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I grew up in Orange County, Ca back in the 70s, and Like all of my friends I was sports crazy--football, basketball, Hocky, college and pros--I loved it all. but nothing ever stole my young heart like BASEBALL!

My dad got season tickets to the then California Angels when I was 9 years old, and even though I loved the Rams(in their LA and OC days), the Lakers, the Trojans, the NHL Kings, etc, no team could make me as happy or crestfallen as the Angels.

The late 70s were the best. Did any of you guys see that ESPN mini-series about the Yanks. My dad also did some biz with Graig Nettles, the 3rd baseman on that team. Nettles gave me a ball signed by the whole team--including reggie, thurman, sparky lyle, chris chambliss--for my 12th b-day in 1978. Of course, my little brother ruined it playing catch like a year later, lol.

Anyway, it was a great time to be a kid and a baseball fan--especially if you HATED the Dodgers!

Playing over-the-line on the empty school fields of summer or down at the beach with a squishy softball--Acting like a man when you got beaned in little league (Don't rub it, pussy!). Seeing all of the nuanced communication and field positioning--stuff you can never see on TV--from the stands at a big-league game. Loving the hustlers and hating the primma donnas...

Damn, I love(d) it all! So, lets hear about your love of America's passtime...



The Hopeful Protagonist
Absolutely LOVE baseball, grew up in the same era as you.....I also played organized baseball for 11 years.

Awesome game. :yes:


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hey iGro4Me, so Angels or Dodgers?

EDIT: you said era not AREA, hahaha--i'm a 'tard.


It's cool man...I'm an East Coaster coincidentally....My nemesis's were the Spo's(pre-expansion),Braves and Mets.


Although, World Champs has a nice ring to it :D
I know what team you got, lol.

I think it rhymes with "Willies."


EDIT: and the Gary Carter Expos kicked ass! (for a Nat League team, of course)


stoned agin ...



mclain looks like he should have a spliff in his mouth :D