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social norms are a mother fucker



Does anybody else live in a climate wherein the drinking and driving is essentially the norm and completely tolerable? Even at work people talk about it and make comments like it's a joke. These same people have made snide remarks about pot smokers in the past.

It's just amazing to me how weird my value system is, apparently. I think driving drunk is a couple steps below fucking a kid or murder. It's the epitome of selfishness; you got yourself in a dumb situation, so now the entire community is at risk so you can skimp out on a cab fair? And yet, in America, it is common place and in most circles socially acceptable.

Fucked up world we live in.


Active member
ive lived in many areas of the US...and never seen drunk driving accepted or tolerated.

ive heard peeps brag about doin it...and i just nod like "okay"...but they know it means i think they are stupid.

btw...its not socially acceptable

...unfortunately smokin a bit of ganja is not accepted either.


I've never seen anyone brag about drunk driving, the sad irony is that the drunk often gets less injured in a car crash because they don't tense up when they crash....

As far as I can see it is not a social norm in England, nearly everyone I know thinks its dumb, not that it doesn't happen but yeh.

Stone Skunk

mm yeah i hear you on this, in this area it seems pretty normal to drive drunk. I've seen plenty dumb enough to drive around with open containers, i really cant understand why you would do that...

Tony Danza

I grew up in a small hick town where drunk driving accidents killed kids every year, but all you hear about from these assholes is how "I drive better when I'm drunk" and "you just have to know what you're doing", and it was considered funny. And these people grew up to be the mainstays of the community.

But pot smokers were lowlifes, no acceptions.

I watch that Nanny 911 show (cut me some slack, I'm a new parent), I see horrible parents who are unwilling to put effort into the developement of their children--raising the most obnoxious, destructive little shits you could imagine, and all I can think is that I'm the one society views as an unfit parent because I smoke weed.

Yes, social norms do suck...

...well, some of them anyway.


I grew up in a small hick town where drunk driving accidents killed kids every year, but all you hear about from these assholes is how "I drive better when I'm drunk" and "you just have to know what you're doing", and it was considered funny. And these people grew up to be the mainstays of the community.

But pot smokers were lowlifes, no acceptions.

I watch that Nanny 911 show (cut me some slack, I'm a new parent), I see horrible parents who are unwilling to put effort into the developement of their children--raising the most obnoxious, destructive little shits you could imagine, and all I can think is that I'm the one society views as an unfit parent because I smoke weed.
Yes, social norms do suck...

...well, some of them anyway.



i once heard that people are no better then dogs, tell the dog no and hell still get in the trash, smack the dog and he'll learn.
happens all the time here...and i am not innocent.

people luv to bragg about how "wasted" they got and most of them drive home...


Active member
maybe this is also happening in my country but i didn't heard any1 bragging for driving drunk. when i am going to party and i know i will get wasted :D, my mom drive me to club and pick me up ;D and i am very grateful her for that. and i also agree that driving under influence and bragging about it is very fu*ked up.


sunshine in a bag
I know someone who got pulled for a DUI, has a court date coming up in June, may lose his job

He regularly goes home smelling like booze to his wife, regularly buys "just one" beer right after work to drink on the way home

Fucking unreal man, I don't understand some people's thought process


what you expect from people who have a problem? having compassion and recognition for our wrongdoings is an advanced concept that escapes people who are self absorbed,their is no wrong in their eyes.

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