the parrots and monkeys are in the trees on the beach. Sounds cool! Not too expensive to go there either. I would just worry about safety. I know drugs run rampant through there. I just wish people would use the drugs for their intended use and not abuse them. Each plant has an purpose....

I have read more on the topic at hand and I am truly surprised that I didn't recognize it before. The fact that the frontal and temporal lobes as well as the hippocampus have been linked to the neurocognitive deficits makes more sense to me now that I can acctually see a person with these issues. The lack of dopamine in those areas make functioning very difficult for these people. "A typical onset of schizophrenia in early adult years correlates with poorly myelinated and thus inefficient connections between cells in the fore-brain." (wikipedia) I can now understand why she can't hold down a job.

Well you are more in the medical end and I did nursing 4 years in the jail.
plus a little nutty meself....tehe and I insult the sensibilities of some even here on a nutty weed board. GEEZZZZZZZZ

Why i am soooo glad you are here.....Ed is cute though and tall...thin and cerebral....has Mahatma Ghandi tatood on his L elbow....te he....

drives an expensive car and owns his condo and is currently buying a 4 bedroom 3 bath w swimming pool in a gated community as the prices are currently great and finance interest is low. He wants me to move into his condo...but aI like it here till I can escape with D in 2012....te he

He works 7P-7A.....and I hear he is a great asset to his unit....mom is soooo proud.

he looks younger as never married and no kids yet...te

true scizophrenics have a hard time holding down a job and many live on the street,,,,but Social Scurity disability can be collected if they can't hold a job.......STILL not much compassion for mental illness. ppl that don't care about the less fortunate.....

but happy i have you here so i don't get disappointed in stoners overall...
and their lack of comittment to others and the CAUSE!

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