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Airpots : Og Kush and Critical Mass

Hash Man

norcal that purple kush looks bomb. the sr71 cut is a good purp, i have smoked it before. how was the yield on it. i have never grown or seen it grown hydro... i grew the abusive og kush in dwc and it was freaking insane. all silver and red with and ogkush sour diesel smell to it. it was grown with house and garden ferts, the whole line, and it thrived,. we will c if floranova and sweet in airpots and soil will show me some love. by the looks of your album the pk showed you some love.

did you top it at all
ya that purplekush was okay i think she could have been bigger,
i only used one week of shooting powder and harvested a week early
i had five purplekushes i yielded about 5 in half ounces, but those lady's
were so fruity,buds looked like they were dipped in surger!!!
i also did'nt have a chance to top or supercrop anything.

i've never used the floranova but heard great things about that product.

Hash Man

that shooting powder is some good stuff. I have had my best yields with floranova and the end product was killer too. Sour Deisel seems to love the floranova so i assume the abusive og will too, as they both grow really similar. Its an interesting subject, I remember when I first smoked OG Kush it was really kushy and so sticky and resious that i used to sit there and look at it in awe. It seems that lately all the "og kush" that is around is so similar to the sour diesel that its hard to tell sometimes. lol, diablo, larry, abusive, sfv, ghost, plus all the weird names people give to the clubs when the sell their final product,plus all the hybrids involving sour deez, og, bubba, etc, its really hard to find the real ogkush out there. i guess the SFV and a strand called Kryptonite is the closest i have seen to what i remember of the real og kush. The abusive will do me well, as will the critical mass, but it would be nice to have that extra kushy og kush.

Hash Man



i will know in 7 or 8 weeks. i got .7 gram per watt using the h&g. and the smoke was top notch. this abusive grow lots like the sour deisel, plus with the critical mass, im hopin to acheive at least 1 gram per watt, it looks like a giant, and I have 2 friends growing it as well, one with h&g in black gold soil and one in ffof using pureblend pro lines with some advanced nutriens stuff at then end, i will be ablw to post results and maybe pics from all 3 grows, but at least from mine. We are all very excited about its fast develpment.

Hash Man

So my ladies are moving along very nicely ... i spotted a fungas gnat issue. i guess i might be a tad bit happy go lucky with the water hose lol. so i am covering the top 2 inches of soil in perlite, i hung tacky strips everywhere and sprayed with gognat. tomorrow im smashing them with a pyrethren bomb.... hopefully noone will survive. a week after im hitting them with fungafloor as a preventative for mildew. overall they are looking great ansd are on day 23 of flower . I will pos pics tomorrow. The CM is definitely coming on strong. The OG is strating slower, but it seems to be growing as i remember it. The days keep on passing fast, so soon enough you will all see the final product.


back to airpots mine are putting on 2-4 inches more per plant in air vs regular pot

thats just mk but got my critical mass vegging should have a show within 30 days

Hash Man

Day 24

Day 24

So here it is day 24. I even turned the hps off so i could show you all the vibrant green. It seems my CM are the nutrient hogs. I also have to say i am a bit disappointed, as i either discovered some black widow in the garden or its a dif pheno of the cm that my now former genetics guy gave me. I have grown the bogus cut of WW going around in the bay area many times, in this same exact scenario, and i have not once been pleased. LOL at least i have some real og and also 2 plants of green crack to sooth my frustration when i have to trim that damn widow again. oh well, if thats my biggest problem with this crop... and as long as they all stay healthy, its all good. here are some pics.

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Active member
Hey Hash Man, how do you do your watering with the airpots? I have the 4 inch aircells along with 2.5 gallon and 5 gallon airpots. With my regular pots, I water until I get some runoff and come back later after they've soaked it back up and add a little more. With the airpots they're off the ground so can't soak it back up. I'm a little more concerned about them either getting too dry or staying too moist - I could gauge it a little better with regular pots by how long it took to soak any runoff back up.

