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Seedlings not doing well/yellowing

Deadly Fear

Hi all, I started some seedlings about a month ago and they are looking pretty pathetic. I have had them in some Miraclo-Gro organic soil using purified water. They are under a 400w HPS with 2 120w CFL and 2 60w. They got to where they are now and do not seem to be growing. Is it a problem with the pH? I don't have access to meters right now but I can't see it being any other problem.

They are yellow and green and just don't seem to be doing well overall.

Sorry about the lighting and the pics, camera is not the best.






just do it
you dont need all that light to start them first of all, one floro will get them going, second of all are you giving them nutes? how often do you water? personally i dont like that MG soil, it has a ton of wood chips and bark, do yourself a favor and buy some foxfarm soil or promix and a $5 ph test kit, or better yet a $20 ph meter off ebay, you need to explain exactly what your using/doing so someone can help you out, but it dont look good

Deadly Fear

you dont need all that light to start them first of all, one floro will get them going, second of all are you giving them nutes? how often do you water? personally i dont like that MG soil, it has a ton of wood chips and bark, do yourself a favor and buy some foxfarm soil or promix and a $5 ph test kit, or better yet a $20 ph meter off ebay, you need to explain exactly what your using/doing so someone can help you out, but it dont look good

No nutes for at least 2 weeks, none added yet since they are struggling. I water when they are close to dry. It's puzzling me since I did basically the same setup but I used standard potting soil at first. Maybe I should transplant them into that for a while. I will cut back the lights as well.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
You might have lost these ,they might recover if you transplant into some GOOD soil ,
Seedling's need no nutes for the first 2 weeks.(they look burnt)
Get some better soil (light ,fluffy and drains well) and start some more seeds .

GET your timers ,electric connections OUT OF THAT TRAY. be safe

I N Hail

Deadly Fear

Transplanted into potting soil which is what I used last time and had good results. Got the timers out and am going to hope they pull through. Bump for any other tips.
i just used some of that same soil for my seedlings...i never fed em any nutes til they had like 3 nodes. they were green all the way through. also, u mighta burned em out with that HPS or you fed em when u shouldnt have.


NEVER use Miracle Grow soil....I learned that the hard way over the last month of almost losing all of my schnazzleberry#2 seedlings...GET THEM OUT OF THAT CRAP ASAP!!!!!!

I scaled way back to a very small personal grow so I bought some of that junk because I figured it would save me a few bucks over buying all the stuff for making my own....all it did was delay my plants by about a month and almost kill them. They started out ok and about 2 weeks in started to turn crispy and yellow. I tried watering in crushed dolomite lime with no success...Once I got them into LC's mix of 5 parts peat, 3 parts perlite, and 2 parts mushroom compost they started to recover. Some of those seedlings of yours aren't too far gone to save, but you need to get them out of that garbage soil. If you don't want to make your own mix find a very light starter mix without added ferts to get them into.

I will never use another MG product ever again...I've never had problems growing cannabis before I tried that junk.

As long as your plants are still a little soft and not totally crispy they are save able. New soil and raise the humidity.

:joint: Chomp

Kola Radical

Soil too strong. Burnt 'em up.

Believe me, I learned this one the hard way myself. Your soil would be ok if you mix it with a lot of perlite. More perlite than soil. Or better yet, get some seedling mix and keep the babies in it for at least 2 weeks... maybe 3 or 4.


Soil too strong. Burnt 'em up.

Believe me, I learned this one the hard way myself. Your soil would be ok if you mix it with a lot of perlite. More perlite than soil. Or better yet, get some seedling mix and keep the babies in it for at least 2 weeks... maybe 3 or 4.

No really stay away from the MG shit I mixed mine 50/50 and it still crispy fried 'em...It's got chicken litter in it that I don't think has been composted very well if at all....very very hot.

You said the regular potting mix was working for you so that should be your answer there....better off spending $6.00 for a small bale of peat, $4.00 for a bag of mushroom compost and $10 for some perlite, $4.00 for some lime and you have 50 gals of quality mix for about $24.00. A proven mix of 5 pts peat/ 3 pts perlite/ 2 parts mushroom compost that will never fail you....

