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Obama ‘Open For Questions’ About The Economy Ask Him To Support Taxing And Regulati


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
PS: what do you have to do to get rid of the damn underlining when you cut-n-paste a news article?
You cannot get rid of it IF it was part of the "CUT".

look at the beginning of the "Cut & Paste" while your in the Edit your post mode. If you see these code figures........at Begginning > [ U] [/U ]< at end......Remove em. If ya don't see them......There is nothing you can do.

mr noodles

obama said it was a very popular issue . its an admission that marijuana legalisation is a serious issue for the vast majority of the population .

to my ears its the most important victory .obama is in a marijuana bath and the water level is near is nostrils .water is boiling...

he had no choice but to do something about it in a way or another . be patient and persistent !

if we get on the case like that they will want to get rid of us and the best way is to please us .

isn't a sweet music to hear , cnn moaning about THE POWERFULL MARIJUANA LOBBY !


Active member
i'm not an obama hater.. but i do believe the way he handled that question ..he lost a few points in my eyes, and in many others eyes.. even during the press interview with his press secretary..they bombarded him with questions about it and he had no answer. one of the press asked him 'why was the question just brushed off as insignificant..like a joke..do you think that this issue is on the minds of the american people" something to that effect..he was just bumpling around with his answers..sayin like that question always rises to the top, special interests..etc.. well u know why didnt that reporter just ask him yeah maybe this is on the american peoples mind, why the hell do you think its on the top..it aint' like we're botnet hacking it. i'm sure it doesn't let you vote twice..it knows what ip's are voting,etc. so its just as fair as every other question up there. and it was serious, and he brushed it off and laughed, even the nightly news reporters who were tellin the story had a smirk, or a chuckle.. damn nobody is gonna step up cause of the stigma still attached, wtf? i guess there is no legal hope in the next 4 years, unless we keep pressing it and pressing it, forcing them to act. maybe its time to have a poll about how obama is doing and show a drastic drop in favorability because of his reaction to the top issue everyone wants to know about. a little disappointed, but its got people talking still, so its a + in another way



Cannabis will never be legalized/fully decrim'ed in the US in our lifetimes. It's the dirty little secret that every politician who needs the 'youth vote' to gain power won't tell you until after they're in. Kinda like the way we were supposed to be out of Iraq within a few months of the Inauguration. "Oops! I just checked, and......we're not gonna be doing that after all. Sorry."

We had our one realistic shot in the early 70s....that was the closest we've ever come, and that was in the last days of the youth-revolution era (or at least the fumes thereof); youthful or not, We The People will never achieve that kind of snowballing momentum again.

But you won't have time to dwell on it - you're gonna have enough on your plate to have any free time left over to fret over being betrayed by one more politician who showed up on campus to French-tickle the student body with talk of legalization. To wit: legalization? You'll be too busy providing a piss sample to the authorities to get food stamps and unemployment benefits - in the middle of a worldwide Depression!

PS: what do you have to do to get rid of the damn underlining when you cut-n-paste a news article?

You think we wont see marijuana legalized in our lifetimes??? thats a crock of shit. Have you been watching whats been going on in the past year? I agree in a sense that it might not be soon. come on... not in our lifetimes??? you are spewing alot of bs and I hope not everyone thinks like you. I still give forth 100% effort into getting this plant legalized. You think its unwinnable

mr noodles

obama will need public support very soon...

he just challenged the Pakistan's talibans....war is on the horizon whatever people like it/admit it or not . they are strong and supported by the corrupted regime of pakistan . pakistan is a nuclear power who menace to wreck india at any moment...

soon or later obama will have to do public move that will grant him some kind of public support/ approbation

marijuana can be the candy he will trow at people when in need of some support . he said that mj is a VERY popular issue aka getting support of a shitload of peoples in a blink of an eye .

the whole mj issue will set the media on the spot for a fews days , very good to cover some shit elsewhere .

combining strategy and momentum is all we need .

anyway the economy is sinking so fast that financing the war on mj will be impossible in a nearby future


Active member
from obamas speech the other day he joked/poked at smokers and kind of make it sound like we are just an "internet" fad...pissed me off to be quite honest


Active member
B.Obama says that he has tried smoking the herb, key word tried. He most likely was not as lungs deep as most of the folks here alright? understand this(all the presidents tried drugs, they just didn't tell you, obama probably did more coke) If he does something with marijuana to gain support of Americans to go kill more innocent people(while in the process of getting their opposition) that you don't have to look at every night (out of sight out of mind)..to hell with that. You better not be partying about being able to blaze in the streets while others are getting the shit bombed out of them...fuck no! herb it is supposed to bring peace period...it will take another big event and people need to rally together in strive and not in fear like 9/11...these people around the world separated by imaginary borders are your people too..