Hash Man



moses, nice plants and an obvious difference...

delerious- the watering thing is interesting with the airpots, as it will leak out the side if flooded to quickly. i water 30 gallons over all my plants, using a sump pump and wand with spray control. i spray it on the soil, let it set in for an hour or two, then come back out and put another 30 gallons on the plants, but this time its a stream of water. i like to let my pots dry out so this method works well for me. if i dumped the water in it would just sink to the bottom and not be optimal. i did get a bit happy go lucky with the water and gave myself fungas gnats, so its important not to go hogwild with watering. im thinking 60-70 gallons every 3 days is perfect for my crop...

OutDoor Lineup. This will be the best year ever. I have put more prep into genetics this year than ever b4... I have seeds and clones and my goal is to find keepers from the seeds, and to get the bombest bomb ever from the elite clones i have.

Dankee Doodle
Power Plant
Gypsy's Mystery Seeds
Brains Ecsape S1
Warlock S1
Sweettooth S1
Abusive OG Kush
Critical Mass
Sour Bubble
Grape Punch
Bubba Kush
G13Haze x NYCD
Mendo Purps
Grandaddy Purps
Deep Chunk x Strawberry Cough
Unknown Bubba Kush Cross
Green Crack
White Widow
Grape Ape
Trainwreck. Sour Diesel

LOL its gonna be a super fun year, HM.


Active member
Thanks HM, I noticed it leaks out the side if I water too fast, so I learned to slow down. I like to let mine dry out a little too.

Hash Man

np, the watering seems to be of vital importance. I cringe when i see the water leaking out of the airholes on top leaving the bottom nice and dry. not only will it mess my runoff ppm measurements up, which never was an issue in regular buckets, but it also messes up your flow in the watering. also, the air routes provide fungas gnats access that they never uesd to have to the platnts root structure. klling them off is that much more difficult as they now use the holes in the side of the bucket like birds do nests in trees lol... im drenching in pyrethran tonight lol. all in all tho, growth is dramatically surged and im hoping the weight will prove it.
hey Hash Man hows them air pots going for you.:joint::joint:
i was just checking in and your pics look good...
looks like you might have a good yield indoor this year!!!

great fu..... job bro keep up the good work!!!!!!!

Hash Man

hey norcal. they are trucking along fine. i m liking the decision to get them more and mre daily. They do allow for more feeding, and it should be noted, more nutes are being used now than before, so they are uptaking more than even my 15 gallon buckets used to ppm wise. its insane. i measured the runoff of my ppm the other day and it was at 100-250 per plant. i was astoninshed so i hit them with 1000 pppm of the floranova. about 10 % of my plants were showing a bit o f a nitrogen deficiency, bt the rest are thriving with no signs, so i think i caught it just in the perfect time. fungas gnats are a big annoyance here. i bombed with pyrethran yesterday. and none were flying around last night, but you can still see them festering around eating on spare pieces of perlite and soil sitting on the floor tray. its sick really. i bought some stuff called Pyganic and will drench the soil with it a day or so after my next water. Thats the one drawback to the airpots is with all the side holes; its like a nesting wall for fungas gnats, as they now enter the pot from the bottom the sides and th top, and you really must water slow, or water escapes, and if you watch closely you can see its a big problem... as water slowly trickles out the side holes at the top of the bucket, it is obious that none got to the bottom so you must add more, contributing to diluted ppm and ph measurements and wated nutes, and time spent cleaning up after your mess.i have found i like to water the inner part of the plant and let it soak outwards, i have heard people say to water only to the outside of the bucket, but with airpots i think the rule is up for debate.
Hash Man well it sounds like you got it under control so far :joint::joint:
watering from the inside of plant sounds better than the outside,
you don't want to waste any nutes,, thats shit gets vary pricy..
die funges nats die!!!!!!
a buddy of mine uses fly strips to kill of the funges nats,it helps a little
bit... well good luck bro.... i still like them air pots!!!:joint::joint:
looks like some foxy lady's you got there,what does the first one say wonderfunk #5 i like the power plant, i here good things about her...:joint:
sour bubble gotts like the sounds of that, bet she going to be tasty:joint::joint:
:woohoo:i'm really liking those bud sights there looking really gurthy
tasty,tasty.nice pics bro..checkyou out later!!!