Deadly Fear

I took them out of the soil completely and transferred them to a potting soil/perlite mix, will post if they improve! Here's hoping!
You have way way to much light for them youngins. Have em under floros until they get their next set of leaves at least. One of them at least looks as if the leaves have been cooked.

Deadly Fear

You have way way to much light for them youngins. Have em under floros until they get their next set of leaves at least. One of them at least looks as if the leaves have been cooked.

Yeah I forgot to mention I unplugged the HPS and just have the 4 fluoros. Thanks!


Take Five...
All the info here peeps have offered is excellent info.

Basically, seeds should be grown in Seed Starting Mix.. What this is is....no nutrients in the soil. No time release, no compost, no guano, castings, nothing like that.

Is there any food in that new soil? Adding the extra perlite was a good move...the more the better.

Use the 2 60watt cfls only for now (I assume this is 60 w equivalent, not actual watts?). Add the other CFLs once the get growing again and the hps for flowering. Too much light on those fragile leaves now will overheat them and burn them.

What colour are the cfls? You want cool white, blue-white, 6500K for seeds/vegging and around 2700/warm white/hps orange for flowering.

The blue keeps the stretch down when vegging and the orange/red light of the spectrum stimulates flowering.
Those babies are cooked, Looks like the Organic potting soil to me.Check the bag again,I bet you good money that the bag says feeds up to nine months on the side. Miracle grow is hit or miss.be sure of the Organic also.There are 4 varieties of MG soil.Moisture control(which will fry eggs over time),MG potting soil with time release(basically the same as moisture control without the swamp heat, will only poach eggs),MG potting soil organic( which is basically nuetral soil with the time release ferts, only boils eggs), and last but not least the usable stuff MG Organic choice.MG choice organic is nuetral but the problem is that one bag may consist of mostly sphagnum moss, and another bag may be a nice dark mix of actual soil.If you use MG Organic choice be sure to test your Ph way before you plant in it.I had a few good Ops with the stuff but it can bite you because I believe its just mixed packed and shipped with different levels of substrates.Your best bet is to visit a local nursery that bags their own soils or carries true organics.


New member
re-pot asap

re-pot asap

if there is any chance to save them you've got to change that soil out .
it looks like a wood chip dirt . maybe it is good for something but you're not growing it . be gentle and ease them into anything less cheep ,,,foxfarm was a good choice among many out there . thin it a bit with up to 30 % perolite . Don't fertilize for a few weeks ! the good soil has plenty for a month or so. If the dirt is'nt the culprit and to be on the safe side if you want to save those ones try watering from a different water source too , bottled water is a sure thing "spring water"
Those lights are fine as long as the temp is 70 - 80 f ,,,(temp where the plants are i mean,,,the wall mount thermometer will always be reading 10-15 degrees cooler ) be sure a fan blows between the lamp and the plant tops , keep it just in the leaves enough to see them wiggle a bit . don't overwater
Start some others in the meantime with the new medium etc. "plan B" may be your new plan "A" those ones look shocked , worth trying but for a plant with such a short life anyway ,,, that is a hard start




Nice grow you got going there. Whats the buds smoke up like?
Is it a high yield? Did you make cuts? How much will your seed release be?
You could call the strain BarkBusters.
This has to be a joke calling out all the so called egg spurts to solve this dipshits problems. Do some reading and if you cant follow simple instructions learn the Piano.

Deadly Fear

Nice grow you got going there. Whats the buds smoke up like?
Is it a high yield? Did you make cuts? How much will your seed release be?
You could call the strain BarkBusters.
This has to be a joke calling out all the so called egg spurts to solve this dipshits problems. Do some reading and if you cant follow simple instructions learn the Piano.

Wrong thread?

UPDATE: The seedlings are doing a little better and have a lot more green to them after replanting in normal soil. The growth is still kind of stagnant and I'm hoping it will pick up in the next week or so. If not, well, that's that. Here's hoping! :smoke:


It will take them a little time to get going again but if they are greener you're on the right track man!


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Hate to reiterate. The soil is WAYYY too hot for those seedlings. It's like trying to give a baby a straight shot of Jack Daniels.