Tell President Obama That Legalizing Marijuana Is No Laughing Matter

Tell President Obama That Legalizing Marijuana Is No Laughing Matter


Tell President Obama That Legalizing Marijuana Is No Laughing Matter

Dear Friend:

Speaking at an online Town Hall meeting yesterday, President Barack Obama pledged "to open up the White House to the American people."

Well, to some of the American people that is.

As for those tens of millions of you who believe that cannabis should be legally regulated like alcohol -- and the tens of thousands of you who voted to make this subject the most popular question in yesterday's online Presidential Town Hall -- well, your voice doesn't really matter.

Asked this morning whether he "would ... support the bill currently going through the California legislation to legalize and tax marijuana, boosting the economy and reducing drug cartel related violence," the President responded with derision.

"There was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation, and I don't know what this says about the online audience," he laughed.

"The answer is no, I don't think that [is] a good strategy." (You can watch a video clip of President Obama's response here.)

Obama's cynical rebuff was short-sighted and disrespectful to a large percentage of his supporters. After all, was it not this very same "online audience" that donated heavily to Obama's Presidential campaign and ultimately carried him to the White House?

The American public is ready and willing to engage in a serious and objective political debate regarding the merits of legalizing the use of cannabis by adults. The time for joking is over.

It is obvious that many of you feel similarly. Yesterday, NORML's website received more blog comments than in any other single day in our history!

Please take a moment to tell the President that marijuana law reform is no laughing matter, and that the millions of Americans who support this issue deserve to be treated respectfully. For your convenience, a pre-written letter will be e-mailed to President Obama when you enter you go here:


You can also call the President during east coast business hours at:

* Comments: 202-456-1111
* Switchboard: 202-456-1414

If you call, please be respectful and polite. Please leave your name and where you are from. Tell the President:

"I'm one of the tens of millions of Americans who believe that cannabis should be legally regulated like alcohol.

The American public is ready and willing to engage in a serious and objective political debate regarding the merits of legalizing the use of cannabis by adults. The time for joking is over.

Please consider apologizing for your dismissive tone, and please consider treating those of us who believe that there are viable alternatives to marijuana prohibition with the respect we deserve."

Help us send the White House a message it can't ignore.

Thank you for assisting NORML's federal law reform efforts.

The NORML Team


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
the new world order is here guys!! of course they see legalization will help the economy, but that is not there plan... there plan is to create ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT... this law will not be passed bc it puts power in the peoples hands, something the government really doesn't want at a time like now... trust me the stage is set, only a matter of time before they pull up the curtain. GET YOURS WHILE YOU CAN


Active member
You know what it says about the online audience Obama?

It says you better watch your mouth you disrespectful pandering politician cause we are the reason you got elected. Snicker like that in a sick persons face and your likely to have some of their healthy family members beat your ass in the real world. Laugh at the guy that got thrown in jail for decades for growing a fucking plant yeah that's the way to be Obama... piece of shit politician.

I'm sorry but that made me mad.


Active member
stop the hate...

if this experience is one collective 'dream', then would we rather see steps taken to control us more? or would you rather see a shamanic group emerge from the pack to bring us back to harmony??


Active member

please people....let's come up with a plan and do this...this is our time...how are we expecting to get off the ground when not even the pot forum can get along...this is nutty....just take a second to reflect and feel what you need to do...


Active member
i had a strange thought. what if deep down inside he kinda wants to do something, either legalize, or at least decrim. and the stigma is still strong so he had to play it off like that, and is waiting for everyone to stand up and make themselves heard a little more. then he can come on and say 'we are reconsidering our position on this subject, and we apologize for not taking the american people seriously'

i sent a letter, and called. operator was nice. she even said people have been calling all day!!

maybe he doesn't wanna be the one to initiate this specific change, make the people yell, then he can use the 'i have no choice but to listen to what the people want' defense -- if any1 questions his motives.

ok maybe a pipe dream, but everyone write & CALL now, u got nothing to lose, the operators are pretty nice..



That's wierd. Twenty years ago the Feds passed a law raising the speed limit to 65. Yet a lot of States still ticket people for going over 55. I wonder how they did that?

thats werid, I could have swore the federal government came into california and busted legal medical marijuana smokers. hmm? who trumps who?


why did Obama lie? I'm a democrat and voted for him, along with a local ballot to decriminalize (which passed). I remember that stupid "choice.org" website or whatever it was where you could vote on the importance of issues. Well, marijuana was at the VERY top of the voting. To quote Obama "I think it ranked up there....not sure what that says about the online audience..."
WTF?! What a piece of crap. Hello? The people voted, and now you don't care that it ranked #1 by like 20 million votes?
I'm moving to a country with a monarchy. And installing myself as Lord Protector.